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  1. #1

    Class ratio in BG

    Did some BG and WG on a reroll last night to farm some honor and have fun.
    I did farm honor but it was no fun - variety of classes is going down every single day

    Here are the worst ratio I saw:

    WG raid : 17 DKs, 8 Pallies
    AB: 6 DKs, 6 Pallies - yes, 3 (THREE!) other classes (a priest, a rogue and me (lock))
    WSG: 5 DKs out of 10...

    Facerolling isn't enough to describe how easy these are - it still means somehow you can see your screen between facerolls, a$$rolling is more suited here. Every single day DKs are reaching 80, and people start PVPing on them. As soon as my DK is 80, I'll try to defeat opponents in BG using that method. I'm pretty sure i can be successful, using the right keyboard shortcuts layout.

    Something needs to be done, seeing the same class all over the BG is a huge threat to the fun factor.

  2. #2

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    Quote Originally Posted by Terminated
    Did some BG and WG on a reroll last night to farm some honor and have fun.
    I did farm honor but it was no fun - variety of classes is going down every single day

    Here are the worst ratio I saw:

    WG raid : 17 DKs, 8 Pallies
    AB: 6 DKs, 6 Pallies - yes, 3 (THREE!) other classes (a priest, a rogue and me (lock))
    WSG: 5 DKs out of 10...

    Facerolling isn't enough to describe how easy these are - it still means somehow you can see your screen between facerolls, a$$rolling is more suited here. Every single day DKs are reaching 80, and people start PVPing on them. As soon as my DK is 80, I'll try to defeat opponents in BG using that method. I'm pretty sure i can be successful, using the right keyboard shortcuts layout.

    Something needs to be done, seeing the same class all over the BG is a huge threat to the fun factor.
    So what are you saying...? You don't know how to faceroll?

  3. #3

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    ? Not sure what you mean. I do understand the fine concept of facerolling.

    My new Achievement target in Wow is: defeat an equal level ennemy player with my DK just by litterally sitting on my keyboad, turning my back to the screen.

    I'll use a webcam but I obviously need to make sure I can't be recognized.

  4. #4

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    Its true that Paladins/DKs/Rogues have high representation in BGs these days.

    The plate ones are hard to kill, and Rogues pick their fights - I think its because all are more fun to play than the other classes due to their survivability - you actually get to "do" stuff before being killed.

  5. #5

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    If you think you can beat a good player in BG by just pressing any button with a DK i'm pretty sure you're one of the clowns that i've "Facerolled" on my way to you're flags. Any good player will beat a bad player 90% of the time, Gear and spec excluded for obvious reasons... A healer isn't gonna beat a DPS character by outhealing them. All they can do is attempt to flee, which if you're a healer you can dispel nearly all snares and run.

    The 2 most represented classes are indeed pally and DK, HOLY pally, and... DPS dk, probly unholy or blood...

    How many DKs have you seen that are actualy GOOD at what they do? 90% of them just smash deathgrip straight away and then spam chains of ice when it's up. This gives me enough time to get enough RP for AMS, IBF and just nuke them. Just like the pallys. Run in, HoJ, judge, spam CDs' and even attempt to use repentance when i have the holy vengence DoT upon me...

    Which one will you be? CoI spam DK or Ilitterate Pally. (Check the enemys buffs before you try and stun/repentance)

    I went a little off track, sorry, my point is, most of the DKs and pallys that represent the BGs are crap, really crap... So are the pallys to be fair, 4 buttons max to press in any spec.

  6. #6

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    its funny how much dk there are but haven't found any dk yet that have killed me instead i killed them&#160; while playing my "OP" holy pally ><

  7. #7

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    Quote Originally Posted by Terminated
    ? Not sure what you mean. I do understand the fine concept of facerolling.

    My new Achievement target in Wow is: defeat an equal level ennemy player with my DK just by litterally sitting on my keyboad, turning my back to the screen.

    I'll use a webcam but I obviously need to make sure I can't be recognized.
    Alright. I'm gonna go ahead and assume you're an idiot; you want to sit on your keyboard.

  8. #8

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    Assume whatever you want, I don't care much.

  9. #9

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    This may have something to do with:

    anyone can have a DK start out at 55.... so everyone has a DK.
    horde had pallies introduced in TBC and pretty much everyone rolled a BE pally.

    I'm sure it has a lot to do with dk's and pallies being the best pvp'ers in the game right now, but it doesn't help that almost everyone has one or both of these classes.

  10. #10

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    getefix is completely right

    the thing is.. when horde paladins came out, it was something new.. so everyone wanted to try that.. same goes for DK's...

    My personal experience, as a lvl 80 DK, is that i dont have trouble with other DK's. Paladins can be gay cuz when they bubble or use Lay on hands its just a lost fight ... i usually try to escape by using ISB, and if needed sacrafice my pet to heal me while running away, to come back when his bubble is over

    the thing i hate the most though are the rogues... they can literly stunlock-kill me for 80, 90%.. now im not that great geared yet.. about 20k hp, 28% crit and 2.8k AP, but seriously, for me its only the rogues that take away the fun

    I am on battlegroup Rampage, and I see lots of mages and druids as well.. warriors are also quite common.. classes i totally miss are warlocks, while shamans are rarely seen either. Hunters nuke me like crazy too btw.. though since they have no selfhealing ability, im OK with that...

    imho: nerf rogues more then DK's or Paladins

    the game is getting old, peepz wanna try new stuff.. I myself wasnt happy with my warlock and paladin (lock sucked in pvp, paladin was too easy imho) so i rolled DK too
    thread: Smoke Grenade? I mean srsly?
    I'd also like a flashbang and then it would be just like Counter Strike.

  11. #11

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    Facerolling a DK.... I don't know where to start.

    Now that that's over. Most people have no idea how to play a DK and all the huntards re-roll one. I used to see mass huntards in Battle grounds, thus making the DK the new Huntard.

  12. #12

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    I dont care for DKs. mine has been lvl 58 since Wolk release. anytime i want to go into a BG a faceroll someome. i use my prot warrior. DKs are no trbl for me to kill. except when they try to sit there and Kite me, that is very annoying. but the only classes that give me alot of trbl are tankadins, and well geared and played mages. everyone else is pretty easy to beet. Oh and Locks against me are a Joke LOL. OH and FYI TO ALL ROGUES, going all out on a prot warrior is dumb and u r fail for thinking u can win that way. Damage shield FTW!!!

  13. #13

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    Quote Originally Posted by k0102
    getefix is completely right

    the thing is.. when horde paladins came out, it was something new.. so everyone wanted to try that.. same goes for DK's...

    My personal experience, as a lvl 80 DK, is that i dont have trouble with other DK's. Paladins can be gay cuz when they bubble or use Lay on hands its just a lost fight ... i usually try to escape by using ISB, and if needed sacrafice my pet to heal me while running away, to come back when his bubble is over

    the thing i hate the most though are the rogues... they can literly stunlock-kill me for 80, 90%.. now im not that great geared yet.. about 20k hp, 28% crit and 2.8k AP, but seriously, for me its only the rogues that take away the fun

    I am on battlegroup Rampage, and I see lots of mages and druids as well.. warriors are also quite common.. classes i totally miss are warlocks, while shamans are rarely seen either. Hunters nuke me like crazy too btw.. though since they have no selfhealing ability, im OK with that...

    imho: nerf rogues more then DK's or Paladins

    the game is getting old, peepz wanna try new stuff.. I myself wasnt happy with my warlock and paladin (lock sucked in pvp, paladin was too easy imho) so i rolled DK too
    Run around in the OP frost presence with about 65% damage mitigation, try and pop IBF after it, failing that, trinket kidney and "Faceroll" him.

    Faceroll: Infects the enemy player with a deadly disease causing them to lose control of their character and cry uncontrollably. Players can still use the forums when effected by this ability.

  14. #14

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    Quote Originally Posted by Terminated
    Assume whatever you want, I don't care much.
    Yep, this just in: Bad players are still bad.
    70 Warlock - The Scryers
    80 Hunter - Gorefiend
    80 Druid - Gorefiend
    80 Death knight - Gorefiend
    80 Shaman - Gorefiend
    80 Mage - Gorefiend

  15. #15

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    Quote Originally Posted by Dabrixmgp
    Seriously your talking about BGs. Please tell me what class does take skill?

    Boomkins/Ele Shaman/Hunters/Mages/Locks sit back and pew pew pew
    Wow that takes all of 2-3 buttons max maybe more for lock if hes Affliction.

    On my DK I use Icy Touch,Plague Strike,Obliterate,Heart Strike,Death Strike,Death Coil,Death Grip,Arcane Torrent,Pestilence,Dancing Rune Weapon, Army of Dead, Mind Freeze, Chains of Ice, Strangulate, and Death and Decay.

    Lets see thats 15 keys and if you wanna get technical 20 counting trinket, Hysteria,Blood Tab, Horn of Winter, and Empower Rune Weapon. Just cause some DKs suck doesnt mean we all do.
    Wow, you're an idiot. Ya..most classes only take 3 buttons, except dks..well lets see on my moonkin

    Wrath, starfire, moonfire, root, cyclone, regrowth, nourish, rejuv, lifebloom, hibernate, shift bear, shift moonkin, shift human, shift cat, bash, pounce, shift travel, trinket 1, trinket 2, and there are even more.

    See what i did there?

  16. #16

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    You pretty much CAN faceroll as any class, but only the good ones are gonna use all their abilities to their maximum capability to aid both themselfs and their team.

  17. #17

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    I don't think DK's quite know what it is like to face one.

    If you play an elemental shaman vs a DK, the DK will use pet stun, 5 second silence (50 yard range :/) and magic shield... not to mention that all damage taken is reduced by 20% anyway. During this 10 seconds of invulnerability vs elemental shaman, I can do nothing at all.

    VERY TRUE, we get 30% damage reduction when stunned and silenced, but you get 20% standard.

    Lava burst will crit for about 7k vs a target with reasonable resilience, but obliterate hits for 6k and is instant cast (not to mention the many other damage dealing abilities).

  18. #18

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    Whenever I enter a Warsong Gulch there is usually, on average around 2-4 Death Knights (Sometimes more) on the Alliance side and around 2-4 Death Knights on the Horde.
    It's fun destroying the ones who use Death Strike with no diseases up.

  19. #19

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    Quote Originally Posted by Dabrixmgp

    On my DK I use Icy Touch,Plague Strike,Obliterate,Heart Strike,Death Strike,Death Coil,Death Grip,Arcane Torrent,Pestilence,Dancing Rune Weapon, Army of Dead, Mind Freeze, Chains of Ice, Strangulate, and Death and Decay.

    being a dk myself i must say... u suck and gz on naming ur abilities, and stil forgetting IBF...
    also, by the time u used all those skills, i wil have probably killed you by just using

    hysteria, it,ps,hs,ds, emp runeweapon, hs,hs,hs,hs (and ofc trowing in the runestrikes when they pop)

  20. #20

    Re: Class ratio in BG

    He's listing all the abilities that he uses, not all the abilities he uses EVERY fight... I would of thought that was obvious when Army of the dead was writen. Oh well.

    I think the number of DKs is gonna drop come 3.1 or at least the number of bad ones who run in and use obliterate straight away. Ow! that 1.2k hit really hurt Diseaseless builds are dead and seeing as most of the crappy ones don't even know how to apply them it's gonna be so much easier to stand out from the crowd by actually playing right.

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