Thread: Guardian macros

  1. #1

    Guardian macros

    Hi everyone!

    I have a simple question, which macros are u using as a druid tank??

    I was looking for some macros and helps about targeting/marking, but I didnt find any up to date topic about it.
    Help me and respond me kindly, please

  2. #2
    The first two are pretty obvious:
    /pull 12

    These three are talent choices, so if I have the talent selected they will show up as such. if I don't have the talent selected (passive talents) it will become a question mark.
    This is still from in the old days when blizzard removed talents you hadn't selected upon log-out/log-in, but they're still useful.
    /use [talent:2/1]Stampeding Roar;[talent:2/2]Displacer Beast;[talent:2/3]Wild Charge

    /use [talent:7/2]Lunar Beam;[talent:7/3]Pulverize

    If you have feral affinity, you might want to taunt quickly. Using this will automatically put you into bear form and taunt immediately. Saves you a buttonpress.
    #showtooltip Growl
    /cast [stance:2/3] Bear Form
    /cast Growl

    Blood of Sargeras trader, open the trade window, and spam this to buy as much bloods as you want without having to press yes all the time.
    /run BuyMerchantItem(1,1)

    This last one marks skull to your current target IF there's not already a skull on it.
    This removes the stupid clown fiësta when 2 people mark the same thing, and keep removing each other's marks.
    /run if (GetRaidTargetIndex("target") ~= 8) then SetRaidTarget("target",8); end
    Last edited by CenariusTheForestLord; 2017-01-08 at 07:12 AM.

  3. #3
    NOTE: I am NOT a professional player nor do I play optimally. However, everything listed below has had hours of number crunching and time spent into it to fit /my/ desired playstyle.

    First off, to answer your question about targeting. You can go to your keybindings menu and set a specific button to mark targets. (found in Keybindings -> Targeting) I have mines set as Number Pad 5 to mark an enemy as "skull". Set your buttons as you wish.

    Some macro's that I use are:

    #showtooltip thrash
    /cast [mod:shift] Thrash; Swipe
    /cast ironfur

    This macro i use as my main "spam" button. I hold shift whenever Thrash is off cooldown to immediately cast and go back to spamming swipe. Ironfur will automatically spend your rage whenever possible as long as you're spamming the button. Why auto-cast ironfur and not wait to chose between the Magic reduction? Because our health pools are so large that taking magic damage (Usually every /few/ seconds, unlike the constant hard hitting physical damage from melee attacks) is barely worth our rage. Whenever i look at "Damage taken" the most spell damage i take is normally 2nd place, while first being "Melee" damage with around 60~80% of the damage. To make up for any threatening magic damage, I use a cooldown (Frenzied Regeneration is normally enough, but rage of the sleeper is good if I am doing big pulls).

    #showtooltip mangle
    /cast mangle
    /cast ironfur
    /cast bristling fur
    /use Potion of Prolonged Power

    This macro I use for initiating fights. I start with a Wild Charge(Level 30 Talent) dash, use this macro (it'll auto potion & cast bristling fur if you have them available. I normally never take bristling fur as a talent, but this macro auto cast it whenever i do talent into it.), and then use my spam button. The Ironfur is explained above however with this macro, because we're using Mangle, it'll increase our Ironfur duration by 2 seconds if we have Guardian of Elune(Level 90 Talent).

    #showtooltip Rage of the Sleeper
    /cast Rage of the Sleeper
    /cast Incarnation: Guardian of Ursoc

    This is my "Big Burst" buff macro. I press this whenever I want to give the healer some rest while outputting upwards over 1M+ DPS (on trash pulls) for 30 seconds. Incarnation(Level 75 talent) allows us to basically spam Thrash for 30 seconds, and if you have "Blood frenzy"(Level 15 Talent) then you'll be gaining Rage like no other. Bonus points for the Ironfur being in your spam macro which will allow you to easily 4 stack ironfurs giving you 90% damage reduction. With the leech you get from your Rage Of The Sleeper Golden Trait plus the %Damage bonus from the level 100 Talent "Rend and Tear", your healer will congratulate you for allowing them to go grab that pizza out of the oven. Rest easy healers.

    Flame my playstyle if you want, but it's a ton of fun for me and i recommend giving it a shot. I'm able to easily tank mythic 12 dungeons and i'm nearly 880 item level.
    Last edited by JaxiTV; 2017-01-14 at 12:09 AM.

  4. #4
    Which Guardian abilities are off the GCD? ie; which can be added to another action via a macro?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by dexx View Post
    Which Guardian abilities are off the GCD? ie; which can be added to another action via a macro?
    Barkskin, Ursol, Ironfur, Maul, SI, skull bash

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