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  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by Wvvtayy View Post
    Now if WoW was a game based on a book or movie series, running out of source material could be understood. But Blizzard is the one who wrote all existing lore to begin with.
    Honestly, I agree and disagree. The lore of WoW pulls heavily from the Warcraft games, therefore it's really no different than being pulled from a book series. Yes, they can just create whatever lore they want, but that's really no different then saying, "Well they can just write a new book" or "Well the author of said book series is working for the company, therefore they can just write whatever they want and we all just have to accept it as valid."

    What people are saying is being misconstrued. They're not saying "There can be no more lore" they are saying "There is no more lore that already exists from which to keep going on." In other words, the current source material is starting to dry up. Any new figures that enter into the fray will be original to WoW lore characters, not ones we've seen, we know, and whose stories have already been told, even if only partially.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by zlygork View Post
    I am sadly too lazy to make this research for the sake of this argument, but if you researched the amount of lore and villains that were created in vanilla, only to get killed in vanilla (not even mentioning the open threads that still linger from vanilla). you'd see how meaningless it is if we run out of lore, provided that blizzard does another expansion without a world-ending threat.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That won't happen, even if and when their lore goes completely to shit (it will take a significantly lower level than WoD story telling, I'd say), you'll still have people consuming it. Have you seen the amount of shit available on netflix that people watch? Things are extremely subjective. Even if you can "objectively criticize the quality of the story", consumers are not professional critics and might not care.
    Balnazzar predates WoW
    Ragnaros and the dark irons predate WoW
    Rend predates WoW
    Kel thuzad predates WoW
    Onyxia and Nefarian and the Prestor name predate WoW. They are important as deathwings children
    Old Gods predate WoW. Cthun. The first to be named

    Gruul predates WoW

    Anub arak
    Yogg reveled
    Wotlk introduces watchers
    Sarth and halion hint to deathwing

    Neptulon capture
    Halls of origination the place agalon talked about found origins of tolvir in neRby silithus introduced in aw discovered

    Garrosh antagonist in the war started in cata with a visible rift in the horde dating back

    Watcher raden reveled upon defeating lei shen

    Sha a byproduct of one of the unnamed old gods now revealed

    Pandaria legends oredate Wow


    Arrokoa curse and terrok from tbc fleshed out

    Odyn and helya last of the watchers original prime designate revealed
    Titan pantheon
    Turalyon and alleri return

    Anyways exhausting
    Lore can be created but its generLly long in advance.

    The lore estab lished long ago the are probably going to be plucked for the grand finale expac is azshara, nzoth, ethereals and their good and bad factions , zandalar isle and the final troll raid likely guided by Loa VolJin to defeat his nemesis prophet zul

    Titan lore legion lore is exhausted
    Every hero and villan ever created when legion ends has been in WoW now.

    All signs point to a finale and nu uhhhhhhhh never end isnt a concrete argument to it not ending when thTs whats being setup as we speak.
    Last edited by anaxie; 2017-08-07 at 04:43 PM.

  3. #83
    A lot of people have been stuck on Arthas and Illidan since WC3. Once we killed those guys, a lot of people felt the lore was "done" because they were the only "cool" bad guys left. Of course, Illidan came back as an ally - which of course some people felt was a good thing, and others claimed it was simply Blizzard running out of ideas. Many of these same people dislike any sort of new lore whatsoever, claiming that things like the Void Lords, World-Souls, and even MoP and WoD lore were "ruining" the lore. Even when we make a huge stepping stone in defeating the Legion (or, at least buying us some major time with them) people claim that WoW is "done" despite the fact that there are more enemies, and there always have been.

    Fact of the matter is, there are still a lot of things left that they've already established - the Void, Ethereals, Naga, N'Zoth/Old Gods in general, Bolvar (since he's not exactly a good guy nowadays), Zul/Zandalari, and unexplored areas on Azeroth and other planets. Beyond that, there are plenty of things they could come up with entirely. We didn't know about all of the races and Old God lore on Pandaria. We didn't know about the Nightborne. We didn't know about the Gorian Empire. Who knows what else is left on Azeroth, let alone all the other worlds/planes we haven't seen?
    3 hints to surviving MMO-C forums:
    1.) If you have an opinion, someone will say that it is wrong
    2.) If you have a source, there will be people who refuse to believe it
    3.) If you use logic, it will be largely ignored
    btw: Spires of Arak = Arakkoa.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by Destinas View Post
    A lot of people have been stuck on Arthas and Illidan since WC3. Once we killed those guys, a lot of people felt the lore was "done" because they were the only "cool" bad guys left. Of course, Illidan came back as an ally - which of course some people felt was a good thing, and others claimed it was simply Blizzard running out of ideas. Many of these same people dislike any sort of new lore whatsoever, claiming that things like the Void Lords, World-Souls, and even MoP and WoD lore were "ruining" the lore. Even when we make a huge stepping stone in defeating the Legion (or, at least buying us some major time with them) people claim that WoW is "done" despite the fact that there are more enemies, and there always have been.

    Fact of the matter is, there are still a lot of things left that they've already established - the Void, Ethereals, Naga, N'Zoth/Old Gods in general, Bolvar (since he's not exactly a good guy nowadays), Zul/Zandalari, and unexplored areas on Azeroth and other planets. Beyond that, there are plenty of things they could come up with entirely. We didn't know about all of the races and Old God lore on Pandaria. We didn't know about the Nightborne. We didn't know about the Gorian Empire. Who knows what else is left on Azeroth, let alone all the other worlds/planes we haven't seen?
    moral of the story: people are never happy?
    change can't wait.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by anaxie View Post
    Ragnaros and the dark irons predate WoW
    Rend predates WoW
    Kel thuzad predates WoW
    Onyxia and Nefarian and the Prestor name predate WoW. They are important as deathwings children
    Old Gods predate WoW. Cthun. The first to be named
    Ragnaros predates wow and the dark irons had any sort of depth before wow?
    Old gods predate wow as in that one stage with Arthas where he fights tentacles and tentacle monsters in wc3?
    By that same token, any slightly humanoid mob can be evolved into a world-ending threat in a given expansion.

  6. #86
    The Lightbringer Littleraven's Avatar
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    People have no imagination.

    Love the lore or hate it they can keep this going forever if they want. As long as people have ideas we have lore. I personally have some issues with the lore post MoP but I still like the overall lore and I still geek out when new stuff happens with old characters and new characters get introduced. Blizzard needs to keep it straight for sure but I do feel like even after the Legion is gone and the Void Lords are gone we can very easily get more after that if they so choose.

    Playing other MMOs (Final Fantasy XIV most recently) and seeing what they get content out of kinda makes me wish Blizzard would try something "smaller" instead of the new baddie of the week they have been doing. Not everything needs to be some world ending event that we have to come save everyone from. It is fine to have that from time to time but it stops meaning anything when we just steamroll over everything.

    Honestly I somewhat welcome all the established lore ending because it paves the way for brand new things. Say what you will about MoP but that story was basically brand new. People didn't care for the theme really but I feel like if you tweak some things and put a different coat of paint on it people may have reacted better. Turning Garrosh into a cartoon villain so quickly like that was a bit jarring but Blizzard has never really been good at making villains. Only reason Arthas got the care he did was because he was in an RTS dedicated almost entirely to him. They had a little time to actually try and flesh out his transformation from prince to death knight to lich king.

    TL;DR - There will always be new lore like it or hate it.

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Thetruth1400 View Post
    Honestly, I agree and disagree. The lore of WoW pulls heavily from the Warcraft games, therefore it's really no different than being pulled from a book series. Yes, they can just create whatever lore they want, but that's really no different then saying, "Well they can just write a new book" or "Well the author of said book series is working for the company, therefore they can just write whatever they want and we all just have to accept it as valid."

    What people are saying is being misconstrued. They're not saying "There can be no more lore" they are saying "There is no more lore that already exists from which to keep going on." In other words, the current source material is starting to dry up. Any new figures that enter into the fray will be original to WoW lore characters, not ones we've seen, we know, and whose stories have already been told, even if only partially.
    You try to help but miss the point. That isnt what people say at all.

    Its that everything created from wc1 to legion is nearly tied up with minimal threads left. So fw threads that if Nother expansion gets the same treatment as legion everythinf is over.

    They are pushing the last few villans in legion heavily
    The argus equivalent final patch can be a mutli zone karesh. The ethereal homeworld and only named world to be consumed by thw void by the only race that has been actively fighting the void.

    The ethereals are to the void. What the drawnei are to the legion

    Arcane energies transforming them allowed the ethereals to fight the void.

    Who wields tremendous arcane power. Jaina and khadgar and ethereals.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Littleraven View Post
    People have no imagination.

    Love the lore or hate it they can keep this going forever if they want. As long as people have ideas we have lore. I personally have some issues with the lore post MoP but I still like the overall lore and I still geek out when new stuff happens with old characters and new characters get introduced. Blizzard needs to keep it straight for sure but I do feel like even after the Legion is gone and the Void Lords are gone we can very easily get more after that if they so choose.

    Playing other MMOs (Final Fantasy XIV most recently) and seeing what they get content out of kinda makes me wish Blizzard would try something "smaller" instead of the new baddie of the week they have been doing. Not everything needs to be some world ending event that we have to come save everyone from. It is fine to have that from time to time but it stops meaning anything when we just steamroll over everything.

    Honestly I somewhat welcome all the established lore ending because it paves the way for brand new things. Say what you will about MoP but that story was basically brand new. People didn't care for the theme really but I feel like if you tweak some things and put a different coat of paint on it people may have reacted better. Turning Garrosh into a cartoon villain so quickly like that was a bit jarring but Blizzard has never really been good at making villains. Only reason Arthas got the care he did was because he was in an RTS dedicated almost entirely to him. They had a little time to actually try and flesh out his transformation from prince to death knight to lich king.

    TL;DR - There will always be new lore like it or hate it.
    Rts dedicated to arthas? And thrall and kael and illidan and the illidari. And the legion and the creation of the forsaken. And the night elves defeanse of hyjal. And jainas tenuois peace with thrall. And grom being a moron. And maeivs hunt for illidan

    Warcraft 3 wasnt just an arthas story.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by zlygork View Post
    Ragnaros predates wow and the dark irons had any sort of depth before wow?
    Old gods predate wow as in that one stage with Arthas where he fights tentacles and tentacle monsters in wc3?
    By that same token, any slightly humanoid mob can be evolved into a world-ending threat in a given expansion.
    Yes darkbirons have lore before wow because thaurissan and thw war of three hammers and him summoning ragnaros predate WoW

    No the ordering talking about the old ones and elementals and titans is the material. The site no longer exists since blizzard switched websites almost a decade ago.

    You wouldnt know this coming in post WoW

    Ignorance however doesnt affect reality of when things characters and themes were introduced.
    It doesnt matter nkr does it change the fact that when the next expansion hits if its azshara and nzoth. You can count on the finale being argus 2.0 structure withn the final assault on the void and the end of the story.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Destinas View Post
    A lot of people have been stuck on Arthas and Illidan since WC3. Once we killed those guys, a lot of people felt the lore was "done" because they were the only "cool" bad guys left. Of course, Illidan came back as an ally - which of course some people felt was a good thing, and others claimed it was simply Blizzard running out of ideas. Many of these same people dislike any sort of new lore whatsoever, claiming that things like the Void Lords, World-Souls, and even MoP and WoD lore were "ruining" the lore. Even when we make a huge stepping stone in defeating the Legion (or, at least buying us some major time with them) people claim that WoW is "done" despite the fact that there are more enemies, and there always have been.

    Fact of the matter is, there are still a lot of things left that they've already established - the Void, Ethereals, Naga, N'Zoth/Old Gods in general, Bolvar (since he's not exactly a good guy nowadays), Zul/Zandalari, and unexplored areas on Azeroth and other planets. Beyond that, there are plenty of things they could come up with entirely. We didn't know about all of the races and Old God lore on Pandaria. We didn't know about the Nightborne. We didn't know about the Gorian Empire. Who knows what else is left on Azeroth, let alone all the other worlds/planes we haven't seen?
    Anyone considering the story over from wotlk till 7.3 whe. The legion is destroyed is willfully ignorant to the prime villan of wc3. Void lords are just the head aka sargeras of the other faction we have been fighting since vanilla.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Does anyone have an expansion or villan list using the entire games lore that falls outside zul nzoth azshara and the void lord finale on karesh which could easily fit into one expansion and fit all remaining baddies from the 90s to cureent 2017

    Ethereals can rip open the viel to the void
    Ethernum is back in 7.3 turning themselves to void.
    Ethernum home is Karesh which was consumed by the void.

    Ethernum are the eredar
    Protectorate are the draenei
    Karesh is argus

    Think of it in this light.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Anyway WoW lore and story seedz ar
    E so deeply planted this shit is a nightmare to explain to people who dont know EVERYTHING about the lore and all plotlines introduced ever and thei reaolution or plots that rely on story points that have been concluded. Example titans watchers ect.

    This isnt an RTS lore is done so WoW is to rant. Its a the entire franchise and all characters introduced in all games and all written material are exhausted except for a small few that could neatly be tied together in 8.0 expansion considering they are allies and the last threat period the end.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Old gods existing and mentions of their connecection to elementals predates WoW quote

    Long ago, when the world was in a state of constant turmoil, the Elementals (Earth, Wind, Fire and Water) faithfully served their Old-God masters. When the Old Gods were defeated by the coming of the Titans, the Elementals were banished to an alternate plane of existence.

    The original timeline Titans ordering - start of TFT

    Specifically the old timeline that mentions the EREDAR corrupted sargeras is gone. But the old timeline mentioned the old gods without names and the elemental lords.

    its the warcraft 3 manual itself that lists stuff people claims is created post WoW and the timeline
    Last edited by anaxie; 2017-08-07 at 07:08 PM.

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozler View Post
    Because the average person isn't as smart as you may think. It's really not much deeper than that.
    Give good reason why story would venture off when it has always relied on core established villans in all three of their framchises

    Or should i turn your phrase around on you?
    Last edited by anaxie; 2017-08-07 at 07:21 PM.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by anaxie View Post
    Give good reason why story would venture off when it has always relied on core established villans in all three of their framchises
    Give a good reason a million dollars company would quit making new stories for one of their most popular franchises because of something they supposedly have never done before?

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by zlygork View Post
    Give a good reason a million dollars company would quit making new stories for one of their most popular franchises because of something they supposedly have never done before?
    Because they are hurtling towards a very defined conclusion as of 7.3 and the only villans left being allied with the ultimate finale threat in the single last area of azeroth

    Nevermind the whole SAVE your planet finale the titans say after you seal sargeras guess how you save it

    Destroy azshara and nzoth the last two major players on Zeroth who are allied. And if argus is any indication of a jampacked finale the final war againsy the void could be 8.3

    There IS a defined end to this story
    Last edited by anaxie; 2017-08-07 at 07:26 PM.

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by anaxie View Post
    Because they are hurtling towards a very defined conclusion as of 7.3 and the only villans left being allied with the ultimate finale threat in the single last area of azeroth
    And how does that matter more than money to a business?

    There's a new Dr. Who coming out.

  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozler View Post
    Uhh, what?

    OP asked why people think a certain way. I don't need to "give good reason why the story would venture off..." or whatever to justify my comment.
    Because you are not informed enough to know why people would say that.

  13. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozler View Post
    Nothing is "very defined". That's your perception, not even remotely official.

    The wouldn't have introduced a new enemy a la Void Lord. I'm also very aware of how you typically "discuss" things with others. I'll just let you believe whatever you want to believe.
    The void has been present since the games inception
    Just replace old god forcs with void lord forces.

    Naga, ragnaros, cthun, yogg, black dragons, twilight cult, nzoth. Its the void lords. Nevermind we fought void elemntals and greater voids many times as far back as tbc.

    Dimensius the all devourer himself a small manifestation and if name is any indication probably the mIn one.

    Ethereals and Ethernum returning eith void corruption on argus, insane azshara and nzoth hinting. Its happening wether u plug your eRs or not.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozler View Post
    You're no more informed than any of us. GG.
    Clearly you arent

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by zlygork View Post
    And how does that matter more than money to a business?

    There's a new Dr. Who coming out.
    Why would breakimg bad end. Why would witcher 3 be last one. Why would game of thrones end.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozler View Post
    I'm just going to ignore you. You're just regurgitating bullshit looking for a senseless argument. Like you know anything no other PTR player knows.

    I have no interest in debating with someone who believes his own lies. XD Bye bye, Anaxie.
    Its not my fault you cant follow two decades of story threading

  15. #95
    Elemental Lord clevin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozler View Post
    Uhh, what?

    OP asked why people think a certain way. I don't need to "give good reason why the story would venture off..." or whatever to justify my comment.
    However, your comment is nothing more than a generalized personal attack. It doesn't actually provide anything useful. "Cuz they is dumb" is, well, dumb.

    Some of us have tried to have intelligent discussion earlier but now people like you are back, adding nothing to the debate but hot air.

  16. #96
    Everything the have ever come up with relies on old themes. Garrosh groms son

    Sha but it was an old god still which is main lore

    Wod was more core than aspull considering it focused on guldan. Blackhand chogall teron and archimonde instead of random made up guy 1 and 2.

    Same for mop using a titan watcher
    Titan lore
    Garrosh built for four expansions
    And an old god

    As of legions end legion is done and at a climax. So is titan lore. You dont hit a more climax in titan lore than freeing the origi al prime designate odyn and saving the souls of the entire pantheon and sealing sargeras at the seat of the pantheon itself.

    Titan lore is exhausted

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozler View Post
    OP asked why. Didn't ask for a constructive discussion.

    I gave a reason why. Pretty simple.
    Simple minded with nothing to add

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozler View Post
    OP asked why. Didn't ask for a constructive discussion.

    I gave a reason why. Pretty simple. And it's an accurate one, too. People like anaxie believe it's going to end because the source material will end. In truth, no one knows when and if it will end. But if you firmly believe it's going to end just because "story threading," you're sadly mistaken. He literally equates TV shows to the same thing as a billion dollar cash cow. He clearly has no idea what he's talking about, or even the difference between World of Warcraft and Breaking Bad. You can't cure this lack of insight into how a business works, unfortunately. No use discussing it.
    Unfortunately u seem to not notoce my source material is the live game itself and everything ever establihed. Nothing is keft and they are pushing the last. 1+1=2

    Legion closed the countless story threads at breakneck pace
    Infact wow should end or be ending around the same time chronicle vol 4 hits which should be cata- finale
    Last edited by anaxie; 2017-08-07 at 07:50 PM.

  17. #97
    People just don't learn from Dragon Ball. The only end is the end the devs decide, and if they decide there is no end then there will be no end.

  18. #98
    It's impossible to run out. But it has been boring for a long time now.

  19. #99
    Except the void lords are stated to be the ultimate end and they and their 2 minions are everything left in the entire franchise

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jibjub View Post
    It's impossible to run out. But it has been boring for a long time now.
    It is possible. Case and point legion ending the titans and legion forever

  20. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by Bamboozler View Post
    This guy gets it. Instead of rambling about predicting the end of WoW because "titans, Legion, blah blah", he knows Blizzard will keep it alive as long as its profitable.

    Case in point, some people just aren't smart enough to grasp that.
    Why end with a bang when u can fade from a story that became anticlimatic and disinterested for the fanbase with the new ultimate evil gurthug the bloodrinker.

    They arent going to do that

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