1. #1

    WeakAura - Display related

    Ok so I'm creating a custom unit frame right now.

    I am trying to create a portrait within a shape, with the portrait being the background of said shape.
    So that the portrait isn't for example square, but fills a circle shape background.
    There would be no overlap outside the circle.

    I have tried with changing the strata, but it doesn't exclude the parts of the model that exist outside the circle shape.
    How would one achieve this effect with WA?


  2. #2
    That sounds tricky. Are you trying to do this for character / npc portraits? If so, are you trying to do use character 3D models, or the basic 2D circular portraits?

    If you are trying for 3D, I'm sure you could just place the model on top of your shape (separate WA) because their backgrounds are relatively transparent and shouldn't clip. Although you would have to acquire the model first, which may prove difficult.

    As for 2D, I know it's at least possible, but is beyond my knowledge. I know you can acquire portraits via SetPortraitTexture(texture, "unit") for Lua, but it may be more complicated considering it being Weak Auras.


    This is all assuming your aim is character portraits, ofcourse. Perhaps someone else can shed some light on this?

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