1. #1

    Thundurp's 7.1.5 Secret Sauce Elemental WAs

    My super secret sauce Weak Aura's can be found here


    Things it tracks

    Ascendance buff/CD, Prolonged power buff/CD, Elemental mastery buff/CD, Fire Ele CD, Ele related procs (PotM, Ele focus), stormkeeper CD/charges/duration, Icefury, FS charges, eleblast (available/CD), target standing in EQ, Maelstrom for EQ and ES, lightning surge totem and twisted ring procs.

    The Frost shock icon in the top right doesn't work atm, it's just to trigger a glow at certain times with mael/duration triggers. And yes, I have the maelstrom amount at 82 to trigger the earthshock icon/glow. This is because at 82 if i cast LB I hit 90 no procs and if I cast lavaburst I hit 94 (chain lightning depends on target count). This way I can usually avoid over capping.

    I know some WAs predict power based on current cast (before its gone off) I found I didn't like that as I tended to focus on completing cast over proper mechanics.
    Last edited by Dahti; 2017-01-12 at 05:59 PM.

  2. #2
    How do you even decipher everything popping up randomly like that, super cluttered

  3. #3
    I mean, none of it is really random... it's either a CD, debuff on the target or an aura on myself. It looks somewhat busy but a lot of this is visual queues indicating what should be planned for. I find elemental to be a spec where you have to plan a step or two ahead.

    The castbar is not part of the weak auras but I've built around mine (just the default elvui one). I have this all positioned center under my characters feet so I can monitor nearly everything with my peripheral and focus more on mechanics/positioning.

    That being said; I can see how this is a little busy. I know some people just ignore PotM and ele focus altogether.

    Would it be worthwhile to make a lite version? What should I drop for it?

  4. #4
    To some, its clunky due to everything all over.

    I use a WA pack that has pretty much everything, but its condensed into a somewhat small WA pack. You could try something along those lines. Make the duration bars skinny, smaller icons for less important things, ect.
    Notes' Elemental Shaman Weakauras

  5. #5
    thanks for the feedback!

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