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  1. #1

    What spec has the highest skillcap ?


    I think title says pretty much everything. Which of the 3 rogue specs is the hardest to perform well ? And what spec has the fastest pace gameplay wise ?

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Guessing Subt is the 'hardest'.
    Outlaw is pretty fast paced depending on what you roll.
    Sin is rather slow and not that hard once you get the hang of it.

  3. #3
    Bloodsail Admiral Kalador's Avatar
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    Sin is pretty simple but still has depth and planning to play it perfectly. It's probably the easiest to perform well with.

    Sub is very unforgiving. It's not insanely hard but if you make mistake you will feel it hard. It's generally harder than sin imo and has a lot of decision making to maximize some situations. Saving charge in st or maximizing dmg in AoE can be quit complexe.

    Outlaw is very fast past in ST but prty simple as long as you know your prio for RtB. In AoE it's another thing tho there is a lot to know when you chose to reroll or not. I think outlaw really shines in terms of difficulty in M+ were the decision to reroll buff is way less arbitrary than on St 6min fight.

  4. #4
    Sin is easy to learn, but not that easy to master(would say - medium). For max DPS you have to sync Kingsbane/Vendetta/Surge of Toxins/Envenom Buff/Ruptur etc.

    Outlaw - If you think that much RNG means hard, then this spec is hard. But overall - it's okay, would say it's slighty harder to learn than Assassination, but easier to master.

    Subtlety - didn't try it, don't want to.

  5. #5
    Herald of the Titans Galbrei's Avatar
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    I'm guessing Outlaw becuase it has a lot of fast-paced feelcrafting on top of all the RNG. Assassination is by far the easiest one but Surge of Toxins makes it a little more complex than it used to be, still slower and easier than Subtlety.

  6. #6
    "Hardest" to perform from a player skill perspective is not really a question worth asking, since every spec in this game right now is very easy to play. Many specs rise and fall based on RNG and RNG then is also factor that limits your performance. The only "skill" is based on knowing the encounters well and maxing out dps based on experience. But this experience you will gather with every class and spec you play.

  7. #7
    Outlaw by far.

  8. #8
    assasination is retarded ez, im not even good at this game and ive gotten 90%+ parses with that spec..

    With sub my best parse is 74%, you need way more planning and fast reflexes, and i have both BiS legendaries.

  9. #9
    assasination is retarded ez, im not even good at this game and ive gotten 90%+ parses with that spec..
    As far as i can tell parses are not the greatest measure of skill. I was 60% 908 ilvl with bad itemisation and bad legendaries. Then i got 2 good legendaries, itemised a bit better and most importantly dropped my ilvl to 903 (perfect 903 gear) — now i am 95%+ with 98% on some fights. And that happened overnight.
    So ye, parses are pretty meh.

    I'd say being in 99% is hard with any spec as you are competing vs other people. Assa obviously does the most damage, but does it make it an easier spec?
    Last edited by mmocec3e53fc92; 2017-04-23 at 05:49 PM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by 7eq View Post
    "Hardest" to perform from a player skill perspective is not really a question worth asking, since every spec in this game right now is very easy to play. Many specs rise and fall based on RNG and RNG then is also factor that limits your performance. The only "skill" is based on knowing the encounters well and maxing out dps based on experience. But this experience you will gather with every class and spec you play.
    This. Experience and a well set up UI are 90% of skill.
    A witty saying proves nothing.
    plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose

  11. #11
    sin is pretty easy until you get the shoulder lego, then it isn't hard but you could easily fuck up and lose a chunk of dps.

  12. #12
    Assassination doesn't seem all that slow anymore with boots, trinket, 3xMA and the new fourth golden trait. Not sure if its more or less skill with that but it definitely speeds up quite a bit compared to earlier in the expansion.

  13. #13
    i think assassinations way more harder to play than people make it look.
    it's a spec 100% about decisions. you need to calculate a lot in a second.

    Should i use evenenon now to keep buff up or should i pull energy for the KB thats going to cd in 5 seconds? should i keep SoT running now that BotA is up ? or maybe save energy for the next vanish ? vendetta now or wait 10 seconds do line with KB ?
    save KB + vendeta for vanish and wait 15+ seconds for 100% crit ?
    should i use a 3 combo evenenon or mut for 5 combo ?

    assassination is really easy to play if you're a monkey just pressing buttons but if you want to master it is 90% about your ability to take the right decision every second for every possible situation in a encounter.

  14. #14
    If I am to be honest it really depends on what you personally excel at.

    Sin are all about planning DoT timers and know how and when to pool to add switches and what not. By far the most consistent dmg out put though. You get a nice burst of button presses with vendetta and KB combos and can be satisfying. The downside is the RNG of Poison bomb. Its around 10% of your dmg and sometimes it wont proc over 4min fight (ive had it happen to me once -.-') Or the boss is being moved and it procs. If you want to go for the 99% parse, you better hope you have shoulders + Boots with good bag procs during vendetta....

    Outlaw is a "Reaction" DPS spec - it's very heavy on TB atm. Very fun spec to play with its fast pace action during AR and TB resets. Skill cap is not that high per say if you are already good at the "reaction" dps play style. in AoE, chaining Mark for max eviscerate output is very satisfying if you do it well by constantly applying Mark to the one that will die next. Outlaw probs have the highest RNG atm in obtaining super high parses but are now much more consistent due to the new gold trait.

    Subt is like clock work. The least amount of RNG in the spec. It is all about how well you can perform your rotation. Fun spec if you like doing the same thing over and over again. (thats not a bad thing, its just the spec) there are some very nice skill cap baked into it with HaT passive and using sprint to trigger your vanish. Mastering those become very satisfying. Probs the two things i love about the spec and if it wasn't for that, i would get bored of it very quickly and just stay playing Sin.

    I main Sin but find that all 3 spec have a different difficulty types. I guess the "hardest" spec would be subt from my experience due to optimizing HaT and sprint.... but it honestly depends on what you personally find difficult to play? I excel at Clock work and timing / preparation dps classes like Subt and sin but are worse are random buff proc based things like Outlaw. However, you can just get good at it by playing more of it... so..... Honestly, play around with all 3 spec and see which difficulty type you enjoy the most and rewarding.

  15. #15
    Tl;DR - People who only play one rogue spec arguing why it's the hardest.

  16. #16
    Bloodsail Admiral Kalador's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shivers1 View Post
    Tl;DR - People who only play one rogue spec arguing why it's the hardest.
    yup you clearly didn't read...

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Shivers1 View Post
    Tl;DR - People who only play one rogue spec arguing why it's the hardest.
    i mean if you are playing sin or outlaw your doing it wrong anyways

  18. #18
    most people here agreed that sub is the hardest and that sin is the easiest.
    what are you on about

  19. #19
    Hardest? Sub by a far margin, there's a lot to min max, but it also not easy to play decently.

    The easiest spec is outlaw, unless you have problems with gcd capped specs, Out is both easy to play and easy to master.

  20. #20
    Scarab Lord Master Guns's Avatar
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    I hate when people say sin is easy. Sure, the basic premise of the spec is simple, but to master it with all it's intricacies is not "easy".

    Anything can seem simple until you really delve into it.

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