Hey! I'm looking for a guild that raids and does mythic pluses. My current guild lacks good tanks for mythic pluses and the leadership refuses to replace or bench inactive tanks that only log to raid if at all. I'm the healing officer of my current guild and I coordinate healing cooldowns in our raids. I have experience using warcraft logs to see what raiders cast and when. I've been playing since BC and I know my spec in an out. I used to sell mythic keys along with a very good tank and 2 very good dps but they have gone inactive and now the mythic keys I do run are with not so great players. My preferred raiding hours are around noon PST or 5:30PM+ PST, any days are fine except I like having Sundays off. For mythic pluses I also like to do them around noon PST all the way up to 5pm PST and can do them late at night again at 10:30PM pst.



I am very active and always bring my own food, runes, potions, flasks, to raid. I also look up fights ahead of time and can be vocal on discord. I also follow raid instructions and will listen to my healing officer and raid leader. What led me to look for another guild is that I recently started streaming on twitch and I believe being in another guild would be more beneficial for me. My current guild separated from another guild many months ago and we gave the guild a placeholder name that we were going to change later on, the GM has asked guildies for name ideas but to this day he hasn't changed it. Leadership is slow and I frankly feel lonely and want to be in a better place.

I'm willing to realm transfer if paid for me and I'm not willing to faction change.

My contact info is:
Discord- Astolfo#4475
Battlenet- Clarissa#11899
