Thread: RSS Feeds

  1. #1

    RSS Feeds


    Is it possible that we can get a new RSS which has Lastest 5 News and a smaller title like "MMO Champion"?

    I'm asking this because I'm trying to get a new RSS Site for an official Fan Site of WoW-EU which is located at should be like igoogle for mmo players in some sorts, still working on it)

    The RSS works fine with the other feeds but in MMO Champ's RSS it shows the lastest news in one day(I'm assuming, not sure what exactly it is) and a very long RSS Title ("MMO-Champion - World of Warcraft Guides and Raid Strategies - News") which makes things even more harder in the header line.

    I'll keep and want to keep MMO Champ's RSS since a lot of people in Turkey loves the site.

    I'll keep the rss so you can see the difference.

  2. #2

    Re: RSS Feeds

    Not sure, why don't you just rename it ? :/

    I know some people have issues with the feed but most of the people parsing it don't have any problem, I'll check but I really can't promise anything

  3. #3

    Re: RSS Feeds

    The code I'm using only wants the Feed Address and uses feed's predefined title. I'm not really a programmer so I may not do it but I will try.

    But if you can get a feed that shows more than 5 headlines, that can be really nice. :-)

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