Thread: Reentering WoW

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Reentering WoW


    1-2 months ago, I had the idea to listen to WoW music while working, for fun and productivity.
    So I discovered a yt channel called everness, where you can listen to the music+ambiance of zones with video footage of that zone.
    Well, the idea got kinda out of hand and I found myself listening to this a lot, all the while building up a hunger to start playing again after 5-6 years.
    I played from 2007 until the start of MoP. Towards the end of my WoW career I did nothing but raiding and had little interest in questing.
    But now I am especially interested in questing, especially in new zones. I really loved the music and the vibe of some WoD zones and I would love to go there.
    So a few weeks ago I reinstalled it, created a lvl1 character and quickly realized how different the leveling is now. I knew that it was way easier than in the past, but I did not now that I was able to clear a whole mine with about 50 mobs by just kiting all of it, giving everyone a deadly debuff. Shit's waaay to easy("accessible"... pff). This makes it just feel like a boring chore, even more so than in the past. So I dropped it.
    But now, they announced BoA and I am really excited about various things. On top of all: scaling zones.

    So here's my question:
    I am not going to level a low level character until they release the scaling.
    But if you were in my shoes, would you level a lvl90 character through WoD content (as I said, I am kind of excited about it) in it's current state? Or is it too fast and easy to be enjoyable and you would wait till the next patch?
    Also, what do you think about the scaling feature?

  2. #2
    I'd level a lvl90 character through WoD. Quests and leveling is fun, and end-game is amazing, at least when it's fresh. You will be blown away by how many fun things are there to do before having to grind anything.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by J0hannes View Post

    1-2 months ago, I had the idea to listen to WoW music while working, for fun and productivity.
    So I discovered a yt channel called everness, where you can listen to the music+ambiance of zones with video footage of that zone.
    Well, the idea got kinda out of hand and I found myself listening to this a lot, all the while building up a hunger to start playing again after 5-6 years.
    I played from 2007 until the start of MoP. Towards the end of my WoW career I did nothing but raiding and had little interest in questing.
    But now I am especially interested in questing, especially in new zones. I really loved the music and the vibe of some WoD zones and I would love to go there.
    So a few weeks ago I reinstalled it, created a lvl1 character and quickly realized how different the leveling is now. I knew that it was way easier than in the past, but I did not now that I was able to clear a whole mine with about 50 mobs by just kiting all of it, giving everyone a deadly debuff. Shit's waaay to easy("accessible"... pff). This makes it just feel like a boring chore, even more so than in the past. So I dropped it.
    But now, they announced BoA and I am really excited about various things. On top of all: scaling zones.

    So here's my question:
    I am not going to level a low level character until they release the scaling.
    But if you were in my shoes, would you level a lvl90 character through WoD content (as I said, I am kind of excited about it) in it's current state? Or is it too fast and easy to be enjoyable and you would wait till the next patch?
    Also, what do you think about the scaling feature?
    Haha, welcome to Everness. The guy's doing a great job, ikr! I've been listening to WoW soundtracks instead of regular music since around Wrath and am really glad channels like his exist which fresh up some of my favourite tracks so I can listen to them with a new touch to them and also enjoy them for an entire hour instead of just 2-3 minutes.

    As a player who loves leveling new characters, I am super hyped for the new scaling world feature. And once they release that with 7.3.5, I will start leveling all of my alts that I plan to play in BfA. And there's lots of em, trust me! I actually enjoy leveling characters 80-110 even the way things are currently, but it will be even cooler once they release the scaling system. I want to get the mage tower challenge artifiact skin on my WW monk though so gotta level that from 30 to 110 before the expansion ends (thus I won't wait for 7.3.5 on that character). but for the rest, I will be patient.

  4. #4
    I'm super hyped for the scaling feature, as you're completely right, levelling is broken right now. It's ironic that Cataclysm was meant to fix the old world but that's basically when the issues of ridiculously out levelling zones began, particularly if you had heirlooms. The fact that it means you'll be able to pick and play through a whole through zone and take in the story is going to be a much welcome change of pace - as I don't think I've ever completed the full story for a low level zone since Cata was released..

    I doubt it's going to do much in terms of making levelling a challenge again, and those mobs will still probably die from 1 DoT, but it will give you more options than just zone hopping or chain running dungeons. Actually just bashing out some quests with your looms will be viable again. Also being able to mix up the order you do the expansions is extremely welcome.

    To answer your question - it really depends on what you think would make that levelling experience worth it. The WoD leveling experience is good but it's also pretty short, it's not unheard of for people to have done 90-100 in a single day. It sounds like you're looking for content that will be a bit more of a slow burn - and that's not what you will find with levelling in WoD sadly. With that said, Legion has absolutely BUCKETS of content at 110 - more quests than I can count, world content, mythics, etc. There's plenty of long lasting content in the current end game.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by TwoPiece View Post
    I'm super hyped for the scaling feature, as you're completely right, levelling is broken right now. It's ironic that Cataclysm was meant to fix the old world but that's basically when the issues of ridiculously out levelling zones began, particularly if you had heirlooms. The fact that it means you'll be able to pick and play through a whole through zone and take in the story is going to be a much welcome change of pace - as I don't think I've ever completed the full story for a low level zone since Cata was released..

    I doubt it's going to do much in terms of making levelling a challenge again, and those mobs will still probably die from 1 DoT, but it will give you more options than just zone hopping or chain running dungeons. Actually just bashing out some quests with your looms will be viable again. Also being able to mix up the order you do the expansions is extremely welcome.

    To answer your question - it really depends on what you think would make that levelling experience worth it. The WoD leveling experience is good but it's also pretty short, it's not unheard of for people to have done 90-100 in a single day. It sounds like you're looking for content that will be a bit more of a slow burn - and that's not what you will find with levelling in WoD sadly. With that said, Legion has absolutely BUCKETS of content at 110 - more quests than I can count, world content, mythics, etc. There's plenty of long lasting content in the current end game.
    Yes I am looking for a bit of a slow burn, as you put it. I want something challenging and I want to follow a story. In the past I didn't give two fucks about story, because I thought it's always "The harpy attacks on our village are getting more frequent recently. Please bring me a pink feather of their matriarch...". But I know now, there are some good story to find.
    I think, on paper, the scaling, as they promised is setting foot in a good direction.
    It doesn't make the leveling ridiculously long. I am guessing if Northrend scales from 60-80, you reach 80 after doing 5 zones maybe.
    That gives you some choice to your leveling experience, you don't outskale zones and hopefully, it's challenging again.

    Why do you think that it wont be challenging, even after they introduce scaling?
    I would say, that Blizzard is very well aware, that people want a fairly challenging leveling experience. But then again, they left it broken for years


    I also discovered, they introduced timewalking. I always thought it would be so amazing if they created that feature. Man would I love to explore raid content I missed out on. In it's original difficulty. But I heard it's too easy and there are certain seasons, where only a set of dungeons and one raid is available. That doesn't sound too good. What do you think?
    And do you think they would or could introduce timewalking to zones? Where you could manually scale down to your desired level?
    Or maybe that isn't technically feasibly, with how they set up the timewalking mechanics.

  6. #6
    I decided I'll hop in, a few days from now. I wanna experience current content, while it's fresh.
    A reasonable part of myself is telling me, that WoW will be a massive time and attention sink and I will take some social and financial damage from it. I have drowned that part

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by J0hannes View Post
    So here's my question:
    I am not going to level a low level character until they release the scaling.
    But if you were in my shoes, would you level a lvl90 character through WoD content (as I said, I am kind of excited about it) in it's current state? Or is it too fast and easy to be enjoyable and you would wait till the next patch?
    Also, what do you think about the scaling feature?
    I wouldn't level, but what the fuck do I know... if you think it sounds like fun, go for it. Do things that are fun. Don't do things that are not fun.
    Scaling sounds like one of those features that is fun once and then just turns into a huge driver for boost purchases. I'm guessing this is what Blizzard is aiming for.

  8. #8
    I think you should wait for the level scaling to be implemented in the next patch to enjoy each zone to its fullest, not sure when it's supposed to come out though

  9. #9
    I just leveled again from 1-110; It's really not as bad as people make it sound. I feel like the story disconnect is worse than than leveling through zones too quickly. Starting zones talk about the LK defeated yet at level 70 you hit up northrend and the LK lives

  10. #10
    I plan to resub to level a toon 1-110 again due to the scaling changes. I'm also hoping that this will make the world of 1-100 feel more alive...I hate doing a /who in Elwynn and seeing 1-2 others my level (if that).

    My advice would be not to use heirlooms at all. If your goal is to enjoy the game and the quests, this is the way to do it. Quest rewards will scale to your level as well, so you'll be well geared, you just won't get the xp bonuses. Trying to decide on a class and server now. Emerald Dream (US) seems a good place, but it's RPPVP so I don't know how the world pvp stuff works on RP realms yet.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by bshoults View Post
    I plan to resub to level a toon 1-110 again due to the scaling changes. I'm also hoping that this will make the world of 1-100 feel more alive...I hate doing a /who in Elwynn and seeing 1-2 others my level (if that).

    My advice would be not to use heirlooms at all. If your goal is to enjoy the game and the quests, this is the way to do it. Quest rewards will scale to your level as well, so you'll be well geared, you just won't get the xp bonuses. Trying to decide on a class and server now. Emerald Dream (US) seems a good place, but it's RPPVP so I don't know how the world pvp stuff works on RP realms yet.
    Yeah, that's another thing, that kept me from coming back, I was on two German servers, that are basically dead. And each transfer would be 25€, so I have an extra cost of 75€ for 3 characters. It would be more fair to bundle that. I'll probably write Blizzard and ask for a discount.

    And speaking of RP servers. RP sounds kinda interesting. To be honest, it sounds super fun to to use Shakesperean English without anyone getting enraged the 10th time I say "thou art". But there will probably be too many weirdos on such a server. How strikt is it exactly? Meaning how many players are actually in character and how many are just on that RP server, because they had no idea? And what if you are on TS/discord when you are raiding? Do people still stay in character? I have always wondered

  12. #12
    First time through the WoD questing experience is fantastic. People are sick of it now since all there was to do in WoD was to level alts, so we've burned out on it, but I'd absolutely recommend it on the Horde side. Frostfire Ridge is my favourite zone story in the game. It won't take you as long as Vanilla levelling but it'll keep you going for a while if you feel like looking around. You'll be grounded as well, since you need Draenor Pathfinder to fly there, a level 100 achievement, so that'll slow you down. Makes it a better experience too imo, you can't rush through it in the same way.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by J0hannes View Post
    But there will probably be too many weirdos on such a server. How strikt is it exactly? Meaning how many players are actually in character and how many are just on that RP server, because they had no idea? And what if you are on TS/discord when you are raiding? Do people still stay in character? I have always wondered
    I was originally on a RP server (Earthen Ring) because that's where my friends were. To be honest, it's not weird at all. Some guilds require you to stay in character, most don't. I never roleplayed myself, but am not against it. If you do roll on a RP realm, at least try and be respectful of the RPers. Don't name your dude Wtfpwnrogue or whatever. I find people on RP realms (even the one's that don't RP) to be more friendly and helpful in general.

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