At first I didn't really think he needed a buff, but as I go higher into competitive mode I'm starting to see his faults. I can't do my job and pick off anyone because I get swarmed. Competitive players tend to stick together like glue, and that doesn't even help me ult since the teams are usually consisting of heroes that can either negate my ult (D.VA) or pick me off before I do any damage (Torb, Hanzo, Roadhog). Hell, even if I manage to find a nice soft spot to ult in theres always an asshole Lucio or Pharah to knock me away. I can carry most quickplay teams as Reaper, but the competitive meta seems to be based almost purely around making Reaper's job as hard as possible. Not that he still isn't viable, he just isn't the dominator I've come to think of him as.

Reaper seems to be a lot of work for average reward. Mastering Reaper is one of the hardest things to do in Overwatch, as playing him takes the complete opposite mindset of every other hero. Good Reaping is basically bad Overwatching. I know when I play other heroes, I often find myself trying to flank and hit enemies from behind when I should be escorting the payload or firing into Rein's shield.

For Reaper to be good, he has to have a good team to back him up. The team of five remaining heroes needs to be able to hold their own against the enemy six while he takes time to perform his hit and runs on the opposing side. Most teams that I play with lack this patience and coordination, and even get mad that I'm not on the objective or pushing up to far. When you have the good team, however, Reaper is almost unstoppable. I can easily run through the back lines of an enemy deathball taking out the snipers, bastions, and healers without even reloading once. The catch is having the team that can distract and hold the opposing side.