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  1. #1

    How does it feel knowing the horde is primarily blood elves?

    I used to remember the horde hating on elves, there was that youtube video of the two tauren singing about hating elves. But now Elves are the most popular and prevalent horde race. I'd like to hear horde players perspectives on this.

    Can't believe this is 10 years old, that's insane.
    Last edited by mmocddcd20e8dd; 2016-11-08 at 07:40 AM.

  2. #2
    /shrug Never saw anyone have that big of an issue with it, besides some jokes about BEs looking effeminate (Been playing since Vanilla).

  3. #3
    Exasperation at exactly how boring people can be.

  4. #4
    I honestly do not care. I prefer orcs, but do have a belf mage. However, again I do not care.

  5. #5
    I stopped caring. People want to be "the bad guys" but can't get over not being Legolas or naming themselves after a dragon. They appeal to the edgy teens that are the game's primary consumer, let them be.

  6. #6
    People prefer prettier races, more news at 11.

  7. #7
    Makes perfect sense. They're scaled well for most mounts, armor tends to look the best on them, and they can be a wide range of classes.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by TheFuse View Post
    I stopped caring. People want to be "the bad guys" but can't get over not being Legolas or naming themselves after a dragon. They appeal to the edgy teens that are the game's primary consumer, let them be.
    it's true, every blood elf in the game is named after a dragon.

  8. #8
    Well for me, if the casting animation was better on other races, I would switch. I liked the undead, Blizzard change the casting animation, at least give people an option to wear armor like everyone else without the bones sticking out like a sore thumb.

    Hell we would all settle for more customization for all the races in the game.

  9. #9
    I always played a giant cow when I was horde. First a shammy, then a hunter, then a warrior, and finally a paladin. Because really, who doesn't want one of these on their team instead of fighting against them?

  10. #10
    Hi, Hordie here

    Still hating elves

    Especially all the straight boys running around with slutmogs

  11. #11
    But really tho, I did hate getting stuck in doorways and tower ramps because even the smallest mount was too big due to scaling.

    As for elves, I don't really care if there's a lot of them. If people want to look pretty in a videogame, who am I to judge?

  12. #12
    I personally don't like b-elves. Females are too skinny/small. Males belfs are too disco.

    Most of my characters are orc males (about 8). My (main) monk is a female panda (used to be male). My mage (insta 100), and DH (no choice really) are both female belfs. But I feel like i made a mistake with my mage. I don't play her because she's the size of a small pube on my screen from the camera distance i normally use. If female belfs were a bit bigger, i'd use them.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Citadel1 View Post
    I used to remember the horde hating on elves, there was that youtube video of the two tauren singing about hating elves. But now Elves are the most popular and prevalent horde race. I'd like to hear horde players perspectives on this.
    who cares? what peoples like it's their business. If anything blizzard should do a bit of tuning on other horde races to make gear fit better on them, like orc males and troll males hunch, tauren head position and undead skeletal part being visible why we can't have the chinese model? or better the Nathanos new model option?.
    Quote Originally Posted by caervek View Post
    Obviously this issue doesn't affect me however unlike some raiders I don't see the point in taking satisfaction in this injustice, it's wrong, just because it doesn't hurt me doesn't stop it being wrong, the player base should stand together when Blizzard do stupid shit like this not laugh at the ones being victimised.

  14. #14
    The Horde is primarily Orcs. The characters played ingame are quite diverse. Yes, blood elves may be the largest percentage per group, but still not more then 51% of the horde, so ingame the horde isn't primarily blood elves either. If they were, I wouldn't care anyway. People can play what they like, it doesn't change my game or fun.

  15. #15
    Partly Blizzard's fault for making DHs Elf only. Humans and Dranei are everywhere for the Alliance, so it's not as noticable, but when you already have Blood Elves leading Horde %, giving them exclusivity to a class means you see em everywhere.

    At least until DHs get opened to other races/Blizzard adds subraces.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Arachnofiend View Post
    Exasperation at exactly how boring people can be.
    This boils down to people playing a race i find uninteresting. Therefore they're boring.

    This is like musical hipsters who claim anything that anyone's actually heard is 5 years old.
    Dragonflight Summary, "Because friendship is magic"

  17. #17
    My current social guilds most active characters (random order):

    Tauren(M) druid
    Undead(M) monk
    Troll(F) shaman
    Troll(M) hunter
    Tauren(M) warrior
    Tauren(M) shaman
    Goblin(M) warlock
    Undead(F) warlock
    Goblin(M) rogue
    Tauren(M) death knight
    Undead(M) warrior
    Orc(M) death knight
    Orc(F) hunter
    Undead(M) mage
    Belf(F) priest
    Belf(F) paladin
    Belf(M) paladin
    Belf(M) demon hunter

    See the theme? The belfs are either classes that could only be belfs at the time of creation (paladins and dh) or as the case of the priest a female player who happens to not like being a troll, or zombie so rerolled into a belf priest at TBC.

    We don't hate on belfs, but are sort of true to the true horde

    PS: We have an unnatural number of slutty belf bank alts though. The storage-guild is almost exclusively made up of belfs in slutmogs, except the GM, which is a male orc named something like Dabos and wears a suit and zebra hat.

  18. #18
    I am Murloc! Usagi Senshi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melodramocracy View Post
    Makes perfect sense. They're scaled well for most mounts, armor tends to look the best on them, and they can be a wide range of classes.

    - - - Updated - - -

    it's true, every blood elf in the game is named after a dragon.

    I do like how aggressive my alt female blood elf warrior looks on the Horde Chopper mount though:

    Female pandas look good on the mounts and most armor as well though. :P

    Tikki tikki tembo, Usagi no Yojimbo, chari bari ruchi pip peri pembo!

  19. #19
    The best ones are the females that run around in a slut mog with them chicken bone legs and the chest/arse of a 10 year old boy.

  20. #20
    I actually believe they do fit in quite well, they're a troubled race like the other Horde races.

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