1. #1

    Legendary belt vs chest

    Hello guys, I just dropped the legendary belt and for what I could see it is the third best legendary for monk after the boots and the wrist.
    I'm wondering why if I remove the legendary chest, replacing it with an 890 ilvl one with haste and mastery and I add the belt, replacing a 895 ilvl one with crit and mastery, I lose 20k dps on simulationcraft
    Is simulationcraft correct with legendaries or am I just missing something?

  2. #2
    The sim is probably correct, but remember that the sim is an idealized situation where you are able to get near maximum use out of the chest. It won't perform as well in reality as it will in the sims, as you need to find time in your rotation to sit and channel it without wasting other resources, and this will likely clash with fight mechanics.

    The best is much easier to utilize to its potential.

  3. #3
    Don't forget that the chest also gives you a much higher increase in primary/secondary stats compared to the belt.

  4. #4
    Belt performs insanely on Elisand , and guldan

    other than that stick to the chest ,,, massive stats in it

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