1. #1

    [Another] SEF Bug

    This may already be widely known, but I haven't come across it posted.

    The bug crops up if you are chain casting charges of SEF. If you cast a charge in between the time the buff from a previous charge falls off and the old spirits are returning to your body, the new spirits will disappear when the old ones do, leaving you with nothing but a wasted charge. This can be replicated easily by just standing around, casting an SEF charge and mashing the fixate until the buff falls (target not required). You'll see a brief moment of four spirits, then nothing but your lonesome and no available charges on the spell.

    You can prevent this by waiting until the spirits return to you before casting the next charge (don't rely on the buff falling off as the delay between buff falling and spirits returning is the problem).

    [edit] It is worth nothing I have 25ms latency for world/home generally. It may not show up for higher latencies.
    Stormrage US | Aesryn

  2. #2
    yeah this is known and while it is clearly bugged there's not too many situations where you'd want to immediately chain SEF charges because of how our rotation works.

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