1. #1

    Is gear really the difference now?

    Ive been parsing pretty high for my ilvl (897) but cant seem to get into anything higher than 80th or so overall for all shadow priests on heroic right now in NH or even above 40 on Mythic.

    warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/23509152/latest/: My logs, recently name changed (Horraff)

    warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/16538096/latest/ Logs with old name (Moardots)

    us.battle.net/wow/en/character/emerald-dream/Horr%C3%A1ff/simple - Armory

    I really want to improve my dps to become more competitive relative to all other Shadow Priests. Will increasing my ilvl really make that much more of a difference?

  2. #2
    Ranking is about 50% skill, 20% gear, 20% the other raid members, 5% luck, 5% latency. Adjust those percentages however you want to make yourself feel good. Exact numbers aren't the point. The point is figure out what you can control and what you can't. Then don't worry about what you can't.
    "Falling from heaven is not as painful as surviving the impact."

    DPS Loss - my guild on Proudmoore
    The Old Guard - my guild on Earthen Ring
    Revenant - my guild on Echo Isles

  3. #3
    We're kind of late into the raid tier, you're going to have people cheesing mechanics and such now. I'm at 901 ilvl and we're only a heroic guild currently (attendance issues) and on most fights I'm below 80% overall for SPriests.

    A big issue is legionaries. They're not as important for us, but when you're fighting to make that top percent every little bit helps.

    Have you simmed your character to see if you need to change stat priorities, your haste seems kind of low but with both Metronome and Whispers it may be fine.

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