1. #1

    How many healers for naxx 25?

    Pretty simple question really. Our guild has been having trouble with recruiting healers recently (on our server decent healers are kept on a tight leash by their guilds) and as such we have had to postpone our progression into 25 mans and are basically doing the 10 mans every week just for something to do.

    Usually we get 5 healers signed up, my question is, would this in fact be enough? All of the guild is at a rather similar gear level with most of the items we had in TBC being replaced (we were never in Sunwell) so would we manage with 5 or do we require the traditional 7?

  2. #2

    Re: How many healers for naxx 25?

    Have done some off the bosses ther whit as litel as 3 healers you will do fine whit 5

  3. #3

    Re: How many healers for naxx 25?

    5 if you are all pro and well geared.

    6 if you come from almost full heroic gear, imo.

    7 would be a good gues for the first raid you will do. Then you can tune it down afterwards.

  4. #4

    Re: How many healers for naxx 25?

    for the more healing intensive fights (sapphiron, patchwerk, etc.) five might be too little (depending a lot on the gear level of your tanks, tho).

    but on the easier to heal fights, as little as three can be used.

    so if you trust your healers and have fairly well equipped tanks, i'd say go for it with five.

  5. #5

    Re: How many healers for naxx 25?

    It is very doable with 3-4-5 healers,it just depends if the healers know how to play their class/speccs and know whats happening in the different fights.

  6. #6

    Re: How many healers for naxx 25?

    Yeah, 7 is the standard. It's what we try to roll with each week. There have been a few times where we've had to run with 6 though, and for the most part we were still successful. Never tried running with 5, I don't think it would be pretty. Take 6 at least.

  7. #7

    Re: How many healers for naxx 25?

    We ran 10man with 2 healers fine.(Guild run)
    Ran 25man Naxx yesterday and one shot it. Cleared two Quarters in 2 hours.(Guild run)
    We ran with 3 healers in 25man without a problem.
    It's really more easy than a lot people think... unfortunately. =/
    A tad disappointed. Like free epics and valor badges.
    Hopefully Uldar will be much more difficult. Lol.
    "There will be a mount reward for killing Deathwing."

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