1. #1

    [Ench] Problem with finding few formulas.

    So I have done all enchanting quests and I have every possible enchantment. Already few at rank 3, few at rank 2 waiting to get exalted with few factions. But there are some formulas I just cant get.

    1. Mark of Heavy Hide and Mark of the Hidden Satyr, both rank 2, need rank 3. First drop from ursoc second from xavius. I have killed them few times on normal, also on heroic but never see drop one. On wowhead seems noone get this, its only from mythic or its just bugged?

    2. Mark of the Trained Soldier rank 1. For rank 2 tooltip says Broken Isles Humanoids. Wowhead says drop from Forsaken Plaguebringer and Forsaken Deceiver but Im horde and they are friendly to me. So how to get rank 2?

    3. Mark of the Ancient Priestess have rank 2, need rank 3. Tooltip says treasures and drop from broken isle creatures. I killed so many mobs doing hundreds of WQs in every zone and still nothing. Someone on wowhead mentioned nagas in azsuna but farmed 2 days and nothing.

    Anyone know how to get those formulas?

  2. #2
    Seriously noone get this formulas?

  3. #3
    1. Very low drop rate
    2. Kill alliance PvP WQ targets?
    3. Try the auction house, it's a rare drop

  4. #4
    Does the raid difficulty matter for Ursoc/Xavius?

  5. #5
    Nah. I've gotten rank 3 vantus rune recipes from LFR.

  6. #6
    Vantus runes yes, but enchanting recipes are very rare. I've never seen them drop in LFR (or normal for that matter).

  7. #7
    Seen them all drop, personally just missing 3 rank3 from raids.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Mamut View Post
    So I have done all enchanting quests and I have every possible enchantment. Already few at rank 3, few at rank 2 waiting to get exalted with few factions. But there are some formulas I just cant get.

    1. Mark of Heavy Hide and Mark of the Hidden Satyr, both rank 2, need rank 3. First drop from ursoc second from xavius. I have killed them few times on normal, also on heroic but never see drop one. On wowhead seems noone get this, its only from mythic or its just bugged?

    2. Mark of the Trained Soldier rank 1. For rank 2 tooltip says Broken Isles Humanoids. Wowhead says drop from Forsaken Plaguebringer and Forsaken Deceiver but Im horde and they are friendly to me. So how to get rank 2?

    3. Mark of the Ancient Priestess have rank 2, need rank 3. Tooltip says treasures and drop from broken isle creatures. I killed so many mobs doing hundreds of WQs in every zone and still nothing. Someone on wowhead mentioned nagas in azsuna but farmed 2 days and nothing.

    Anyone know how to get those formulas?
    Raid ones are fine. https://gyazo.com/955c37638a4b269a150bfcf9c0d94df7

    I don't have Distant Army... not like anyone uses it so w/e same with priestess.

  9. #9
    I also have had pretty lame success with getting rank 3... the grind continues.

  10. #10
    Mark of the trained soldier rank 2 dropped for me (as horde) from the worgens at Dreadwakes landing in Stormheim yesterday, and I got lucky with rank 3 for Heavy hide from Ursoc (can't recall if it was normal or hc) and I could use despite not having rank 2.

    No clue about the others though, sry.

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