1. #1

    Annoying decimals in tooltips?

    This might be a really dumb thing to be annoyed by, but I'm annoyed by it nonetheless. For one reason or another - and only on my DK - abilities based on weapon damage display the above menagerie of digits and decimals in the tooltip. I'd like to fix that, but after scouring the interface options for literal hours, I've yet to find any options to fix this. (Fix in this context meaning changing, say, 151029.7 to read 151,030, etc.)

    Is there an addon that can help? Is there an option buried somewhere in the settings?

  2. #2
    There's the breakUpLargeNumbers cvar if that maybe works
    /console breakUpLargeNumbers 1

  3. #3
    No dice, unfortunately.

  4. #4

    Mine does that so it is possible -- Guessing a part of ElvUI does it for me.

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