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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by TheVaryag View Post
    Pretty much.

    Let's review the sub situation since last we've known the numbers:

    Q3 2015: Subs held at 5.5 Mil, that's roughly a month before 6.2 kicked In, or somewhere after. Regardless roughly 13-14 months later we had the Legion pre-patch, a whole year, even more without proper content after 6.2 kicked In and Timewalking added and Mythics does not count, you do those once, finish them within a week and you're done.

    That leaves a large gap betwenn any real content, now at this point, only the "Hardcore/blind fanboys/completionists/ERPers In Goldshire" would've stayed around. Regardless though, that would put the subs realiisticly at around 3 - 4 mil.

    Now I've no doubt the pre-patch kicked In and many players returned to try out Legion, and right now It's been 5 months since launch, and 6 months since Legion Pre-patch and what has Legion got to show for It to attract subs and make them stay? 7.1 - a mini raid patch, continuation of the Suramar story which should've been there already and really doesn't count as new content.. and that's It?

    I'm confident the subs came up to around 4 mil perhaps, but would've dropped to at least 3 mil now or even less. And while that's still a large number and larger than any MMO, you still have to realize that a large enough portion of those subs consists of the aformentioned Hardcore/fanboys/completionists/ERPErs In goldshire" demographic who will keep playing the game until It goes Into It's Death Spiral state.

    Not to mention a good chunk of people are playing a certain unnamed private server rather then playing retail, as It's much more enjoyable to play that than Legion, and that population Is still going up, and potentially reach half a million If the server continues, and that's a large... large chunk of your fanbase that seems to fundumentaly disagree with how blizz Is handling the game. As I mentioned on many previous posts, you get an epic helmet for kicking nuts around for 5 minutes... while on this certain unnamed vanila wow server you work for that helmet, you go through hell and back, you get a quest to go up a mountain, defeat these mobs one by one, taking them out like an adventurer, carefully and tactically to some degree. And while It takes longer, It's more rewarding - THAT is questing, that is gearing up, not what Legion Is doing.

    But alittle off topic, the subs right now I'd estimate at 2 - 3 mil right now, since It's been so long since launch and people have by now realized the repetative nature of the game and the non-existant substance It has storywise and progression wise.

    That's not even mentioning their whole hype machine about "Vanila/tbc/wrath players able to return and re-experience the game they used to play" which Is total BS on one side, and on the other they're unable to help those people return, because If you followed the forums around pre-legion patch, you saw many, many players of old trying to return to WoW only to find Blizzard could not keep their accounts secure, as they were hacked, completelly deleleted due to Inactivity or otherwise. Not allowing their players to even return, because after all this time blizzard cannot keep their player accounts secure for a long period of time for some reason.

    And then there's the issue of bot-users, a good enough chunk of our subs are bots sadly, but when they do these bot-ban waves they also sweep up Innocent players, who just get banned even If they never botted themselves. Myself Included who was banned unfairly, I remain Innocent to this day of what Blizzard accuses me off yet they won't return my account to me. Apparently being hacked, my account used and abused for months Is not reason enough to return It to me, the rightful owner.
    I know those people who "never did anything, please unban me". Reality is, either you did something or you fked up with your account safety which is YOUR fault. Deal with it.

    But yeah you're one of those "vanilla was better you are all fanboys" tards anyways. I am so sick and tired of it. Why not enjoy your life instead of posting about this "awful" game on mmochamp? Just play on private and enjoy the boring and easy af gameplay and the outdated mechanics...weeeee so much fun you gotta have.
    Last edited by mmoca617248aed; 2017-01-27 at 01:03 PM.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by TheVaryag View Post
    Pretty much.

    Let's review the sub situation since last we've known the numbers:

    Q3 2015: Subs held at 5.5 Mil, that's roughly a month before 6.2 kicked In, or somewhere after. Regardless roughly 13-14 months later we had the Legion pre-patch, a whole year, even more without proper content after 6.2 kicked In and Timewalking added and Mythics does not count, you do those once, finish them within a week and you're done.

    That leaves a large gap betwenn any real content, now at this point, only the "Hardcore/blind fanboys/completionists/ERPers In Goldshire" would've stayed around. Regardless though, that would put the subs realiisticly at around 3 - 4 mil.

    Now I've no doubt the pre-patch kicked In and many players returned to try out Legion, and right now It's been 5 months since launch, and 6 months since Legion Pre-patch and what has Legion got to show for It to attract subs and make them stay? 7.1 - a mini raid patch, continuation of the Suramar story which should've been there already and really doesn't count as new content.. and that's It?

    I'm confident the subs came up to around 4 mil perhaps, but would've dropped to at least 3 mil now or even less. And while that's still a large number and larger than any MMO, you still have to realize that a large enough portion of those subs consists of the aformentioned Hardcore/fanboys/completionists/ERPErs In goldshire" demographic who will keep playing the game until It goes Into It's Death Spiral state.

    Not to mention a good chunk of people are playing a certain unnamed private server rather then playing retail, as It's much more enjoyable to play that than Legion, and that population Is still going up, and potentially reach half a million If the server continues, and that's a large... large chunk of your fanbase that seems to fundumentaly disagree with how blizz Is handling the game. As I mentioned on many previous posts, you get an epic helmet for kicking nuts around for 5 minutes... while on this certain unnamed vanila wow server you work for that helmet, you go through hell and back, you get a quest to go up a mountain, defeat these mobs one by one, taking them out like an adventurer, carefully and tactically to some degree. And while It takes longer, It's more rewarding - THAT is questing, that is gearing up, not what Legion Is doing.

    But alittle off topic, the subs right now I'd estimate at 2 - 3 mil right now, since It's been so long since launch and people have by now realized the repetative nature of the game and the non-existant substance It has storywise and progression wise.

    That's not even mentioning their whole hype machine about "Vanila/tbc/wrath players able to return and re-experience the game they used to play" which Is total BS on one side, and on the other they're unable to help those people return, because If you followed the forums around pre-legion patch, you saw many, many players of old trying to return to WoW only to find Blizzard could not keep their accounts secure, as they were hacked, completelly deleleted due to Inactivity or otherwise. Not allowing their players to even return, because after all this time blizzard cannot keep their player accounts secure for a long period of time for some reason.

    And then there's the issue of bot-users, a good enough chunk of our subs are bots sadly, but when they do these bot-ban waves they also sweep up Innocent players, who just get banned even If they never botted themselves. Myself Included who was banned unfairly, I remain Innocent to this day of what Blizzard accuses me off yet they won't return my account to me. Apparently being hacked, my account used and abused for months Is not reason enough to return It to me, the rightful owner.

    In summary: Blizzard has screwed up left and right, and a private vanila wow server that will remain unnamed Is doing a better job at entertaining people progression wise, timewise, and community wise, I've never ran a more enjoyable Ragefire Chasm dungeon In 10 years. Making friends along the way, helping out my party members, making friends, talking lore and at the end of It have a good laugh. Blizzard doesn't understand the essense of what WoW used to be and what made It great, and It seems they never will. All the new flashy animations, these little tidbits added to the game eachtime while Impressive don't help the whole game that much.

    WoW used to be about community, doing things together, going through this dungeon and back to get rewarded a large axe of destruction. Doing the quests that say the sad story of the land or people within It, like the Darrowshire questline, finding Mankrik's wife (har har, barrens chat), doing the questline for Morgan Ladimore and so on...

    I think there is a huge portion you hit on.. its not that the game is old or tired.. there is just a huge portion that simply does not agree with blizzards decisions.. either the slowness in content delivery or just nerfing of fun... this game is on its downward spiral due mainly to blizzard and how they have handled the player base.. to be honest.. they got so huge so fast.. that they got sloppy.. and arrogant.

  3. #43
    Stood in the Fire Azarak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    It's obvious, that 7.2 was initially planned for summer and now it's being rushed. Conclusion?
    Clearly didnt read the OP's post, but nonetheless Tomb of Sargeras was planned for summer 2017, not 7.2. they are independent. So far it's looking like a summer release of ToS is pretty likely, with 7.2 being at LEAST 6-8 weeks earlier with a quest chain regarding the push to the tomb itself.
    Last edited by Azarak; 2017-01-27 at 01:17 PM.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Mawnix View Post
    Wow. Someone actually took this thread seriously.

    That's.. actually depressing.
    Not only did they take it super seriously, but they also pulled a bunch of fluff out of their ass to make up their numbers. Saying that subs came up to 4 million "perhaps" for an expansion that sold 3.3 million copies on day 1 alone. Probably a bit of an understatement considering Blizzard said they had concurrent user numbers they hadn't seen since Cataclysm release, which is when WoW was at its peak of over 12 million subs, along with a slip-up of Tom Chilton saying they had 10.1 million subs in an interview which Blizzard later said they could not clarify and must have been a mistake since they don't give out sub numbers. But I'm sure this will all just be lies from the big bad Blizzard machine to someone who is campaigning against them for banning people who didn't keep their accounts secure while considering a pirate server more entertaining "progression" while they do raids that are 10+ years old and very simple compared to current content.

    But @xenogear3: They posted this and literally labeled it "Part 1", so I'd assume that we'll see a "Part 2" either in the near future or closer to the 7.2 patch release date. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Mawnix View Post
    Wow. Someone actually took this thread seriously.

    That's.. actually depressing.
    Usually it's users that shouldn't be taken serious who take these threads seriously...
    So basically depressing times 2.

  6. #46
    Merely a Setback FelPlague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xenogear3 View Post
    Just saw the clickbait title "How to unlock flying" on the App.
    It actually just tells you how to do "Pathfinder Part One".

    Is Blizzard that desperate?
    lol what?
    that is how you unlock flying
    i dont get what the fuck your talking about...
    and no its not misleading cause it is
    "how to unlock flying"

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zmago View Post
    Usually it's users that shouldn't be taken serious who take these threads seriously...
    So basically depressing times 2.
    ... oopsies
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Remove combat, Mobs, PvP, and Difficult Content

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    It's obvious, that 7.2 was initially planned for summer and now it's being rushed. Conclusion?
    You're delusional of you think it's coming out before summer

    Thx to Isilrien for the awesome sig

  8. #48
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post
    If subs are directly connected to the amount of stuff to did TBC or ICC keep 8-12 million subs in the 9-12 month content drought that was BT and ICC.
    Because there was so much more to do in TBC/WotLK than in WoD/Legion that most casual players didn't run dry even when a tiny % of the playerbase (high end raiders) were experiencing a 10 (BT) or 6 (ICC) month drought.

  9. #49
    The Insane Dug's Avatar
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    You flying addicts seriously overestimate how big of an issue it is for people. If you were to take a survey of all the people who have quit I'm sure that would be at the bottom of the list.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Amerikanec View Post
    You're delusional of you think it's coming out before summer
    7.2 might be out before Summer, it's just the Tomb that won't.

  11. #51
    How to do pathfinder:

    Just kinda play the game.. and most of the shit just slaps you across the face..

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by ashblond View Post
    I don't know if the sub drops.

    All I can see is that the wow token price is dropping on EU servers. It is the 1st time since Legion launched.

    I believe the token price is correlated to player subs.

    It's because it was annoucned that you can buy stuff such as transfers, level boost etc. for tokens, so people been hoarding them.

    And they recently decided to "take it off" because "something doesnt work", to stop this going on.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post
    Aaaaahhhh...the hyperbole. So why do they throw money at the sinking ship with Legion? How come games like Wildstar, Rift and SWToR still exist?
    It is funny that people think Legion is even close to losing money. I bet the box sells alone cleared all the production costs and made a huge profit. Let alone all the subs that it still has (even if its MANY less), character transfers, store items, coins, and the works. Like 2 thirds of those things are money that essentially just come for doing nothing. You might debate WoW at one time made more but talking about it as a loss or sinking ship... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLLOOOLOOOL

    Buy hey.. if they want flying now the game has to be dead.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post
    But that is my question. WHAT was there to do? If I hadn't been raiding in TBC and ICC (like progression serious raiding) I would have nothing else to do than...levelling alts? What was there to do for non-raiders in TBC in ICC that I obviously missed. Because now, in Legion, I am certainly busier than ever and I don't even raid ....
    It's simple : content, up to late TBC, simply lasted much longer. There weren't so many shortcuts, progression was linear, leveling took much more time, power increase was much slower, dungeons were much harder, etc.
    Instead of having content "to see", it was content "to progress through". Instead of considering that the content was "the last raid tier", the content was EVERYTHING.

  15. #55
    The Lightbringer Rend Blackhand's Avatar
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    I didn't realise every MMO-Champion user and their goldfish was a big wig Blizzard shareholder that has access to information such as subscriber numbers....

  16. #56
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post
    But that is my question. WHAT was there to do?
    Because there were so many more quests it took longer to complete all the chains (most players actually like solo quest chains), in addition heroic dungeon gear stayed relevant longer as did raids as there was tiered progression, nobody ever said "pfft no point doing SSC when LFR Hyjal drops better", you could farm dungeons to collect badges in order to get items you wanted (something Legion is DESPERATELY lacking). Add to that there were more dungeons/raids and yes there was loads more to do in TBC/WotLK than in WoD/Leg.

    Simply put the amount of stuff to do decreased with every single expansion until legion, and legion only beats WoD there because it lets you repeat a load of leveling quests everyday instead of fixed dailies (which offered better rewards).

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    It's obvious, that 7.2 was initially planned for summer and now it's being rushed. Conclusion?
    Considering Blizzard made it a point to tell us raids won't always launch with content patches this is an incredibly ignorant thing to say. Also when was the last time the first raid tier of an expansion lasted 10+ months? Jesus christ people use your heads. If you are going to bash Blizzard at least be smart about it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by xenogear3 View Post
    Such as Pathfinder Part TWO
    7.2 isn't even out yet so why would they have a guide for part 2 of pathfinder? And if it had been a guide for part 2 you and the other haters would be screaming bait and switch or some other stupid bullshit the moment something changed.

  18. #58
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    It's pretty obvious that the game is somewhere around WoD level subs right now yeah.

  19. #59
    Before I unsubbed, my server's population definitely felt like it had dropped back to WoD levels.

    Also this:

  20. #60
    I think people on WoW forums forget that there is a large population of players that do not follow forums, or visit WoWhead and MMO Champ. So Blizzard needs to get this information out there to the best of their ability so people do not feel blindsided when flying does become available. This is why Blizzard also uses twitter and will most likely link that post in the launcher.

    Honestly, I doubt it has anything to do with subs.

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