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  1. #1

    Question Why did you unsub?

    This isn't for users who are currently subbed/playing you are clearly enjoying the game so you should be in there having fun!

    Now me like many others may quit the game but not the franchise. That said I check the forums and my favorite youtubers from time to time to see if anything exciting is happening to get me back in the game. Sadly nothing yet I was looking forward to Nighthold but there was an issue with Legion that I didn't realize was the reason I quit until a few days ago. I explain

    Before Legion I was mostly a heroic raider (normal pre MOP). So Normal 10 mans were my end game goals, get the tier set, the gears and all that good stuff I always looked forward to my raids hoping my pc would finally drop this week and I be the one to win it etc etc (Clear path to success).

    With Legion everything was changed with Mythic+ and TF/WF. Now I like these features a lot but these were not needed in Legion. I realize I got so bored and tired of the game so quickly because at the time of TOV release I was already sitting at 880 iLVL (this is 5 lvls a head of Nighthold Normal). While yes I could of pushed mythics and Mythic+15s etc and grind artifact power those were never end game for me (re-running the same dungeons for days and capping out my paragon). So after TOV launched I already had better gear than the heroic version of the raid and even if there was a nice item I would have to pray and hope it scaled up to a certain ilvl that justifies replying my +mythic 8s/10s.

    With all that said eventually I logged in less and less. Didn't care for world quest after getting 2 legendaries, and the suramar campaign was 100% complete (including the weekly ones) so I simply started playing my PS4 and I haven't renewed my sub since. I've been playing ESO recently and having fun in that not sure if it's permanent or until wow feels desirable again. But for the other people who unsubbed why did you unsub?

  2. #2
    To much farming with AP, mythic+ and other shit that comes with it.
    And mostly because all classes are hell out boring. Procs to do dmg? Where did the skill go..

  3. #3
    Artifact Power grind and the need to play 1-2 additional days outside of raiding to keep up with current mythic raiding for more than 2 months. I'm fine with playing a lot at the beginning of an expansion. That's expected of course. But having to continue a grind over an expansion with no end in sight? No thanks. Raiding is the best it's ever been so it's a shame but I'm no longer interested in playing 4-7 days per week. Hopefully they make a change I'd love to come back eventually.

  4. #4
    I unsubbed the first or second week of WOD. Why:

    I was shocked how quickly leveling was over with, and how unenjoyable it was compared to other expansions. I saw the grind being discussed in the forums and here, and just hit the wall. I did one last dungeon through LFD, with the usual "Gogogogogogo" and almost getting kicked for asking to do a quest, and that was it. I'm done. I'd grown to loathe the average player, after years of LFG and LFR, since Wrath. (And no, I wasn't going to join a guild or raid, my raiding days are long over, I can't guarantee to be around enough and it wouldn't be fair to a guild) I felt like it was just more of the same, and the Mission Table was something i just didn't care for at all. It was followers pretending to do quests I wanted to do!

    I tried the Tanaan patch on the PTR, didn't see any reason to return, when I saw how much time would be needed to grind out any kind of advancement, knowing I wouldn't be raiding - haven't had the game files installed since. There have been a few times I've been tempted to return, but honestly, the game is still going in a direction I don't care for - and the lore is definitely going in a direction that's made me lose interest in that, Metzen leaving makes me skeptical of how it will continue, and the quality. (At least Kosak is gone, that hack.)

    I invested a decade into this game, but more and more I see that the game I played doesn't exist anymore. And that's fine. Posting here is honestly habit - I keep up on games I don't play, but might return to, like Diablo III and Cities:Skylines, too. I don't hate the game, I miss the old game sometimes, but I don't have any urge to play.

  5. #5
    April 1 will mark a year since I last logged on WoW.

    Long story short of it, WoD is a shit stain they'll never be able to clean out, minus a whole new team of folks working on the game.

    Played WoD the first month, noped out for a year, then put another 3 months into it alongside a friend. Tied up any loose ends that were within reach (completed the legendary ring, cleared HFC on Heroic with friends), then bailed again.

    Ultimately, I found other games that I enjoy as much or more than I did WoW in it's heyday (which, in my experience, was TBC through MoP).

    Couple in the fact I quit playing in MoP when SoO was about halfway through it's lifespan, I've spent all of 4 months playing WoW in the past 4 years.

  6. #6
    Epic! HordeFanboy's Avatar
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    Too much ap farming, too much repeatable content wq mythic+, spammable and neverending m+ to be relevant,TF RNG garbage, Double RNG on Legendarys, fucked up class design.
    Writing from mythic raider prespective
    Legion is the worst expansion
    BFA=Blizzard Failed Again

  7. #7
    The Lightbringer gutnbrg's Avatar
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    I actually feel like i might unsub for a little while, ive been consistently subbed since mid 2006...I have nothing to complain about, i just havent been in the mood to play for a few weeks and its almost like im forcing myself to log in. I just got a new 4k tv and thats taking up more of my time now.

  8. #8
    So I never actually unsubbed, I just haven't logged on for more than a few minutes here and there since early December.

    I really enjoy legion, and rate it among MoP and LK as the best the game's been. It is time consuming though. I was faced with some tough choices in life, and decided to free up some time by cutting out raiding in WoW. With that gone, I basically had no reason to get on other than to say hi to some guildees and stare at my shaman.
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  9. #9
    Banned -Joker-'s Avatar
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    Have not unsubbed in 11 years. I enjoy the game and always have something to do.

  10. #10
    I'm subbed but all my RL friends quit. Five in total.

    I believe that the ilvl disparity became rather daunting for them. They didn't have as much time to play and unless I held their hands they couldn't get into M+ groups unless they had a Maw key as a DPS class with sub par ilvl.

    Rather lame excuse imo, create your own damn group. I will say though that early Legion had a bit of the "rich get richer" theme in it, If you don't get you max cache or at least -5 you'll start to fall behind, not to mention miss out on what ever other upgrades you can get. Meanwhile my friends are now playing on a Vanilla server, where they enjoy the community that compels to not be anti-social and wait for someone to hold their hand. Also DPS in a 5 man scenario was less about blowing your DPS wad and topping meters and more about control, so being undergeared isn't as big of a deal. I just find it amusing how suddenly they seem to have more time to play, but I guess leveling in Vanilla was just that addicting, nostalgia is a bitch.

    Mind you most of them aren't even 60 yet, and I'm wondering how long they'll last when they realize how annoying spamming LFG in Trade Chat is, and realizing/remembering raids weren't exactly puggable.

    My other friend (the one that's actually good, better raider then myself) quit because he hated the gameplay changes to Marksmen in 7.1.5 and wasn't about to invest in BM. Now I initially took issue with the changes made to Prot in also. While Devastator eventually grew on me, Blizz really shouldn't screw with peoples game play like that unless there is something toxic in the design.

    As for me Legion is the best expansion since WoTLK and I'd be damned if I disrespect Blizzard by joining my friends on some private server after all the hard work they invested in this expansion compared to the previous ones. Legion's not perfect but I think it's great for casuals who have friends and a decent chunk of time. I literally never run out of things to do on one character. After clearing Heroic NH and getting my 15 done, I can choose to farm M+ for gear or AP, run Normal NH, Heroic ToV, Karazhan, Heroic EN for Legendaries and Titanforge rolls. I mean when BRF came out Highmaul became useless and when Highmaul came out 5-mans became useless. So far all the content is still in the mix and since I am relying on RNG for upgrades in slightly older content I don't feel compelled to do them so I only do so if I have time and I feel like it. I barely had time to PvP this expansion, first time that's happened to me since TBC.

    I can understand the plight of Mythic Raiders, I used to raid at a high level and their wasn't much outside of raids we were required to do starting in WoTLK besides farm consumables. If you weren't around in Vanilla or TBC it'll feel very taxing since the Artifact Weapon cap is so high (even so your have 10+ years of more responsibility RL now). I mean even in TBC and WoTLK there was a finite amount of badges you could grind per week. I think it's an easy fix for Blizz to alleviate though, give Mythic Raiders more AP, and perhaps some sort of option to upgrade their gear timeless coin style so they don't need to run the loot treadmill on M+ all day.

    All in all I haven't been this addicted to WoW since TBC, since there are so many outlets of progression which is what we love about MMORPGs.

  11. #11
    Motion sickness from camera changes. I pop in here and there on level 20 characters that much is free to see if it's still a problem. It is.

    There's a lot about Leg I don't care for, so even if it didn't give me a headache I'm not sure I'd subscribe regularly.

  12. #12
    I'm on and off subbed, i just can't stay playing more than a month at a time.

    Mostly uninteresting class design, awkwardness of changing mains (not having enough AK and classes arn't interesting enough to be worth the effort to grind or even level), not being in a guild (due to the on/off subs) so not raiding and no mythic dg's, supremely board with world quests SSDD!

    Pugging is something i used to do a lot (used to have 5/6 alts HC geared at a time from pugging), but the idea of pugging now is repulsive to me.

    The thing is i still want to play and feel the itch to re-sub after a month or two away, but get so board so quickly
    Last edited by mmoc699e32b582; 2017-02-21 at 11:01 PM.

  13. #13
    At the beginning of WoD, blizz decided it was time to make warlocks as unpleasant to play as possible. And they have shown unwavering commitment to that approach since then.
    Quote Originally Posted by spira View Post
    To no-one's surprise, neither gaidax nor bacon seem to be capable of presenting any evidence whatsoever to back up their argument. "You're wrong because I say so" doesn't make someone's argument wrong. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

  14. #14
    I really enjoyed the first 2-3 months of the xpac, but I guess as a non-raider and as someone who doesn't PvP I just ran out of things to do that I found interesting. I maxed my ret's weapon right as they expanded it so you could put another 20 points into the same thing and that just wasn't interesting to me. I had 4 alts with maxed AP rank but didn't care enough to max their actual weapons. "Max one toon then work on maxing alt #1, then alt #2, etc." just isn't compelling.

  15. #15
    I just don't like the current devs lack of solid direction. The folks who made the game i like are largely gone and while i would love for WoW to bring me back with something great the selling points of legion seemed like "just because" fan service and the mechanics thus far all seem extremely short sighted attempts at innovation for innovations sake and in the long run by the time i let my sub drop it felt like i was sticking around for the brand and previous years i enjoyed even though the current game of the same name was in very few ways the game i loved.

    But thats mmo's a patch/expansion/update can make or break a game for people. Something great can become mediocre, something trash can become amazing. So its always worth checking to see if theres improvements because its not impossible right?

    I just havent seen anything i'm not getting better out of FFXIV right now.

    -plus absolutely nobody i played with over the years touches the game anymore. Its considered an over the hill raid or die skinnerbox where the world is only there to facilitate the current raid tier and their reaction is "why would i pay a sub for that when i can just play something fun instead?"
    Last edited by dope_danny; 2017-02-21 at 11:06 PM.

  16. #16

  17. #17
    Bloodsail Admiral Deafyx's Avatar
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    I am still subbed on my main account but I do not play as much with all the AP grind that is necessary. Quit raiding outside heroics now days.

    My 2nd account has been unsubbed for awhile now since this game has completely murdered any idea of keeping multiple characters in tip top shape as I did in MoP/WoD.

  18. #18
    Stood in the Fire Felmourn's Avatar
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    Unsubbed due to financial, and irl problems. Gotta pay a lot of money back in taxes and I'm trying to form better habits irl. I go and sit on WoW out of habit.
    If you take the wings off of a fly, is it a walk?

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Packers01 View Post
    Legion is a nice shiny package that turns out to be nothing but grinds and rng. ALl they did was slap an old shitty talent tree on a weapon and call it new. Honestly besides M+ and the idea of WQ, which I think could be much better the game is fucking trash.
    Exactly this. Even pvp sucks, but to be fair it hasn't been good since mop.
    Quote Originally Posted by Deleth View Post
    Ah come on Granyala, there's several possible reasons for it. A few that would get us banned here like pointing out a deficite in his mental capacity.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oktoberfest View Post
    Man I swear, every time someone uses the term 'Critical Thinking' I want to pop em in the mouth.

  20. #20
    I am Murloc! Terahertz's Avatar
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    Boring and unrewarding class rotations and the ability pruning left me without a class I enjoy playing. WW monk is OK, but I can't play only 1 class because I'll get bored and burnt out otherwise. I used to play mage/rogue alongside monk and I really wanted to play rogue, but I can't get past how absolutely disgustingly boring and spammy sub rogue has become. Mage I tried a bit, but I can't get past losing Deep Freeze.

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