1. #1

    Ruby Sanctum - Help with a weak aura

    Hey fellow Champions,

    I was wondering if any of you could give me some assistance or point me in the right direction. I'm looking for a weak aura I believe, possibly a macro, to be honest I'm not even sure something like this even exists.

    As I grow older my eyesight is no longer what it used to be. I'm not quite ready to come to terms with it yet but that's a story for another day. I'm hoping something exists that could assist me with tanking the lower level during beams. The beam color and the floor color are quite challenging for me to differentiate.

    I'm well aware that at some point it won't be possible for me to play this game at all as I will be a hinderance on my raid group but I'm really not ready to give up yet. The second tank is about as unwilling to tank the lower level as I am to giving up and losing this battle with my vision.

    Any suggestions would truly be appreciated. Please if your going to reply try and give me suggestion rather than tell me its time to stop playing because I've already had to give up so much in the last couple years that I'm trying to hang onto the last few things I still have that really bring me happiness.

    I look forward to and really hope someone may have some sort of suggestion.
    Thank you

    *colorblind settings don't seem to be changing/making anything easier.

  2. #2
    Given that the colorblind settings aren't doing it, you might try picking up AdvancedInterfaceOptions and playing around with the death effect and full screen glow CVars (can't remember the names off the top of my head or I'd provide them).

    Inky Black Potion might also help https://www.wowhead.com/item=124640/inky-black-potion

    I'd also make sure your Spell Detail is set to Ultra or as high as your comp can handle.

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