1. #1

    Quick Guide on Shadow Talent Build (7.3, PvP and PvE)

    Alright so this is a quick compilation of what I found on the interwebs in super noob-unfriendly language that I couldn't find in a TL;DR version:

    Alright so let's begin with PvE:
    You basically have 2 builds that should be played according to your stats:
    1 - Twist of Fate (always!)
    2 - Doesn't matter (I prefer Body and Soul)
    3 - Mind Bomb
    4 - Lingering Insanity
    5 - *
    6 - **
    7 - ***

    So basically the last 3 talents is where shit gets weird and is totally based on your current stats distribution.
    First we need to understand we always need a minimum of 13k Haste. Having Sephuz and Shahraz changes that a little since they increase your haste by roughly 2% each, so in case you have one of those you should aim for 11k haste minimum.
    With that said, it depends on your current stats build because if you have 9k or more crit, you should go for the Auspicious Spirits, meanwhile if you don't have a high crit you should aim for playing with San'Layn instead as it scales with mastery instead of crit.

    Now, the best build is already known: it undoubtedly is the high-crit one with auspicious spirits, but in case you don't have a high crit count and instead your currently equipped gear provides you with high mastery/versatility instead, you should go for San'Layn while you farm better crit gear.
    Personal insight: My character has a much higher haste than it was supposed to have due to a full-haste lightweave legs I got from crafting when I crafted one for me, which made me go to 40% haste (!!!), and I noticed a 17% increase in DPS when I swapped from the traditional spirits build to the sanlyan one.

    The last two are usually regarded to what kind of content you're playing: Mythic+ stuff usually requires you to deal with lots of adds more than boss, so Misery+Shadow Crash is usually the go-to, in the meantime in Raids you always want to have Mindbender + Legacy of the Void for a higher Voidform uptime. Those last two lines aren't dependant on the 5th roll.

    I know this was probably posted on a much better explained way on other websites, but I wanted to post it here in a "better language" so it might help someone looking for it.

    As to PvP, Xaryu made an amazing complete guide on youtube, which even made me realize some mistakes I was doing in terms of builds and goals that I wasn't aware of (note that I'm a Gladiator Priest, and this content was relevant even for me), so I believe everyone should watch this:

    Hope you guys enjoyed this!
    Last edited by Nuba; 2017-09-15 at 10:53 PM.

  2. #2
    Very nice summary.

    One thing I am somewhat unsure of, however, is the fact that Shadow Crash doesn't seem to be worthy to take compared to LotV even in Mythic+.

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