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    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Trump: 99 Days In

    Before I start, here is some mandatory reading material.

    This is Trump's Contract with the American Voter. It lays out a bunch of things he said he'd do on Day One, and a bunch of things he said he'd do by Day 100.

    It is imperative that you remind yourself what he said he'd do before continuing on. Browse, if nothing else.

    Okay? All set? Moving on.


    For all useful intents and purposes, this is now abandoned.

    Trump's second Muslim Ban ran into very similar problems to the first. At this point, all signs lead to the administration giving up on the issue entirely. The next hearing is in May and well past any deadline that's either useful, or relevant to his 100-day promises. Since he claimed the original point of his "religion neutral" Muslim Ban was a temporary measure while new "extreme vetting" was set up (and there's been no word on that), being blocked twice seems like a good a reason as any to just forget the whole thing and work on "extreme vetting" anyhow.

    Clearly, this isn't the biggest issue on the list. But the night is young.


    The irony of Trump running arguably the last transparent administration continues while he fights to justify his claim that Trump Tower was the subject of a wire tapp remains heavy. The best we have, so far, involved Nunes sneaking over to the White House at night, talking to two dudes working for Trump he refused to name (the NYTimes didn't seem to mind naming them), then telling the rest of the US that he had solid evidence that Trump was picked up on incidental surveilance. Despite Trump screaming at NBC to start covering the story, there appears to be nothing here -- which, of course, everyone guessed. Documents now contradict Nunes' claim, and the White House is now searching for data to back the claim (this is the opposite of science, but consider the source) which they are supposed to send to the Senate as soon as they find anything. They have not.

    So yeah, this isn't the big story --

    "What about Susan Rice?"

    What about her? There's been no move in any way against her. What she did was routine. And, as we can see, it blew completely over, because it was nothing.


    Trump has reponded to criticism that he spends too much time on vacation and golfing, by actually increasing the amount he did both. Trump has visited his own properties, on average, once per three days and golfed once per 5.5 days. For example, while the Syrian air strikes were commencing, he was golfing and tweeting. Also, he took what would be an already long Easter weekend and at the last minute, added an extra day to it. He is on pace to spend more on vacation in one year (actually 9 months) than Obama in 8 years, which is raising ethics concerns, the Secret service and the Florida county are both begging for federal funding for the mounting costs, and for added fun, Eric Trump defended the actions with a straight face after Trump, who again attacked Obama for golfing too much, has spent 28% of his time at, or traveling to/from, his own golf course. Which is riddled with health code violations, apparently, so naturally it's the best place to bring the President of China. As a reminder, Trump is golfing twice as much as Obama on average, and Obama did not golf in his first 100 days.

    Remember, this is the same Trump who, in 2016, said he'd never leave the White House and never play golf. Listen to that crowd cheer when he says it! Yeah it's DailyKos, they linked the video, click it and listen to the crowd. But now, it has gotten so bad, that FOX News had to send Potus[/MENTION] spending weekend working at the White House.]this News Alert tweet that Trump was going to be in the White House working for a weekend. That's right: it was a News Alert. That he'd be working. In the White House. Think about what it means. Think about what it means that FOX News said it.

    But even that is small potatoes compared to what else is on this list.


    Wow. Foreign policy...where to start?

    Iran's attitude has continued to worsen from the already bad position from previous XXX Weeks In posts. In recent times, they've slapped sanctions on US companies and sought new deals with Russia based around their collaboration in Syria. In fact, they joined with Syria and Russia to issue a warning against further strikes in Syria. Meanwhile, Mattis and Tillerson continue to up their own threatening rhetoric, and the White House continues to threaten to unilaterally break the Iran Nuclear Deal even while acknowledging that Iran has adhered to every letter in it. (The effects of ditching the deal will almost certainly include shooing hardline anti-Western candidates into office in Iran's May elections)

    North Korea remains a volatile issue as well, arguably more so. While South Korea's government in flux, North Korea has been challenging Trump pretty much every single week, arguably making bigger noise in the last 99 days than in the previous 8 years. Amongst other things, they tested a new missile, used the Syrian air strikes as justification to continue their nuclear program, and grabbing US citizens. And they flat-out accused Trump of creating the situation that could lead to nuclear war at the UN. And their bravado has, for the most part, paid off. While there are no good military options in North Korea, Trump's response has been, at best, confused. He said he ordered a bunch of ships to head in that direction, but he lied about that, and then defended lying about that. South Korea was not happy about this, by the way, but not nearly as unhappy as they were about being called part of China and Pence threatening our trade deals with them. Then, Trump called the Senate over to the White House for a briefing -- no reason other than home-court advantage to move 100 people to 1 person, really -- at which the Senate learned nearly nothing and still have no idea what Trump's NK plan is. Maybe if Trump spent more than 10 minutes eating overcooked steak trying to figure out a North Korea plan, things might be a little more coherent. But then, we are talking about the man who advertises the US Navy and Trump University with almost exactly the same description.

    North Korea is still clearly in the cross-hairs, however. They've been threatened by Pence, Haley, Graham...or Pence again, they used nearly the same lines word for word... Ryan, and Tillerson. China and Russia are certainly taking steps, jointly chasing US ships away from the coast, telling their citizens Trump is the more dangerous dictator, keeping bombers on high alert and moving troops towards the border. Perhaps it is in the face of such a heavy, predictable response, that the admin has gone from "The United States has spoken enough about North Korea" to "okay, maybe we will talk some more, how about sanctions?" as Trump retreats from a line in, does North Korea have sand? I assume they have beaches...

    Then of course, there's Syria. Despite Trump's attempt to blame the gas attack on Obama, which may not have been Syria's weapons (an investigation is not forthcoming, despite Syria formally asking for one). We've discussed the air strikes in great detail before, but as a reminder, it was done without Congressional approval, had nearly no effect, risked hitting Russian troops, and no follow-through plan or strategy now nor is in sight. What did happen, of course, is Russia got pretty damned pissed off. Within hours, Putin called the attack "aggression against a sovereign state in violation of the norms of international law" (and he may have a point), and since, they've moved warships to the area, cut lines of communication specifically meant to keep us from killing each other by accident, yanked a meeting with Tillerson at the last minute, buzzed US soil with bombers four times, raised navy activity to Cold War levels, and issued a warning not to make such strikes again. And, for added fun, they're handing weapons to the Taliban purely out of spite.

    So, the strikes were ineffective, Assad is emboldened to the point of flipping off the USA, and both Russia and the USA agree that relations are at a new low. it is small wonder, then, that -- just like the failed Yemen air strikes -- Trump is washing his hands of the matter, outsourcing not just air and drone control to the Pentagon (sometimes hitting 18 allies by accident) but also now troop control as well. In fact, the Pentagon wants increasingly less and less input from Trump in pretty much everything.

    You might think that's where it ends, but nope. The US has already exchanged shots in a trade war against Mexico and Canada. That's right: after being slapped in the face with resounding embarrassing losses in North Korea and Syria, now Trump is taking it out on Canada. In the last couple weeks, Trump threatened to leave NAFTA, imposed a tariff on imported Canadian lumber (despite the Keystone pipeline using imported Canadian steel), and drew a line in the Canadian sand over dairy products, damn near literally crying over spilled milk. Then, after a couple calls to Canada which he lied about, and also being subjected to sanctions by Mexico over tuna, plus billions in tourism from Mexico alone fleeing the country, publicly retreated from his "leave NAFTA" stance. In fact, just today, he called it a "shock to the system" and maybe he's right, but that's yet another promise broken at this point.

    So, not only has Trump picked fights with Syria and North Korea and arguably gave up on both, and not only did he play chicken with Russia and got put in his place, he then picked a fight with Canada and gave up within 7 days, hurting US relations with both enemies and allies. And we're just getting started.


    But Trump was "America First", promsing to eliminate US debt in 8 years and create 25 million new jobs. So let's see what's happening with the economy.

    A lot of you know where this is going. Trump porposed raising the military budget by 10% (and Mattis wants even more!), and defended this by asking for cuts to medical research, UN programs such as food for starving people and women's rights, PBS, and the famous Meals on Wheels bit. We covered a lot of that last time. A minor addition is the multibillion contract to Boeing, who does business with Iran and is about to lay off hundreds of people which is okay because they have someone in the Pentagon's #2 spot. As a reminder, Patrick Shanahan has experience with planes and missile defense systems, which is important and commendable, but has zero military and zero governing training or experience.

    But then!

    Trump unveils what could only be called a "tax plan" charitably, signifying a massive cut in the US government's largest revenue source. Yeah, I know, he said he was going to do health care first, but he had a 100 day deadline to cram for, so here it is. It was light on details, especially for personal income tax (Trump announced the new tax rates, but not the brackets in which they'd be found), which could be anywhere from August to next year. However, what few details we know translate to a loss of trillions of revenue. The 15% rate for businesses of pretty much any size is far lower than the GOP had asked for in the past (25%).

    Of special note, Trump's one trillion dollar infrastructure plan he's been mentioning off and on, that was supposed to be tied into the tax plan, up and vanished like a fart on the wind. Trump had never said where the money was coming from, and with his "tax plan" not including it, there is even less room for it to exist. Trump's infrastructure plan, like his plan for the HUD and his plans for VA, show a trend towards privatizing, moving payments out of the federal government but still requiring payments be made by the "customer". DeVos' voucher idea is of a similar vein, except that taxpayers are funding that one personally.

    It's also worth noting that Trump's personal tax plan does dramatically reduce deductions (instead, doubling the standard deduction). What's left appears to be basically three things: donations to charity (including to churches, which will be allowed to donate to political parties), mortgage payments, and child care. He also called for the removal of the alternative minimum tax (whose goal is to force the rich to pay at least some taxes), the estate tax (that's a campaign promise upheld, but a reminder, almost nobody pays the estate tax except the very rich, since it starts at $1 million or $5 million if you're a farm) and the 3.8% Medicare tax on higher-level income brackets. None of these will not affect the vast majority of low-income Americans, and most won't affect the middle class either. Just about every expert agrees that, even with what few details we have, this is impossible without a massive spike in the federal deficit due to a massive gap in federal income. Despite Trump's claims to the contrary, there is no realistic way the tax plan will pay for itself with growth of the economy (as a reminder, unemployment is at historic lows already) and it will almost assuredly cause inflation to rise. Even people at Paul Ryan's office call the plan absurd and impossible. With what few details exist, it seems highly unlikely anything like this will get through the House or Senate, and there is no "going nuclear" on this one.

    It is impossible to talk about the economy without talking about the Wall. Congress has seemingly no interest in it, delaying any funding ($67 billion needed) until after the tax plan (I don't know if what we have, counts or not), and even Sessions saying it will have to be paid for separately and not part of the budget. Further, 6 in 10 Texans are against the wall, and there are literally zero Congressmen in states on Mexico's border that support the Wall. Zero. As in, one less than one. Trump still insists that the Wall will be built, and that Mexico will eventually pay for it, but despite earlier tough talk on the subject, Trump has since caved on Wall funding, possibly fearing a government shutdown in his first 100 days, thereby forfeiting yet another campaign promise.

    All this as the risk of an easily avoidable shutdown (low risk, but nonzero) looms, first quarter growth was lower than anticipated/under Obama, markets fell after TrumpCare 1.0 failed, businesses react skeptically to "skin deep" trade claims by the administration, the economy is not on pace to keep up with Trump's promises,

    This may be why Trump's budget chief now claims the "eliminate the debt in 8 years" was hyperbole, because Trump's proven words and action are making it impossible, so it needs to be, like many other things, explained with "what he meant was..." It is, again, not a redeeming trait to translate what Trump says into English. Nor is it redeeming to take a campaign promise and say "well clearly he was lying". Especially about the economy, the one subject Trump (in theory) has experience with.

    One last bit: remember how Trump was going to bring back coal? That's just flat-out not happening. Not because he's made almost no effort. Yes, he allowed coal miners to pollute, but the costs of proper waste handling was never the coal industry's problem. The problem is, coal remains economically unviable. Even top coal executives say that Trump can't bring back coal jobs -- nobody can. The US is closing coal plants faster than we're opening them. India is shutting them down as well, going for 60% green energy by 2027 -- WAY faster and further than the Paris accord dictates. China is shutting down ALL of its coal plants. And even Kentucky -- KENTUCKY -- is building one of the largest solar farms ever on top of an abandoned coal mine, because there was nothing better to do with it. There is no such thing as "clean coal", but even if there was, nobody would buy it.

    But the economy still isn't the big story! We are still not done!


    The next health care bill is on the way. We all remember the last one, which Trump blamed on basically every non-Trump person for his failure to get it to pass. Hell, Trump even blamed Ryan -- who literally got on his knees and begged for votes mind you -- via FOX News and Breitbart. So you can understand why Ryan is downplaying the second bill.

    The big news is the Freedome Caucus (what's left of it) is now on board. Apparently, the problem with the first bill is it wasn't conservative enough. So the changes, including letting states opt out of the other key pillar (pre-existing conditions) got a "yes" from the FC. This means higher premiums for the sick, of course, enough that even the GOP asked for billions for insurers to offset some of those costs. Some conservatives are now backing the ACA, and moderates are backing away from TrumpCare, especially those up in 2018. Maybe it had to do with TrumpCare's provision that Congress was exempt that got them concerned, enough so that that provision was swiftly removed once discovered by the American people. Most recently, both the Democratic Party and American health insurers attacked Trump's public statements that he would defund ACA payments in an attempt to sink the law. Trump caved to the pressure and will no longer oppose such payments.

    It looks like TrumpCare 2.0 won't be out by day 100, and based on what we've seen so far, might not make it to 217 either. But still, not the big story.


    Nunes, who earlier refused to recuse himself on the Trump-Russia investigations, he has since done so. The investigation is back on track, but is not going quickly, nor are a ton of details being made public. We do know a few things.
    -- Flynn asked for immunity before testifying. He was denied.
    -- a Putin-linked think tank drew up the plan to help Trump win the election
    -- Flynn worked for RT, literally taking money from a Russian propaganda source.
    -- Erik Prince, yes the dude that founded Blackwater, yes thatBlackwater, met with Putin in what WaPo calls an effort to create a back-channel line of communication between Trump and Putin.
    -- Kushner met with the owners of a sanctioned Russian bank in December 2016.
    -- Carter Page met with a Russian spy, can't remember what he said, and is now hiding behind "no comment" on the subject.
    -- Manafort might have to register as a foreign agent and Cyprus is aiding the US in investigating his banking. It might have to do with the millions he borrowed from Trump-linked businesses after he resigned when his Russian connections were made public. Or, all that money he made selling Ukraine to the Russians.
    -- In addition to the House and Senate investigations, the Government Accountability Office is looking into the transition as well.
    -- Tillerson met with Putin (eventually) but only behind closed doors, ditching the press pool.
    -- a Breitbart employee left his job to literally work for Russian propaganda.
    -- the CIA re-confirmed that WikiLeaks worked directly for Putin while they were helping Trump win the election.
    -- Trump said he'd have something to say about Russian hacking at the 90 day mark, 9 days ago. That date came and went with no mention at all.
    -- this photo:

    -- the White House is now actively defending Trump's relationship with Russia, which as Trump himself said above, is at a nearly historic low.
    -- Oh, and that one thing about Flynn probably breaking the law, in fact there is no sign he complied with the law, and the White House doesn't even know if he did but are refusing to hand over documents on the subject just to be sure.

    But even that's not the big story!


    Before we get to the big story, a few items that didn't fit into any other category, but are too good to miss. I know, this is just a massive info dump, but 100 days is kind of a big milestone.
    1) Breitbart was denied permanent press passes and extensions of their temporary ones.
    2) Kushner and China backed out of a real estate deal when the American people found out about it
    3) Trump doesn't want the intelligence agencies analyzing the data they find before bringing it to him
    4) Ivanka is now the third Trump family member with an offical job title, office, and chief of staff.
    5) Trump is public with his backing of the Egyptian president and the Turkish president despite their human rights violations and power grab respectively.
    6) ISIS publicly said the US is being run by an idiot.
    7) Bannon was booted off the NSC. Rumors continue that Mattis made Trump do it. Rumors continue to circulate that Bannon might yet get fired and that he threatened to quit if removed, but obviously those haven't happened yet.
    8) Trump named April "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" and then Bill O'Reilly got fired for sexually harassing women at FOX.
    9) Chris Christie is the least popular governor in the USA.
    10) Cases of anti-semistism rose 86% last year and Trump responded by reading a statement he stole from the Holocaust Museum public website and having Spicer say Hitler didn't gas his own people.
    11) The White House fucked up the Easter Egg Roll
    12) Tillerson invited the African Union over then bailed for no reason
    13) The State Department isn't even training what few diplomats they have
    14) Kushner makes a visit to Iraq which he's neither qualified for nor experienced with

    And now, the big story!


    Trump recently had an interview with AP -- here is the transcript -- in which he said the 100 day benchmark was not very meaningful. This, of course, goes against not only with the Contract with the American Voter linked above, but the mass rush to get his "tax plan", TrumpCare 2.0, and a few other things taken care of this week. That's a pretty ballsy thing to say, even in an interview filled with blatant lies and other just flat out confusing points. It's even ballsier when you see how mad he gets at his 100-day reviews, almost all of which are negative.

    But the sheer amount of lying and hypocrisy demonstrated by Trump (and why not, a few of his friends and family) in the last few weeks alone has been monumental. Here are some of the high points. Yes -- I trimmed this list down to sixty. Over three weeks.

    1) Lying five times per day.
    2) Taking credit for jobs he didn't create. Trump has as of now signed no laws that are aimed to create jobs. The AFL-CIO refered to this as "bait and switch"
    3) Spicer claiming the press would jump down his throat if Trump used Russian Dressing. Russian Dressing isn't even Russian. It's Reuben.
    4) The New York Times did not apologize to Trump, regardless of what Trump says.
    5) Trump can still draw money from his businesses at any time, without disclosing it to anyone, and got caught lying about it.
    6) Eric Trump says nepotism is a factor of life.
    7) Taking the president of China to eat steak instead of a Big Mac like he said
    8) Cummings did NOT call Trump the greatest president ever, no matter what Trump said.
    9) Kushner failed to reveal a bunch of meetings and contacts with foreign officials while going for his security clearance.
    10) Ann Coulter blasted Trump for attacking Syria, which of course Trump said he would not do, and attacked Obama for doing.
    11) Trump attacked Syria after seeing the pictures on TV, which somehow, he didn't see during the six years prior.
    12) This Sean Hannity tweet.
    13) The Washington Post reporter who found that Trump doesn't give to charity, won a Pulitzer for proving Trump doesn't give to charity, no matter what Trump says he did.
    14) The White House is sealing visitor logs and won't show them for years after he leaves office.
    15) Trump says "we are keeping our promises" after flipping on four major policy positions in 24 hours.
    16) Trump blames his record low number of appointees on "obstructionists" despite having not appointed them yet.
    17) So much for the hiring freeze!
    18) I know it was covered before, but, claiming Hitler didn't gas his own people deserves repeating, because holy fuck is that stupid.
    19) Trump contradicts himself on whether or not he knew Bannon. It can't be both.
    20) Trump releases a tax plan while hiding his tax returns behind the unverified claim of "audit".
    21) Still no widespread voter fraud.
    22) Trump's approval was not needed, and might not even have been asked for, for dropping the largest conventional bomb ever made.
    23) Trump reverses a few more policies after the first four.
    24) For example, this tweet, in which he reverses calling China a currency manipulator, despite pledging to do so on Day One. Also, the logic is absurd. It'd be like me refusing to call Hitler someone who gassed his own people, because he made the trains run on time.
    25) Defending the prior reversal as part of the plan all along.
    26) Funnelling half a million of campaign contributions to his own properties.
    27) Also, having campaign rallies in his first 100 days in office after promising never to leave the White House!
    28) That painter that sued Trump for not paying him, and won, still hasn't been paid yet.
    29) Ivanka got three Chinese trademarks the day after an official visit.
    30) Which Trump did himself, which is why he's being sued.
    31) The Trump administration is the least transparent in decades.
    32) The White House tries to translate Trump's praise of Turkey's president's power grab into literally anything else, doesn't even have to be English anymore.
    33) Most of the E.O.'s Trump signed, such as this one, are "everyone review and get back to me" and are not actual policy or action. In fact, 62% are.
    34) Despite that same E.O. Trump's businesses continue not hiring or buying American.
    35) Spicer was trolled by the friggin' GRONK who asked if he needed help.
    36) Exxon-Mobil backed by Tillerson tried to ask the US to let them work with Russia. It didn't go through.
    37) Trump claims Iran isn't living up to their end of the contract with the Iran Nuclear Deal. First of all, yes they are. Second of all, Trump has no business calling out other people for breaking contracts.
    38) Sessions says Hawaii isn't a state but doesn't go one step further to say Obama is therefore not American. Go big or go home, dammit!
    39) Venezuela just up and grabs a GM plant and Trump ignores it because they donated to his inauguration.
    40) Trump said he would not sign the order for the pipeline unless it was made of US steel. Then, retracts that within 24 hours.
    41) Trump claims the media will kill the success of his first 100 days, regardless of the promises he's broken or flip-flopped on being 100% his fault.
    42) Claiming peaceful protests were in violation of the Constitution.
    43) Tells "Dreamers" to rest easy within 48 hours of deporting one.
    44) Holding a campaign rally on the night of the WH Correspondent's Dinner which he bailed on because they'd have nothing nice to say.
    45) Won't fire Spicer because he gets good ratings.
    46) Held a meeting with only conservative media outlets which even they were disappointed by.
    47) Author of "Pizzagate" gets White House briefing.
    48) Reversing stance on WikiLeaks.
    49) Trump brags about saving all this money on a jet that hasn't been tested, the testing of which will cost more money than Trump claims he saved.
    50) Called NATO "obsolete" without knowing what they did, now defending his reversal based on his prior ignorance.
    51) Putting an advertisement for Mar-a-Lago on the official State Department website!
    52) Also, failing to get the advertisement reviewed before posting it on the official State Department website!
    53) Promised to make strengthening the military, including higher wages and more jobs", his number one priority and then doing nothing on the subject of military wages or jobs.
    54) Had to be told Germany could not make a deal without the rest of the EU eleven times.
    55) Priebus draws a line in the sand with Syria, something Trump directly opposed while Obama did it.
    56) Some of Trump's campaign donors are empty lots in New Jersey
    57) Trump threatens to break up the 9th Circuit Court because they ruled against him, which is blatant fascism.
    58) Discussing with Ted Nugent, who called Obama an "inhuman mongrel", how political correctness ruined everything, while Chinese and Russian bombers are on high alert to start WW3
    59) Ivanka Trump does not hire or buy American.
    60) Ivanka Trump went to an all women meeting in Germany and said her father was a champion for women. She was promptly booed offstage.

    But most importantly,


    Trump continues to insist that polls are fake news. That's probably because, even if you consult FOX and Rasmussen, there isn't a single poll out there that has Trump over 50% approval. Most have over 50% disapproval. The Syria air strike did not help Trump's historically low polling numbers (thank god, John Oliver had a good point about what it would mean if they did). In fact, no president since Eisenhower had polls this low in their first 100 days. Historically, barring major changes like 9/11 or a war, poll numbers drop steadily over time. Trump is already less popular than Barack Obama ever was in any day of Obama's presidency ever ever. So, naturally, he's not a fan of them, and that can be expected.


    Trump then went and cherry-picked results from the fake polls, even while he called them fake. This, more than anything else he's ever done with the term, cements the designation of "fake news" to mean "anything i disagree with" and therefore the height of dishonesty to use the term.


    Trump's first 100 days will live on in history, but not the way he wanted. He has run from almost every fight he started -- Syria, Russia, China, North Korea, TrumpCare 1.0, the Muslim Ban, the Muslim Ban again, Wall funding, and freaking Canada. He's either broken, or flip-flopped on, more of his promises than he's kept. Smoke continues to pour out of the Oval Office about Russia while nothing is found about a wire tapp. He's taken more vacation time than President Obama, who he criticized for vacationing. He's been more militarily aggressive than Clinton, whom he called a war hawk. He's broken relations with Russia, despite everything he said before bombing Syria and one or two things afterwards. And he continues to hire people unqualified like DeVos and his daughter, ask other people to do his job for him then take credit for the results if they work, make deals so bad his own party can't even vote for them, lies to the American people routinely, and runs on his ego -- and his poll numbers suggest he's running out of praise to burn as fuel.

    This will be my last one for a while. Not because of time constraints, interest, or access to information, but because with Trump's 100 day sprint over, he's got no realistic choice but to slow down. He already blew most of his promises, as the mandatory reading I TOLD YOU TO READ IT proves in black and white. Instead of a frothing geyser of raw sewage spewed over everything, we'll "enjoy" some nice, still, fetid water from the completely undrained swamp. Whether those bubbles coming up from the swamp are merely tepid, ineffective farts, or the last desperate breaths of a drowning man being pulled under and unable to pull himself out with his tiny, tiny hands, will have to wait. But I leave you now with the Rogue POTUS Staff, and their top 10 things Trump has done in 100 days.

    10) Dumped over $1 million in taxpayer money into own businesses while donating Presidential salary.
    9) Appointed a spy as National Security Advisor and only fired him when the media found out about.
    8) Deepened friendships with dictators while alienating democratic leaders throughout the world.
    7) Used 59 tomohawks to put a Syrian airfield out of commission for six hours
    6) Entertained Japanese PM by crashing someone's wedding reception.
    5) Claimed to fulfill campaign promises for issuing EOs to agencies telling them to *think* about fulfilling promises.
    4) Discovered nearly 2 million hidden visitors at his inauguration.
    3) Inspired the creation of widespread oppositional #altgovt twitter accounts with his delusional grasp on reality.
    2) Held more campaign events than any other Presidential first 100 days in history.
    1) All while golfing twice as frequently as Obama.

  2. #2
    Excellent copy pasta bro.

    Fight the power. Down with the man. Etc Etc

  3. #3
    Banned Jayburner's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    every one of my key strokes is actually a brush stroke on the canvas that is the off-topic forum
    my god! there were pictures at one point.

  4. #4
    I really don't think pointing out the facts that 1) he's the most dishonest president in modern history and 2) he's the most useless modern president 100 days into a presidency, are really going to phase supporters who care more about the PC boogeyman than competent governance.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zantos View Post
    There are no 2 species that are 100% identical.
    Quote Originally Posted by Redditor
    can you leftist twits just fucking admit that quantum mechanics has fuck all to do with thermodynamics, that shit is just a pose?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by TITAN308 View Post
    Excellent copy pasta bro.

    Fight the power. Down with the man. Etc Etc
    10 to 1 odds that he didn't even read what he pasted!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Garnier Fructis View Post
    I really don't think pointing out the facts that 1) he's the most dishonest president in modern history and 2) he's the most useless modern president 100 days into a presidency, are really going to phase supporters who care more about the PC boogeyman than competent governance.
    No he's not, you can't even quantify that!

  6. #6
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    NY, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by TITAN308 View Post
    Excellent copy pasta bro.
    *sits down*

    *crosses arms*

    From where?

  7. #7
    The number one accomplishment of Donald Trump's first 100 days was ensuring Hillary Clinton was never elected President of the United States.

    And as seen by recent polling, if the election was held again today, he'd win by an even larger margin, and also win the popular vote.

    I hate to break it to all the left wing nutjobs out there that are just gonna hate Trump no matter what he does, but he is actually becoming more and more popular with the "sane" American people. People see what's going on with these left wing groups on TV and think they're nuts.

    If you guys don't tone down the crazy by 2020 he's gonna win in a landslide.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by TITAN308 View Post
    Excellent copy pasta bro.

    Fight the power. Down with the man. Etc Etc
    If you can find where he copied this, you're welcome to post it. Copying random pieces of it and searching for exact matches returns nothing except for the list of 10 things right at the bottom, which is clearly labeled as being from another source.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zormis View Post
    No he's not, you can't even quantify that!
    I listed two things, so it's not even clear which one 'that' refers to. I mean, if you're going to post "NO U WRONG" then you can at least attempt to make it seem like an actual response. As far as most useless modern president, though, I offer up the fact that he has no major legislative accomplishments and instead was actually defeated by his own party. And before you complain that he's not done shit because of the Democrats, realize that Republicans have control of Congress. Thankfully, the public doesn't buy that bullshit either.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Swagger View Post
    The number one accomplishment of Donald Trump's first 100 days was ensuring Hillary Clinton was never elected President of the United States.

    And as seen by recent polling, if the election was held again today, he'd win by an even larger margin, and also win the popular vote.
    This is a very selective reading of one poll.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zantos View Post
    There are no 2 species that are 100% identical.
    Quote Originally Posted by Redditor
    can you leftist twits just fucking admit that quantum mechanics has fuck all to do with thermodynamics, that shit is just a pose?

  9. #9
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garnier Fructis View Post
    This is a very selective reading of one poll.
    That's the idiocy of a single issue voter. The one thing that overrides everything else "I don't care if my taxes go up to 75%, unemployment hits 25%, and people starve in the streets, Candidate X said he was pro life*"

    *Pro second amendment is also an acceptable answer
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  10. #10
    I need to change my answer in that thread that asked "do you read"...

    - - - Updated - - -

    I actually skimmed through most of it and I think I knew like 60% of what I read. (I have no idea who anyone not named Trump or Putin are, though.)

    It's a good thing we're friends so I can be ignorant about this stuff since you got it covered.

  11. #11
    Used 59 tomohawks to put a Syrian airfield out of commission for six hours
    That is beside the point. The strike was done to show the Syrian government that we aren't against intervening in their genocidal war. It wasn't to score a tactical victory against Assad. The missiles could just have easily been launched at the presidential palace in Damascus.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    That's the idiocy of a single issue voter. The one thing that overrides everything else "I don't care if my taxes go up to 75%, unemployment hits 25%, and people starve in the streets, Candidate X said he was pro life*"

    *Pro second amendment is also an acceptable answer
    Who are you quoting exactly? No one would vote for a candidate if they thought the consequences of doing so would be catastrophic, single issue voter or not.

  12. #12
    This is the worst presidency in modern history. It's hard to even find a place to start.

    What's disturbing at the moment is how much he's lied to and abused his own supporters. But, many of them keep giving support. He's went back on almost everything he promised them.

    The only thing people can point to as an accomplishment is him appointing a SC judge. This is almost pointless to mention, though, because you could swap Trump out with any of the other republican candidates and they could have done the exact same thing. If all you care about is the SC then it might as well have been Kasich as president and we could have avoided all the current and upcoming disasters.

  13. #13
    His devout followers simply don't care about any of this. Nor will they in the future. If he's ever found guilty of anything remotely impeachable, there will be excuses made for it, and he'll be elevated to martyr-that-could-have-been-better-than-Reagan status.

    If there's a lesson to be learned by this presidency, it's that republicans have no actual expectations of their appointed leaders, and are unable to establish any sort of critique outside of a comparison to a prior, preferably democratic politician.

    If you have an R next to your name, and a good slogan, that's more than enough.

  14. #14
    He just had a tv show on tonight on comedy central so at least hes getting some shit done.

  15. #15
    I am Murloc!
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    The Easter Egg hunt didn't go as planned? Some windows are going to be broken at Berkeley tonight I tell you what!

  16. #16
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Oh snap, Jill Stein was at the Russia N Friends table!

    Resident Cosplay Progressive

  17. #17
    Trump doing to America what Putin and ISIS couldn't even imagine doing in their wildest wet dreams.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Nexx226 View Post
    I think you underestimate the simplicity of some people's minds.
    Literally from the other first 100 day thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by Allerius View Post
    Pretty happy. Gorsuch getting in pretty much makes the presidency a success just by itself. I also like that he is trying to get his stuff done and hold out hope ACA can be fully repealed. Also very happy with the amount of triggering his existence is causing. Given that presidents don't usually do much and I never expected Trump to accomplish a lot, I'd give him something like a B+.
    It's so transparent this is just an exercise in rubbing brain cells together at this point.

    Last edited by Glnger; 2017-04-28 at 06:53 AM.
    It's been a while actually since I've received a message from scrapbot...need to drink more i guess.
    Quote Originally Posted by Butter Emails View Post
    Trump is a complete shitbag that's draining the country's coffers to stuff his own.
    It must be a day ending in Y.

  19. #19
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knadra View Post
    Who are you quoting exactly? No one would vote for a candidate if they thought the consequences of doing so would be catastrophic, single issue voter or not.
    No, but they would vote for single issue and not care about anything else. Cases in point:

    Quote Originally Posted by Taftvalue View Post
    Yeah, I am. Got a conservative judge instead of another philosopher king, that's already enough to justify my vote. We also are finally starting to crack down on illegals, that's great too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sulla View Post
    He isn't Hillary Clinton and another rabid liberal isn't on the Supreme Court. Everything I voted for has been accomplished. Trump can skate the next 3 years and change for all I care.
    And bear in mind, that's from a single thread 5 pages long under 24 hours old on a left-leaning site.

  20. #20
    The Lightbringer
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    Look behind you.
    I said it before, but I think you could make a hobby out of being a political blogger.

    And, more on point: The fact that, domestically, Trump really hasn't been able to accomplish much of his outlandish goals is a win into itself. Let's just hope his asinine tax plan never sees the light of day and you're right about him slowing down now that his arbitrary '100 days' are up.

    As for the Trump-Russia stuff it's clear that, even if there had been collusion at some point, that Trump's just proven how unreliable he was as a hapless pawn. Though at this point I could be convinced that he might've been the only one in his circle not in on it.

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