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  1. #1

    Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    Fake patch 3.1 notes update #2: Confirmed to be a fake from ... some guy. (No name, hundreds of fake patch notes made by people who want their 15 minutes of fame could be slightly annoying)

    Fake patch 3.1 notes update: A lot of people have been reporting notes for the upcoming Patch 3.1. These notes are fake, they're a compilation of already-known info with a lot of stupid additions and you should definitely not trust them. You can find these notes here because deleting the post will just cause 3 of them to appear in the next 5 minutes. I know that these posts were first reported on an official fansite but that's definitely not an excuse you should be using to trust them, if they're not from Blizzard or from patch files, just call them fake.

    Rating system changes last night
    Originally Posted by Kalgan (Blue Tracker)
    We made some adjustments to the rating system last night that are now in effect.

    • 1. Personal Ratings will now always trend toward Team Ratings (instead of the internal matchmaking rating). This should eliminate the odd behavior players noticed of seeing their PR change in ways that seemed bizzare. It also eliminates the possibility that you can play every game with your team, yet be ineligible to get items when the team qualifies for them (or ineligible to receive full points).
    • 2. You will now gain or lose around 12 points when winning or losing to teams of roughly equivalent matchmaking rating to your own team (previously this number was 8 ).
    • 3. The rating scale has been extended to a range of 240 to about 2800 to more accurately reflect what was possible under the old system. This means that most players over 1500 will experience some slightly easier than expected rating gain as their team adjusts upward to the new scale.
    • 4. Players with less than 1500 rating will still get the same number of points as players at 1500.

    It is now easier to get higher ratings
    It is easier to get higher ratings due to the scale adjustment. However, I'd still expect a very small percentage of the population to get the arena master achievement, by no means would I call it trivialized.

    Is hidden rating wiped on character transfer?

    What determines hidden rating besides win/loss? Resilience, damage, healing?
    Only winning/losing determines the rating

    What is the min/max amount of points able to be lost/won now?

    Is the TR/PR cap still 3000 with these changes?
    Yes TR/PR do still have a hard cap at 3k, although we don't expect players to get that high regardless.

    Is any of the rating affected by your gear?
    None of the rating systems have the slightest clue or are in any way affected by what gear you have.

    How can the ratings not get that high if numerous teams get to 2700+? Are there diminishing returns on the amount of rating you can gain off another team despite team ratings being similarly high?
    It certainly is possible to get that high legitimately, although it would be unusual. There's about a 2% chance of seeing a 3000 rated team in a population size of 20,000 teams... about a 5% chance of seeing one in a population of 50,000 teams. So, with the number of battlegroups in existence it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility to see a 3k team. Grats to them. =]
    Blue posts
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Ulduar gear quality
    It's not likely. Some of the heroic dungeon and heroism gear is fully comparable to some of the Naxx 10-man stuff. Keep in mind though that heroic 5-man and heroism progression won't be keeping pace with 10-man Ulduar when it comes out. You won't be as likely to find items in 10-man Ulduar that are sub-par to the heroism and heroic 5-man loot. (Source)

    Class balancing / Target Dummy DPS
    We don’t treat classes like children, making sure everyone has the same number of cookies. I see players sometimes listing patch notes as “Their class got 41 buffs while ours only got 12” which is a silly thing to say on so many levels. We buff when we need to buff and nerf when we need to nerf. We don’t dwell on how often or what magnitude those changes are. We are more concerned about balance than fairness, if that makes sense (note to self: you will almost certainly be clarifying that statement for months to come). When we don’t make a change that we want to, it is almost certainly because there is a technical or design limitation preventing it. Players may perceive that as “it doesn’t matter if they’re overpowered for awhile.”

    One more thing I would like to add is that there is no concept of “hunters do X dps.” You can generate numbers on a target dummy, or numbers on Patchwerk, or numbers for Naxx, or numbers for Naxx bosses. All of those are numbers are likely to be different, and that is something we want. We want every encounter to be different. We want some classes to so better on some fights than others. It’s more interesting that way than if every encounter in the game always produced the same classes in the same stack rank. A big disconnect between the community and the developers is that we don’t accept dps as an absolute number. It is relative and it is nebulous. The community with its spreadsheets and target dummies more often views it as an absolute. (Source)

    Buffing vs Nerfing
    Look, all things considered we would much rather buff than nerf. Players love it when they get buffed. The sun comes out and the birds are singing. When we nerf a class we get (I kid you not) death threats. So we must have a really good reason for nerfs.

    Usually the reason is that we have absolute, not relative targets. If you are in a raid and someone is doing 8000 dps, sure the "fun" solution is to buff every other class up to that point. If we end up over-buffing someone to 8500 dps, well then we can go back and give everyone else additional buffs. Maybe at level 90 everyone will be doing 12,000 dps, but inflation is inflation, right? Right? Of course we'd have to buff all the monsters too. We'd probably have to buff gear and talents because otherwise their contributions might seem paltry (I get 20 more dps when I do 8000 dps? lol.). In short the changes necessary to avoid a nerf just spiral out of control.

    I am talking mostly about PvE here. The balance for PvP is quite different and while raw power is certainly a factor, specific abilities and their cooldowns and synergies are usually far more important. The same thing is true though. If a particular form of CC is too potent, then in order to avoid nerfing it, we would have to give lots of other classes better ways of breaking CC. Then the original player feels gimpy so we give him the "this CC cannot be broken" ability. The vicious cycle still exists. Sometimes a single nerf, even if it's unpopular, is a ton less work than a lot of buffs, and sometimes it is just better for the game regardless.

    Some players ask: Isn't this what betas and PTRs are for? That is true. But it often isn't enough. MMOs are living games. Things change over time. Players are crafty and find new ways of using abilities to do things we didn't anticipate. Software has bugs, and sometimes they aren't uncovered even with the most rigorous QA. Rather than denying that these problems can arise, we would rather just be open about them and get them fixed as quickly as we can. (I didn't say "quickly," I said "as quickly as we can.")

    One of the things we are trying to do is get changes turned around in a more timely manner. In the past if a class or spec was too weak they often had to just suck it up until the next tier of content is released. I think the community wasn't necessarily prepared for this, which is why you see some "roller coaster" feedback. Other players, we know, are thrilled that issues might actually get looked at quickly instead of going on and on. And to be fair, we can be even faster and there are problems that have persisted for longer than we would like, but WoW is a big game and supertankers don't turn on a dime. (Source)

    [EU] New English Realm - Saurfang
    The basics
    Realm name: Saurfang
    Language: English
    Realm type: Normal (PvE)
    Battlegroup: Misery
    Migration: No
    Realm forums:

    In a few words
    Today we're opening a new English Normal/PvE realm, named Saurfang, in the Misery Battlegroup. This is a fresh realm, thus no migration will be allowed to the realms during the first 90 days. Also, the Ahn'Qiraj gates and Sunwell will be closed, and you can't create a Death Knight on the realm until you have another level 55 character there (or 90 days have passed).

    The realm will open this afternoon.

    Please note that the starting areas may be quite flooded in the beginning, and the population cap is intentionally set a bit lower than normal to not have them even more flooded. The cap will be raised over the coming days as the population spreads out more.

    Class balancing methodology (Source)
    1. Lets accept that class balance for PvP when it comes to this forum (Healing) is at an all time low.
    If you mean there are too many paladins and not enough other healers, then we agree.

    2. Lets agree that by opening up the raiding content to everyone by easing its difficulty level you have increased the number of players who will express their opinions about the state of their class.
    We also agree. We also think this is a good thing.

    3. We all already agree that balancing classes around both Arena and PvE is what creates many of the problems here.
    It creates problems, sure. I’m not sure I would argue it is the overwhelming factor though. Many players are worried about, e.g. whether their raid buff merits being invited to a raid, which has no PvP ramifications. Many players want to have more CC or CC breaks, which has very few PvE implications.

    4. Lets agree that Recount stats and WWS reports dictate how players feel their class stands up against others and that you re-balance spells based off this data. (Dont take this to mean only effective healing/damage numbers)
    Players place too much emphasis on this. It’s a tool. Balancing around recount stats is like using a thermometer to predict the weather.

    5. Lets agree that out of the thousands of posts made to expore ideas for balancing a specific class that only 5-10 posts, made by extremely knowledgeable individuals who have skill at being able to express their ideas in written form, merit your full attention.
    I disagree a little. Sometimes the most misinformed, confused players are the ones who will benefit most from a blue post. There are plenty of players who don’t speak English as their first language who may be extremely knowledgeable but can’t express their ideas as clearly as a native speaker. Their posts are not invalid.

    6. If every so often you made a post which outlines all the core issues the developers are concerned with it might alleviate some of the frustrations players have of trying to pick your brain.
    We do, but probably not as often as you would like.

    This gets a little bit into the player 2 mindset though (less so this specific post than similar comments in this thread). Usually when players say this they mean “I didn’t like that you responded to that post and I think you should have responded to this other post.” (Many but not all times “this other post” is theirs.) This is why I implore players to not raise a stink about where I post. It's not productive and not really the intent of this forum. When we want to outline the issues we are concerned with, we'll do that. Selfishly, we get a lot more out of player posts than we get from offering a Q&A. I don't mind a Q&A from time to time, but understand that 90% of my motivation to be here is selfish -- it helps us make the game better.

    I think the majority of posters need to realize that there is a more complicated decision-making process involved in improving a game like WoW than simply looking at pages of angry threads and saying "ok, we'll do this".

    Believe it or not, Blizzard eats its own dog food. They understand pretty well how their game works and if 10 million+ players see a problem with something, chances are PRETTY good they do too. Community feedback always happens and is encouraged, but that shouldn't automatically translate to a decision to appease the masses. Blizzard doesn't make changes to shut you up. They make changes to improve the game. If improving the game shuts you up, bonus.

    Well said.

    Hunter (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
    New hunter mechanics announced at Blizzcon?
    Yes, your role will not change. We have some long-term plans for mechanics but it is way too early to talk about them. Blizzcon maybe. (Source)

    Shaman (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
    Unleashed Rage
    When we have an announcement on changes I'm sure you won't miss it. But yes we recognize this talent is expensive in a way the same buff is not for other classes. We didn't change it at the time because Enhancement was doing great damage. That is still the case, so we need to take a bigger look at the whole tree to make changes, but we hope to do so for 3.1. (Source)

  2. #2

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    Finally some rating system tweaking.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nowyn
    All the screams of "WoW is dying" is just stupid to me. Their numbers keep going up, how do you explain that? Personally I get really tired of WoW, wait let me rephrase that, personally I get tired of the morons I have to put with when I play WoW. Morons who think that they are entitled something, morons who whimper about the old days when they were screaming about how boring MC was and how they wanted to claw their eyes out. I wish you people could hear/read what you say/post sometimes.

  3. #3

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    sweet, gaining and loosing 8 points on long games was irritating. I like how every other patch they have to re explain buffing and nerfing in a blue post.
    Hardcore from the brain!

  4. #4

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    While I find it nice that Blizz decided to change it for the better, I still feel like it was poor planning on Blizzards part to make the initial changes in the first place. Blizz keeps changing the arena systems around when there was nothing wrong with the ranking system before the patch. Guys start trying out your ideas before you put them live on our servers, arenas are serious business and not to have the rules changed up every week.

  5. #5

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    Start zones are heavily populated on Saurfang :>

    Wonder how the realm numbers will look after a week or 2.

  6. #6

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    Maybe at level 90 everyone will be doing 12,000 dps, but inflation is inflation, right?

  7. #7

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by jakkbauer
    Guys start trying out your ideas before you put them live on our servers, arenas are serious business...

  8. #8

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by casual harcore guy
    Finally some rating system tweaking.
    I wish they would make up their mind on this.

  9. #9

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    the fake notes link does not work properly (off limits!)

    edit: works now!

  10. #10

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    for some reason i think they ended up taking it down. it worked earlier. i got off the comp refreshed it and now it doesn't work. So it was possibly taken down.

  11. #11

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    I sure seem to recall a post in TBC that MMO-Champion denied as being true to only later (after official Blizzard statements) say "oh yeah turns out that this stuff was true". I am sure that this is the standard responce to something that has been leaked.

    I look forward to the "official" information and see how these match up...

  12. #12

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    those fake notes are hilarious, check out the mage changes.

    screw that, check out any of the changes, if these notes were real, the patch would be 10gigs!

  13. #13

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by Tmbrland
    I sure seem to recall a post in TBC that MMO-Champion denied as being true to only later (after official Blizzard statements) say "oh yeah turns out that this stuff was true". I am sure that this is the standard responce to something that has been leaked.

    I look forward to the "official" information and see how these match up...
    Surely there is things here that won't be on the official patch notes, things like:
    - Chaos Bolt: Cooldown reduced to 8 seconds, base damage increased slightly. Also pierces through immunity effects such as Divine Shield and Ice Block.
    GC already said they won't do that.

    The patch notes are good for laughs indeed. Many of the changes are just things people want so much, like "XXXX will no longer lag". Things like that never appear on patch notes.

  14. #14

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    Thank the Gods those patch notes are fake. Warriors get the shaft.
    No threat reduction on Improved 'zerk?
    Quote Originally Posted by sharpy View Post
    Ya i think Karadros got it right sadly..
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRagebear View Post
    Sylvanas is flawless and should be canonized as a saint.

  15. #15

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    Those notes have me a bit worried. You said some of the info was already confirmed. I have no clue which is and which isn't, and while some info is obviously fake, it's hard to tell on several things ><

  16. #16

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    If you keep yourself updated with the blue posts said on MMO-champion main page, you know which are real and which are not... btw about the notes:

    - Potency Rating: Haste Rating, Armor Penetration Rating and Spell Penetration have been merged into a single stat. Each percent of Potency will decrease the enemyfs spell resistances and armor; it will also increase the playerfs cast speed and melee attack speed.
    Oh that's just bad, i can understand if blizzard decided to mix Spell Pen and Armor Pen in a single stat, but mix haste in that? wtf
    Quote Originally Posted by Bahumut5
    I don't want to call Boubouille and wake her up for something like this.

  17. #17

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    Quote Originally Posted by Chaoslux
    If you keep yourself updated with the blue posts said on MMO-champion main page, you know which are real and which are not... btw about the notes:

    Oh that's just bad, i can understand if blizzard decided to mix Spell Pen and Armor Pen in a single stat, but mix haste in that? wtf
    Actually, reading that I thought it might not be a terrible way to solve the problem that many melee have with haste sucking right now.

    Also, those were the worst (EDIT: FAKE) patch notes ever. I couldn't even laugh at most of them, pretty much the whole things was just a /facepalm.... especially the part about the 2nd raid, lololololol

  18. #18

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    o Reputation gains from winning battles in Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin have been significantly increased.
    o Alterac Valley Marks of Honor, Warsong Gulch Marks of Honor and Arathi Basin Marks of Honor may now be exchanged for reputation gains with their associated factions.
    God I hope that's true.

    o Several new epic belt patterns have been added to all Grand Master Engineering Trainers.
    o Hyperspeed Accelerators now stack with other enchants, duration increased to 15 seconds.
    I hope that's not true. They need to fix our rocket boots before they worry about that damn glove haste thing again.
    Engineer = Mage

    Biggest possible firepower, yet they keep whining. "SPY SAPPIN' MAH SENTRY!"

  19. #19

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    Fix: The rating system changes 3 nights ago*

  20. #20

    Re: Arena rating system changes, Blue posts

    - A new bank slot is now available for purchase!

    - Frostweave Bag is now a 22 slot bag.
    - Glacial Bag is now a 24 slot bag.
    - Dragon Hide Bag is now a 24 slot bag, no longer considered unique.
    Fake or not, I would appreciate those changes very much.

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