Thread: Off tanking

  1. #1

    Off tanking

    I apologise if there have been thousands of similar threads. But I didnt see one. So I decided to make one.

    Have you others noticed that offtanking has in Wotlk came a lot more boring. Wotlk dont give much for offtanks. Myself as prot pala I had to choose to ret cos we had too many tanks ( we had already 4 active tanks + me).
    My point is that in BC we as offtanks used to have lots to do because of the trash. Now the trash is ridicilous easy and you dont really do much more than just dps in a raid. (Yes there are some bosses that needs more tanks but not enough.)
    Yea we did have a situation when we were too low on tanks, but adding a new tank class and also reducing the tank work in raids just make it boring to play a tank. Myself if I play a tank and if I am not the MT it is so damnit boring .Also I havent played Ulduar in PTR and I hope there is more needing of tanks there, but just right now, the content is terribad designed for tanks.
    Before the trash was something offtanks could be atleast focusing on. Now when it is ridicilous easy, give us something else to do. Like bosses that needs 3-4 tanks or so.

    Ps. NO my mothertongue is not english.

  2. #2

    Re: Off tanking

    i think everyone feels like they have it ez

    wel some dps dont but most do
    no im not always gonna put in a lot of thought when i post
    and not all my posts are serious/true

  3. #3

    Re: Off tanking

    Quote Originally Posted by archform
    i think everyone feels like they have it ez

    wel some dps dont but most do
    Yes I know what you mean. But atleast they have to do what they are meant to do. Tanks have rarely these days something to tank, so they are put to dps instead.

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