1. #1
    Banned Jaylock's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Are there ANY noble horde faction leaders?

    • Gallywix - nefarious goblin, money grubbing, self centered, helped blow up theramore
    • Sylvanis - dark, sinister, always trying to cause havoc, always "plotting", nothing good about her
    • Next Orc Racial Leader - Every orc that has been in the warchief position has been evil in some way, hell we had to kill off their last orc leader because of how evil he became
    • Lor'themar - Don't know much about him or how noble he may or may not be. Seems like hes just the hermit leader of his hermit kingdom who doesn't talk too much about anything
    • Next Troll Racial Leader - Vol'jin was somewhat honorable, but he was wicked in his own ways, always thirsting after blood and battle
    • Panda - Pandas don't really have any racial leader other than maybe Chen. Chen isnt really leading anything but more beer from his brewery into his gut.
    • Baine Bloodhoof - Not much to say about this guy, hes just a quiet guy who only gained leadership because his daddy died. Not really a leader at all.

    At least Anduin wants to preserve his people and cares deeply about others rather than himself and his own interests. Same with Jaina, same with the Dwarven Leadership, Same with Night Elves and Draeni. The only blood thirsty Alliance leader that i can really see is MAAAAAAYBE Ghen Greymane, but thats only because he was PROVOKED by Sylvanis and the horde.

  2. #2
    Rexxar had a large campaign dedicated to him in warcraft 3 where he seemed very noble but hes been staying out of politics for all of WoW. If he wanted to enter politics i imagine hed rise very quickly.
    TO FIX WOW:1. smaller server sizes & server-only LFG awarding satchels, so elite players help others. 2. "helper builds" with loom powers - talent trees so elite players cast buffs on low level players XP gain, HP/mana, regen, damage, etc. 3. "helper ilvl" scoring how much you help others. 4. observer games like in SC to watch/chat (like twitch but with MORE DETAILS & inside the wow UI) 5. guild leagues to compete with rival guilds for progression (with observer mode).6. jackpot world mobs.

  3. #3
    OK hands up who didnt guess who this thread was started by?

    Anyway Its obvious that Baine is the most noble if that even means anything.

  4. #4
    Ji, Lor'Themar, Baine, Saurfang, Rokhan...

    Basically everyone besides Gallywix and Sylvanas.

  5. #5
    Immortal Flurryfang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaylock View Post
    • Gallywix - nefarious goblin, money grubbing, self centered, helped blow up theramore
    • Sylvanis - dark, sinister, always trying to cause havoc, always "plotting", nothing good about her
    • Next Orc Racial Leader - Every orc that has been in the warchief position has been evil in some way, hell we had to kill off their last orc leader because of how evil he became
    • Lor'themar - Don't know much about him or how noble he may or may not be. Seems like hes just the hermit leader of his hermit kingdom who doesn't talk too much about anything
    • Next Troll Racial Leader - Vol'jin was somewhat honorable, but he was wicked in his own ways, always thirsting after blood and battle
    • Panda - Pandas don't really have any racial leader other than maybe Chen. Chen isnt really leading anything but more beer from his brewery into his gut.
    • Baine Bloodhoof - Not much to say about this guy, hes just a quiet guy who only gained leadership because his daddy died. Not really a leader at all.

    At least Anduin wants to preserve his people and cares deeply about others rather than himself and his own interests. Same with Jaina, same with the Dwarven Leadership, Same with Night Elves and Draeni. The only blood thirsty Alliance leader that i can really see is MAAAAAAYBE Ghen Greymane, but thats only because he was PROVOKED by Sylvanis and the horde.
    Depends on noble. Nobody of the Horde leaders are really good and want the best for everybody, but many of them are noble in their peoples eyes and does their best to help their people and its allies. Sylvanas for instance is a character, that have never betrayed the Horde and have done alot to help the Horde. She is a sinister character, but none of her actions have really lead to anything bad for the Horde.

    Bain is also a close candidate. He is very inactive, but it seems like his values are for peace and close to that of Vol'jin, which was nearly 100% good character.

    I think the closets we have to nobleness, is proberly Saurfang. He has honor and is a quite valorius character.
    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

    Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.

  6. #6
    Saurfang/Rexxar, Baine, Chen/Ji Firepaw, Lor'themar, and Rokhan are all noble leaders/champions of their respective people. The only two of the seven Horde racial leaders who aren't "honorable" right now are Gallywix and Sylvanas. Gallywix in the meantime is at least loyal as long as the Horde is profitable and he continues to fear Thrall's judgment. And Sylvanas is loyal as long as she gets vengeance against whoever tries to destroy her people (which at the moment would be radicals like the Scarlet Crusade and Genn).

    But putting all that aside, the Horde has always been an alliance of convenience. People who would die off if they stood against the Alliance alone, so they pull their weight together because if they don't they risk destruction.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaylock View Post
    • Gallywix - nefarious goblin, money grubbing, self centered, helped blow up theramore
    • Sylvanis - dark, sinister, always trying to cause havoc, always "plotting", nothing good about her
    • Next Orc Racial Leader - Every orc that has been in the warchief position has been evil in some way, hell we had to kill off their last orc leader because of how evil he became
    • Lor'themar - Don't know much about him or how noble he may or may not be. Seems like hes just the hermit leader of his hermit kingdom who doesn't talk too much about anything
    • Next Troll Racial Leader - Vol'jin was somewhat honorable, but he was wicked in his own ways, always thirsting after blood and battle
    • Panda - Pandas don't really have any racial leader other than maybe Chen. Chen isnt really leading anything but more beer from his brewery into his gut.
    • Baine Bloodhoof - Not much to say about this guy, hes just a quiet guy who only gained leadership because his daddy died. Not really a leader at all.

    At least Anduin wants to preserve his people and cares deeply about others rather than himself and his own interests. Same with Jaina, same with the Dwarven Leadership, Same with Night Elves and Draeni. The only blood thirsty Alliance leader that i can really see is MAAAAAAYBE Ghen Greymane, but thats only because he was PROVOKED by Sylvanis and the horde.
    Thrall - Retired
    Garrosh - went old school, died
    Saurfang - Seat Warmer

    Vol'jin - Died
    Rokhan - Seat Warmer

    Cairne - Died
    Baine - Seat Warmer

    Sylvanas - died 3 times

    Blood Elves
    Kael'thas - Went evil, died twice
    Lor'themar - Seat Warmer

    Gallywix - Does nothing, lackey handle actual projects

    Ji Firepaw - Basically a Monk Emissary

  8. #8
    Lor'themar definitely has the concern for his people first. Though his willingness to leave for the alliance during Garrosh's insanity in MoP speaks that he might not be the best pick for someone loyal to the horde as a whole. (I will always remember him as the tableflip guy for that moment. "That human WITCH!")

    Though I still would've picked him over Sylvanaas. Seriously who thought that was a good idea?
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

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