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  1. #1

    I have lost faith in humankind, or. the horros of Maiden pugs

    HI all,

    Let me start off by saying "No, I can't join a guild, can't play past 8pm".

    Since the release day of ToS I was pugging it nonstop with 11 toons.

    First week there were a few problems with Maiden, second week no more than 3 attempts, but this week ....

    On Saturday I started with my ret pally at around 9am and gave up at 8pm. No kill
    On Sunday the exact same thing with my shadow priest.
    Yesterday I started at 2pm with my windwalker and finally a kill at 7pm, of course no loot.

    I can not fathom what I have seen the last three days. Of course, everbody knew the fight, had 905+ gear and linked "Deceiver".
    Needless to say all groups disbanded after 3 wipes max, I don't want to know how many flasks I have wasted.

    It was of course people who get the infusions wrong, but 80% of the wipes were on the tanks. So I started asking one simple question whenever a new tank came: "Hey Mr Tank, which hammer comes first?". Answers were "Fell with double l", "Dude who cares?!?", "Hammer?" or linking me a Mythic:Goroth achievement (he of course got the taunting wrong).

    This was easily the most frustrating weekend of my WoW life (Day 1 player). I know, many will say this fight is easy (for me it really is), but if Blizzard wants to encourage pugging maybe a boss like Maiden may be too much. I am looking forward to seeing how she is in LFR.

  2. #2
    Day 1 player and this is the first time you experience such a bad thing? You are lucky, mate.

    Anyway, it's still early for pugs to be able to do the mechanic, as you can see, so I would start pugging it either with 910-915+ group, or wait around 2-3 more weeks until more people get what they have to do.

  3. #3
    Talking about Heroic one i suppose?

    But yes, there are a lot of people out there that cant do this fight.

    Best excuse i saw the other day was "My guild does the colors the other way around!!" , his excuse for fucking up multiple times.

    This being a mage with like 920 equipped.

  4. #4
    I don't pug anymore, but I do remember the fairly huge amount of pugs disbanding on a failed Shadow-Lord Iskar. Pugs past week 1 often have 0 patience. Wouldn't surprise me if some of the tanks you got are DPS that only spec tank to get quicker invite into groups.
    I don't think Blizzard aims heroic to be pug friendly, thats what LFR is for, so always going to be a bit of pain with hard bosses.

    Note: there are guilds that play daytime/weekends, I have joined such a guild.
    Last edited by Ztranger; 2017-07-11 at 06:37 AM.

  5. #5
    No, I used to be a raider, but went casual during MoP, so pugging is actually new to me. No, normal mode, not heroic.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Alithia View Post
    No, I used to be a raider, but went casual during MoP, so pugging is actually new to me. No, normal mode, not heroic.
    There is a reason many people have stupid requirements, its because of your experiences.

    People are shit at the game, not just bad, the majority is plain shit, they cant even count to 10 in terms of game knowledge and most of them play for years if not since the start.

    Different mentality for everyone, thats why LFR exists, problem is, Normal isnt much different from LFR until you meet "You have to personally play the game or we wipe" bosses, as Maiden is, which you get your result.

    In other words, welcome to the community of "I am gonna fucking WoWProgress you and Warcraftlog you cause i am tired of you shitters".

  7. #7
    God forbid a 7/9 boss on heroic gives trouble to a group of total strangers 2 weeks after the release...

    This is your endgame; it should not just drop dead at sight.
    If you want less of a challenge, then go play an easier difficulty. And yes; i'm one of those who consider organizational challenge part of the whole deal.

  8. #8
    Well, there's a reason why Maiden is referred to as the PuG Killer.

  9. #9
    There are uptimes & downtimes in PUGs, i think is the nature of the composition and the general feeling.

    I was happy when a PUG i was in tried six times with just a guy lefting a boss and then get him down, they have the correct sense of their dimension

  10. #10
    i just hate mechanics where if one player messes it up, it pretty much wipes the raid. in most other fights, if one player does something wrong, it usually affects them only, or the rest can pick it up afterwards while mr. bad is tanking the floor.

    but with maiden, and similarly thaddius way back in naxx, if one person screwed up, the whole raid is punished, which just seems unfair to everyone else who is doing the fight correctly.

  11. #11
    It's unfair but it weeds out the dumbasses who pretty much expect to get carried.

    I've never been so salty about pugging heroic raids until the last two weeks. In Nighthold and EN it wasn't terribly awful because you could recover from mistakes, as opposed to ToS where the last 3 bosses especially require a lot of personal awareness.

    I know most of you are very much aware of it (MMO-C is pretty cynical...), but most people are legitimately lazy and just want to be carried. Heroic raiding isn't even difficult, there are timers for everything and you can still recover from fuck ups, but people still panic when they actually have to DO something other than masturbate while smashing Demons Bite and Chaos Strike.

    Join a guild and don't bother with pugs unless you absolutely have to, or you have AotC and can join 925+ groups. Even if your guild isn't top notch and progs casually through Heroic, it's still a lot less stressful.

  12. #12
    I pugged Maiden last week and it was the first perfect pull I have ever seen. Not one derp, not one extra bomb. Who knows? When I will see such a thing again. Get enough monkeys typing long enough...

  13. #13
    Bit off a lottery but yeah make a big grp and just kick all bads. This and avatar better in small pug grps i reckon. Got one kill like in two tries and another which took hours. Inv a lock for summons

  14. #14
    Killed Maiden and Avatar HC with relative ease both times I tried to pug it.

    Sisters and Mistress are waaaaay worse, and pugging KJ HC is pretty much impossible until you manage to get a retardfree grp, at which point it becomes shiteasy.
    They're (short for They are) describes a group of people. "They're/They are a nice bunch of guys." Their indicates that something belongs/is related to a group of people. "Their car was all out of fuel." There refers to a location. "Let's set up camp over there." There is also no such thing as "could/should OF". The correct way is: Could/should'VE, or could/should HAVE.
    Holyfury armory

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Alithia View Post
    HI all,

    Let me start off by saying "No, I can't join a guild, can't play past 8pm".
    Plenty of weekend raiding guilds around. Mine plays from 5pm to 8pm.

  16. #16
    Best advice I can give you, as another pugging player - try to get everything done as soon as reset comes. Raids on wednesdays and thursdays are usually one shot everything on normal, while weekends...Well, from your post, I gather you noticed how weekend pugs look like.

  17. #17
    If you can't find a guild that suits you, use openraid or a similar service. so your pugs become semi-pugs. but you should try sorting guilds on wowprogress by raidtime, might get lucky.

  18. #18
    I find that in maiden pugs the best thing you can do is get away from everyone else during p2, but if p1 is getting fucked up and your tanks aren't aware enough to know when they need to solo hammers, then there isn't much you can do

  19. #19
    maiden is horrible in bad pugs, all you need is one or two lazy or slow players each pull and its an instant disaster, thank god we do guild altrun, but this week i had to tank with the other alt and had to pug with mage... first 6 bosses easy as always, but maiden, holy crap, 5 different groups, each having morons, who just wont listen and wont stop picking orbs... I gave up on maiden for this reset

  20. #20
    The problem is that the green looks awfully lot like the yellow

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