So far, I far prefer the Sunwell version. Yeah, the "first" phase was pretty pointless, what with three useless mobs wasting your time, but it kept building up with every part. Dragons were a new mechanic for its time, never really repeated, with breaths that would buff you and limited charge bubble. Final phase was pretty fast paced, with all things coming at you much faster than before, and multiple dragons available. Quite enjoyable.

Tomb KJ... phase one is pretty useless as well and the real fight begins after the intermission. There doesn't seem to be any real time limit, other than some ability overlaps being more annoying than others. Lots of running around, clusterfuck of things to soak and a general mess. Second intermission is fairly innovative, but also annoying, what with our supposed ally playing hide and seek. I can already see the DK stacking.

Phase 3 is just... boring? No more soaking, just avoid the glowing ball of death and run into void zone twice to not get gibbed. I mean, it is similar to the old Darkness of Thousand souls, but doesn't feel nowhere near as dangerous.

Mythic will probably change a lot - hopefully it won't also drag the fight to 15 minutes. There is a berserk timer at 10, but who knows.