Poll: Come Wrath of the Lich King, what will you as a Warlock do? Stay a Warlock? Reroll a Deathknight? Re

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  1. #121

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    as much as i LOVE my lock affli and destru tree simply won't cut it..
    we'll pretty much be what mage where in tbc (they were sheep-a-holic, we'll be soulstone/hs-a-holic)..
    affli dmg isn't just right..
    destru dmg won't be able to keep up with other pure dd class..
    and demonology tree... technically is good, yet is forced on imp for maximizing dmg (personal dmg <<< raid dmg), and with all due respect... 80% avoidance is good and all, but if raid encounters are even remotely like the current encounter (with aoe dmg and all), considering the shitty health pool of an imp, he's deemed to die sooner or later.... and you HAVE to resummon him (insta) but he'll loose any buff....

    that leaves me with my resto shaman or my rogue (i HATE pve rogue) :X
    guess it's time to abuse RAF and get myself another char... :/

  2. #122

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    Still plan on staying...am curious where our class designer has been the past week...the lack of blue posts is underwhelming. What happened to making Master Conjurer awesome? I still like my idea of making malediction allow you to apply a 2nd curse at 33%, 66%, and 100% effectiveness. Would it solve affliction DPS completely? No scaling will always be an issue. But will allow us to keep Doom or Agony up on targets as well as a raid friendly debuff curse.

  3. #123

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    To darkenrahl...

    Our pets have all been given avoidance and thus are much less likely to die from ae as you suggest. Also, would keep an eye out for set bonus like corr 2pce which will become less useless for raiding locks. (I thought I had found something about that but I cannot find it again now><)

    Do you currently play your warlock affliction? Because if you do you will already know what it is like to not top a meter past ssc/tk where our dest counterparts pull far ahead. I am the aff lock for our guild. I am also the lock tank (read less nerfed in resist gear as I still do all the raid friendly stuff and some dmg while tanking).

    I do not have a beta key so I can only look at the trees and I have to say I find Haunt interesting and running around with a felpup for the int/spi aura will be a nice change from the constant imp on phase shift.

    No class remains on top forever. For a "pet" class with no pet out we were kicking some serious ass, but now you will have to find ways to do so with said pet.

    I will remain a warlock..actually plan on leveling both of mine in the xpac. I do enjoy aff more than dest anyways and have dibs on being our raiding afflock again in wrath

    Will say this though. Our guild has little trouble finding warlocks and lots finding mages. Maybe some of these changes will help balance out the caster distribution.

  4. #124

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dismas
    Still plan on staying...am curious where our class designer has been the past week...the lack of blue posts is underwhelming. What happened to making Master Conjurer awesome? I still like my idea of making malediction allow you to apply a 2nd curse at 33%, 66%, and 100% effectiveness. Would it solve affliction DPS completely? No scaling will always be an issue. But will allow us to keep Doom or Agony up on targets as well as a raid friendly debuff curse.
    EVEN with all our damage dots up, affli damage CURRENTLY isn't on par with other top tier dps-er..
    we got a 5% nerf from imp sb, and a x% buff through haunt..
    still i think that as affli we are quite far from other dps class in wotlk, just an hunch mind ya :P
    as destru it will depends from the imp.. would imp performance be comparable to the lost dps from demonic sacrifice? time will tell :P

    @mix i know, i mentioned that.. 75% avoidance right? less likely is different from won't
    and as a pet dependant spec you should realize that resummoning a pet --> lost dps and unbuffed pet = lost dps...
    in the end it will all depend on how much dmg you'll end up dealing since you'll be most likely healing the imp yourself via fel sinergy :P

  5. #125

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    I too am curious how much damage our pets will add to our overall DPS in PVE content. Destro+Imp looks like a good combo, but Improved Felhunter and 200% Dark Pact looks like a tasty affliction combo too.

  6. #126

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    I will definetly quit WoW the day Wrath of the Lich King is released. WoW is already too much based on melee atleast on pvp which Im only intrested at. There's no doubt the things wont get any better cause the TBC itself was a huge nerf. And talking about the grinding...endless grinding for items again...so tired. Repeat all the things all over again and at the end everybody is looking the same again and crying about everything. No thanks, Im deleting my account the day the new expansion comes. Got better things to do...

  7. #127

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    Well darken the felpup already has nice resists. So from an affliction standpoint he will avoid most ae...and then resist a nice chunk of what he doesn't avoid. I do feel that the whole resummon thing will suck IF it comes to that - when I have to pull council I hate it...stupid trying to resummon imp whilst avoiding ae and whatnot

    They said they would let affliction compete more NOT that it would be the top dps spec. It has way too much utility to let it have the best dps as well. They seem committed to making us less of a deadweight feeling. (although..if your guild runs wws. Take 3% of the arc/frost/fire/shadow dmg done for the night and see how much a difference mal made, depending on your caster compliment it's nothing to cry about - for even more fun..add it to your overall dmg and see where you rank if you attribute it all to you...cause you know..they would all have done 3% less without you casting coe)

    As for imp sb...if fire dest is the "new" dps spec, we'll have to see whether this talent remains worth it. Couple poor aff crit ratings with less shadow dealers benefiting and possibly only you putting it up. It won't be up that much at all, at current my crit rating is around 16%.

    Fel syn..i knew i'd seen something somewhere about pet heals. Thanks

  8. #128

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    If you're quitting the day expansion comes out why not just quit now? According to you it will be the same game then that it is now. Or do you not have better things to do with your time until it is released?

  9. #129

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dismas
    If you're quitting the day expansion comes out why not just quit now? According to you it will be the same game then that it is now. Or do you not have better things to do with your time until it is released?
    well, actually not a bad point there...will do when I go back home...

  10. #130

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    im not sure. i raid as a warlock and it is easy rolling my face on sb spam, but i am weary of affliction as a raid spec for several reasons.

    1. being forced to use pets because for some reason 5 man groups seem to think succ charm is cc. we all know ppl like to attack cc'd targets when they arent supposed to. the succ has no hp and it doesnt last 45 seconds like normal cc. not to mention it lowers my dps and concentration and shards. i wouldnt mind the imp/felpup though.

    2. affliction still requires sb spam, but also dots. dotting trash doesnt dps 1/2 as well as any dps class/spec. affliction sucks at raid dps. knowing your raid dps is gimped youre expected to bring utility. malediction and shadows embrace. if youre raiding affliction and you arent using sb youre doing it wrong and your dps sucks. going affliction, you pretty much need 21pt ruin to make the sb spam a decent dps in comparison to real dps classes.

    3. 21pt ruin means you only have 50 pts left for affliction. affliction tree is bloated and you cant get all the talents you feel you need to make it worthwhile.

    4. malediction and shadows embrace isnt all that great compared to other wotlk synergies. there are better classes/synergies to bring that do more dps.

    im waiting to see what they do but i will probably accept the 5% nerf to sac succ and 5% nerf to isb and just level 0/21/40 because its the fastest way to level. then i might go with fire destro but im weary about that too. all the points to make imps buff crit are a joke and bloat up the tree.

    affliction/dotting 70-80 just seems like it would take 2x as long to level. and i laugh at all the ppl who leveled demonology 60-70. im sure destro fire could be good for leveling but sb spam seems the best.

    changes are still to come so who knows what specs will be for raiding. good thing i have a 70 of every class to play with on my account.
    Why is there no dungeon finder for 840 Mythic "1" dungeons? Mythic 1 dungeons are simply the old pre-legion heroic dungeon difficulty, renamed. just like in WoD they renamed each MoP raid difficulty to sound harder.

  11. #131

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    I plan to re-roll death knight, but it has little to do with how warlock is being developed. I've been playing the class for almost 4 years now - time for a change.

    Honestly, warlock is shaping up nicely. Yeah, a lot of it still sucks or needs work, but each build has really come into its own. Affliction is more viable, destruction has moved away from one button, and demonology has the ability to keep a pet alive without 2pc t5.

    (ps. the glyphs kinda suck)

  12. #132

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    Rerolling my warlock for a druid due to that I love the new druid talents and I miss healing

  13. #133

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    The trend is still continuing with only about a 1-3% variation in the percentages since the start of the poll:

    - About 50% of current Warlock population staying
    - About 20% of current Warlock population rerolling
    - About 30% of current Warlock population haven't decided yet

    But that's old news. On to something more discussion provocative.

    It seems that a lot of the other classes are entering or are about to enter their final update/polish phase whereas the Warlock class has yet to receive any major work. I do not know whether or not the devs are just holding out to do Warlocks last because they recognize that the class has some very serious problems or all the Kalgan conspiracy theories are true and locks are doomed.

    So, there are two possible things as of right now:

    1.) Changes/fixes are incoming soon: Warlocks are being saved for last either because the devs admit that the class is screwed up and needs serious fixing, or we are being saved for last simply because all the other classes were easier to do first.

    2.) There won't be any more changes/fixes coming: All the Kalgan conspiracy theories are true and we won't see any viable/real fixes or improvements in WotLK and had all best start rerolling rogues or Deathknights.

    According to the poll, it seems that if nothing big/substantial happens before the release of WotLK: worse case scenario - Warlocks will lose about 47-53% of their current population.

    I do not know what is happening for real with this class but have offered my thoughts on it.
    What do you think? Are they just saving us for last? Why/why not? Or are we all doomed? Yes/no/maybe? Don't know?

    Please keep voting and posting your thoughts so that we can keep this discussion fresh and going.

  14. #134

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    Dunno tbh, hope they're saving us for last...
    I'm pretty much dissapointed in warlocks talents in their current state.
    Just dont know, i r sad
    Anywayz, fingers crossed ;D
    A Possible replacement for Archimonde. Beware all ye landlubbers.

    Guess what? l2improvise, bichiz.

  15. #135

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kekezor
    Dunno tbh, hope they're saving us for last...
    I'm pretty much dissapointed in warlocks talents in their current state.
    Just dont know, i r sad
    Anywayz, fingers crossed ;D
    Exactly, i think that most, if not all of us are hoping that we are the last to be fixed. I think that we do have serious problems with our class. I mean look at the death knight, THEY GET A CHANCE FOR THEIR DOTS TO CRIT! That is not fair to the warlock/spriest community. Also most of us want affli/demo to be viable for things other than leveling! I want to sick my felguard onto a boss or dot thing up to hell and still do DECENT damage, maybe not top damage but at least near or close to it if im properly geared. I am most likely gonna stick with my warlock but if NO changes come our way soon im going to change my mind and reroll to my rogue/shaman/DK(future)/druid.


    :'( :'(I just really hope they fix us soon. :'( :'(

  16. #136

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    I've been crunching some numbers and compiling some interesting data about Blizzard blue posts and how they relate to the different classes lately.

    Not done with it yet, will either update this post later or post the finished results again soon.

    In the mean time please post more of your replies to any of the main topics being discussed in this thread. I want to know what you think, we all want to know what you think. You will tell us what you are thinking. We will know what you know and think. We want the dataz and opinions from your head, give it to us, give it to us now! ;D

  17. #137

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    I'll stay a Warlock for ever. It's the only class so far that I still have fun playing with it. I made one of each other and I can't find something fun yet. I was thinking leaving my warlock for a Deathknight. But after playing the Beta, I realise that DK was only like a lot of other class, smashing button as quick as possible. Nothing else.

    I've also played my Warlock on beta and I love the new changes. It's fun, maybe not as powerfull as other class yet. But balance will come soon maybe. Anyway, I like the new Demo talent tree. Maybe this time we are gonna see some demo warlock in raid. Why not !

  18. #138

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    Tbh all I see in WotLK yet is more classes being able to rape Warlocks.
    We got some potential in the Affliction tree, but as long as we dont get 100% dispell resist or 10k dmg and 10sec silence (example) on UA and make it be first in line to be dispelled I just dont see anything good happen.
    Got my good old feral druid for backup (prolly not the best choice looking at their pvp potential wich is still ike 0).

  19. #139

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    ITT: the dichotomy between intellectual gaming and developmental consistency.

    one can sit and accurately stereotype the age of player, class and race based on their comments made here.
    it's quite amusing, and sad at the same time.

    ...Warlock Hip-Hop To Melt Wax and Face...

  20. #140

    Re: Will you reroll or stay Warlock in WotLK?

    Tanked pretbc, healed post tbc release, leveled a warlock, forgot how to tank and heal, rather stay that way

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