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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Phoera View Post
    So after 1800 haste, crit is primary stat as always, or am I missing something?
    Yeah, that's how it was before patch too.

  2. #62
    So what are the stat weights now for fire mage?

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Deith View Post
    So what are the stat weights now for fire mage?
    Per the sims for ST Haste>Crit>Int >vers > mast

  4. #64
    Stat weights are different for everyone depending on the gear you have. It is recommended that you sim yourself to find your own stat weights. You can find a guide on doing this here: docs . google. com/document/d/1pW5mWY9nkfWoRCOHfoXqeeGb8s-jMoSVy-g8uveUv4c/preview

  5. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by kzn View Post
    You, and the other guy, do not understand how brambles works.

    Yeah, it's so useful to be told where it spawns - oh, wait, no it isn't. Its completely worthless, because what matters is who it targets, which is not announced and cannot be determined without watching it for at least a second, and in practice closer to 2 seconds. It also moves fast enough that a single blink won't give you full RoP duration without having to run away again.

    And this assumes it targets you. It could target someone else, who runs it into you. It could be targeted on someone else, you drop RoP, and it switches to you from close enough that you need to move immediately.

    The problem is mages who think they're good, when they don't even understand the mechanics most people complain about.
    This right here^^^^ We know that we have plenty of opportunity's to plan for certain mechanics but sometimes you simply don't because you can not account for the "human factor" of someone else running something over to you and such.Sometimes you are so into what you are doing or you need to try and get a combo of procs to line up that you might miss something coming your way and then have to move- and no Mage here can say that it has not happened to them and they got pissed off because they KNOW they just missed out on a shit ton of damage.

    Being able to use MI for once is freakin awesome. I'm not saying RoP as it is now is a bad talent and doesn't have its rewards but I think it seriously needed some competition in that tier talent.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by mage21 View Post
    What I find really odd is that Versatility is now my top secondary stat for all three specs.
    It's highly dependent on gear....I had vers simming the highest, then once I put 2 pieces with vers on, crit was simming the highest again, closely followed by haste then vers. Basically, simming is more important than ever because crit isn't the undisputed king anymore.

  7. #67
    Basically you can wear everything but mastery for ST. Chose the highest ilvl and keep a healthy balance of secondary stats.

    Mastery still top for more than one yay...we can wear basically not have to wear 30 ilvl lower gear anymore.

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