1. #1

    Wrong stat weights as Havoc?

    Last week I simmed myself with a stat prio of Crit>Vers>Mast and Haste very close as i believe is the case for most DHs, but I simmed myself today using a stat mastery trinket (Ethereal Urn) and got back that my stat prio is

    ( Pawn: v1: "Arkhsalem": Agility=10.19, Ap=9.67, CritRating=8.59, HasteRating=9.18, MasteryRating=8.41, Versatility=9.14

    and now even with Eye of Command equipped instead its very similar stat weights which is find odd, I am using the same settings as default which is Patchwerk style fight etc and scaling enabled, before you say it i know that this seems wrong which is why im confused and would appreciate it if someone else could run a sim of my character, (Arkhsalem - Twisting Nether EU) and confirm its just me?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Ive noticed the same actually, with the last couple of versions of simcraft. Crit was about even, but slightly above agi in stat weight when at 876 ilvl with ~40% crit. Have now gotten that to 44.5% crit, but crit still outweighs agi by an even larger margen now (something like 11.28crit 11.12 agi)

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