1. #1

    Elem Sham. Question on Versatility.

    Greetings everyone. I've been using Askmrrobots Simulator, but today for some reason its just not working for me. So I downloaded Simulationcraft and ran a simulation to compare stat weights so I could update my in game Pawn addon. However the results baffled me as they contradict everything I've read on Icyveins and StormEarthandLava (please excuse me if I got that last site wrong).

    Here is the string it gave me.

    ( Pawn: v1: "Nagashocky": Intellect=11.34, SpellPower=10.81, CritRating=8.10, HasteRating=7.17, MasteryRating=8.92, Versatility=8.75 )

    Now everything I see says Mastery to 86.2% (Ascendance Build) and then Crit. Also everything I've read has said there is a need to run simulations on yourself periodically to confirm your personal stat weights as we all can agree it varies with gear.

    Can anyone either correct the above string (with some explanation please as to why), or comfirm that I should stand (gear) toward these new weights.

    Any and all help is extremely appreciated.

    My armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/characte...ashocky/simple
    Last edited by Jikate-Stormrage; 2017-01-23 at 08:47 PM. Reason: Added Armory Link

  2. #2
    First of all, love the name

    Secondly, minor thing, the cap is 86.5% (or 12178 rating)

    So on the topic of the string:
    The reason your Versatility is so high is because you have absolutely none on your gear. Picking up an upgrade or two with Vers will most likely drop it lower again.
    Remember that stat priorities given by guides are not an absolute "stack X to max, ONLY THEN optimize Y" type of deal. Stats in Legion have come closer together in weight to a point where picking up a lesser valued stat on an otherwise useful item (e.g. +10 ilvl mast>vers vs mast>haste) will often be the better choice in the long run.

    You can try this out by replacing one of your items with a potential upgrade you could get this weekend (say, a vers trinket or titanforged drop) and recheck the DPS output & weights. Often, you will see that the 'bad' stats such as Haste/Versatility will be close in value up to ~20-50% of your highest rating, depending on talent build.

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