1. #1
    Banned A dot Ham's Avatar
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    Void Storage: What now?

    Is there any point to it anymore? Personally I pulled everything that had a gold value and vendored it. Now I have a bunch of crap in there I don't need or use, but can't bring myself to get rid of.

  2. #2
    REMOVAL OF GARRISON AND CLASS HALL MISSIONS. You do absolutely nothing and get rewarded?
    More abilities for all classes! A lot of classes feel dull and too easy to play.
    Removal of Titanforged and Warforged Gear or make it a rarer chance to upgrade.
    LFR removal.
    Best gear is from raids, Mythic + is the second best way to get gear.
    Revamp of Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. (We need another revamp, maybe in an Old God expansion)
    More meaningful professions, a revamp of the old system, rare armor sets, weapon appearances and more tied to them along with stat increases such as movement speed.
    More appearances, hairstyles, skin colours, make characters feel different because at the moment I feel as if everyone is pretty much the same (Artifacts don't help). Subraces pls?
    The Outdoor World should feel more dangerous, enemies having more health, hitting harder, more hostile mobs. Rares should be rares again.
    Server Phasing should be removed, or if not toned down a bit. It isn't fun being in a city any more when your friends might be in a different phase.
    With a revamp, cities can be the size of Suramar. Maybe one continent at a time due to the fact I don't believe Blizzard can pull off another Cataclysm without the endgame sucking.
    More cosmetic items which are rare or if not a feat of strength, tied to achievements which make your character feel special. Challenge Mode armor was a good example of this.
    Stuns taken away from some classes. PVP is just about whoever can stun first.
    World Quests aren't fun. Killing stuff endlessly isn't fun. The artifact grind isn't fun. Blizzard needs new ideas to make the game fun..
    I still think Flying should be earned, however, after going back and doing the quests due to leveling in invasions. I can safely say they added a lot less quests than previous expansions, the reason they probably didn't add flying at the beginning.
    Probably none of this will happen. I'm already burned out due to the artifact grind and Broken Shore. I feel like every expansion, the game feels less and less like WoW as if they're running out of ideas. Nobody asked for Class Hall missions yet they were implemented anyway.

    Just give us a WoW 2. Brand new engine, combat system, and all that. Players who played the original WoW should get an emblem next to their portrait, a custom race mount which is unobtainable in any other way, a title, feat of strength achievement and stuff like that.
    WoW is beginning to feel VERY dated, with a high-end PC, Suramar still lags. They said they cannot update the original bag due to it being too hard. (Might cost us a raid tier lel)

    We can dream right? Inb4 next expansion just expands on Argus, we keep our artifacts, the grind continues, class hall missions get changed art assets to make people believe they'll be different.

    The best things about Legion is the art, music, zone design, animations.
    I can see why many Blizzard employees decided to quit their jobs.

  3. #3
    The Insane Rivin's Avatar
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    There really isn't. It's just a relic of the past now. I expect it'll be replaced with something else at some point.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Partysaurus Rex View Post
    Is there any point to it anymore? Personally I pulled everything that had a gold value and vendored it. Now I have a bunch of crap in there I don't need or use, but can't bring myself to get rid of.
    That is what I used it for.

  5. #5
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partysaurus Rex View Post
    Is there any point to it anymore? Personally I pulled everything that had a gold value and vendored it. Now I have a bunch of crap in there I don't need or use, but can't bring myself to get rid of.
    It's where I plan to stuff most of my legendaries post Legion

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    It's where I plan to stuff most of my legendaries post Legion
    But why exactly?

  7. #7
    I still have a few things in there

    You know sentimental value armour and shit cause even with TMOG my bank is STILL full of worthless crap!

  8. #8
    Pandaren Monk Mhyroth's Avatar
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    I put a couple of unobtainable items in there.
    Why ? Because one day Blizzard will decide to change things around (as they did so often) and we'll either lose out on things or don't get credit since "it's been too long to restore it".
    "If you are what you HAVE and you lose what you have, what then are you? But if you are what you ARE and you lose what you have, no man controls your destiny".

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