It is more than a year into World of Warcraft: Legion expansion which introduced the system of legendary armor dropping from random world content. This system at first provided the opportunity of some extremely fun rng where you could get a very powerful item for your class that changed playstyle or increased your overall power.
Unfortunately, this system has led to some gamebreaking drawbacks that are affecting both the 'hardcore' and 'casual' players alike, especially this far into the expansion.

Some legendaries are absolutely necessary in order to be competitive in a raid environment, making offspecs/alts extremely difficult to play.
The drop rate of legendaries is abysmal. I personally have 98 days played at level 110 before I completed my arsenal of legendaries on my Shaman. This is actually an absurd amount of time played to be able to fully appreciate the playstyles and damage my class might offer. (my last legendary was BiS for Ele,
and I was unable to play the spec in good conscience until I got it as I would be a detriment to the raid not being able to do as much dps.)
Myself and other players have been sat from raid due to not having the correct legendary for a fight (i.e. I was sat from Mythic Mistress due to not being able to play Ele as I did not have the correct legendaries at the time)
Legion has constantly been criticized as being unfriendly to alts. In my humble opinion, I believe the only thing holding back alts at this point is legendaries. I have geared up 3-4 alts to 930+ item level, and caught up on artifact power. Legendaries, however, have made it nearly impossible for me to play them competitively IN SPITE of the fact that I'm in a 7/9M and extremely active social guild <Afro Ninjas> that even someone like myself who plays the game constantly with all these resources of a guild like this at my disposal. I shudder to think of the challenges this system proposes to players who don't have the time or resources to play the game like I do.
It is endlessly frustrating when you are trying to target a specific legendary for a spec, and then get a different one that isn't very useful
From my experience, it takes ~1-2 weeks of doing almost all of the content (LFR, Emissaries, invasion points, world bosses, current and old raids) to get a single legendary. Most classes have over 20 legendaries, leading to an extremely frustrating time gate to be able to fully play a class.
As a result of these, and many other factors, the legendary system is, in my opinion, the single game mechanic that is holding back new, returning, and even concurrent players from enjoying legion to its fullest capacity.

All of this being said, I have proposed some potential 'fixes' to the system that will make the game much more enjoyable to all players going forward with the expansion.

Increase the drop rate significantly. Simple fix that would make sense for how far into the expansion we are - Argus content is harder, should be more lucrative.
Tweak the system to be a Token based one. Instead of looting a specific legendary off a boss or rare mob, said boss would drop a Token that could be redeemed for a legendary of choice. This would eliminate the frustration of getting a legendary that is less than optimal.
After a character has completed their arsenal of legendaries, allow that character to loot a Bind on Account (BoA) item which could be sent to an alt to be redeemed either for a random or specific legendary.

Every single player that I have talked to has had very similar gripes about the legendary system, and several have even quit the game over it. I think that Argus is the perfect time for an overhaul, and catch-up mechanics to be added into the game. Gear catch-ups have been added by way of relinquished tokens, but legendaries are still a huge issue that needs to be addressed.

I would love to hear what you guys think about the legendary system in Legion, as well as if you have any other unique ideas about proposed fixes or tweaks to the system that would make it more balanced and fun!