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  1. #1

    Resto druids vs priests

    My guild runs naxx25 with 4 healers and I noticed than priests top healing meters (yeah I know you will say than healing meters are not a good measure but thats the only way I can compare my effort with others). We ussualy take 1 resto drood, 1 resto shamy, and 2 holy priests, and those 2 priests do like 5% more healing on almost each fight. I feel usless since a priest is better raid healer than druid, most of my hots generate overhealing since priests top ppl faster with Circle/Prayer of Healing. The only way to beat them is to cast WH every cd and fill the gap with Nourish instead of single target hots.

  2. #2

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    I think its not the char that is the problem.....
    maybe the priests are realy good geared and you are not or you talents are not good...
    on our server and also in our guild our druid healers do so much more healing if i look at the meters!!!!
    but a priest and a druid are 2 differend ways of healing!
    a druids important thing is dots!!! MASSIVE DOTS!!! so if you keep your dots on everyone and use your party heals!!!
    so if you slack on healing try working on your dots and maybe better gear!
    you should not be 5% lower on healing meters then a priest!
    I think a druid is the best raid healer there is! even better then pala's or priests!
    Maybe not the best for MT but best in all the other heals!

  3. #3

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Quote Originally Posted by patrinion
    on our server and also in our guild our druid healers do so much more healing if i look at the meters!!!!
    Your priests are bad then.

  4. #4

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Hots, not dots :P

    I play both a resto druid and a holy priest (priest being my alt but still clearing content with it) and the healing out put is pretty much the same, altho ofcourse its very fight dependend too. Some fights hots just work better, and some direct heals will be better. (for example: patch = druid>priest, thaddius= priest>druid)

  5. #5

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    druids are the way to go in Naxx25, so either your gear is insuffiecent or your playstyle is wrong. See data..

  6. #6

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    When we go to naxx with 5+ healers i can easly top healing, about my gear - I dont need any upgrade from current content, the problem is with 4 healers setup for naxx, when there is a lot of aoe damage, priests get more healing because of direct heals.

  7. #7

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    In our raids druids/ priests are about equal, sometimes the 1st is higher, other times the other.

    I'm playing a holy priest myself btw. I did notice on thaddius last night that druids were almost oom while I was still nearly full mp, but I guess that could have been slacking on my side. :P

  8. #8

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Generally your druids should be outhealing your priests. You can WWS and look through healing meters of solid guilds and see. I myself don't lose on healing meters to priests. It just really doesnt seem like a druid would. But I suppose if thats your situation, go over EJ's or some of the other threads in here and brush up on how other druids heal. Also your hots shouldn't be overhealing, they stop ticking at full hp. IMO, try rejuving the raid, and rolling LBs on the MT, and you'll dominate those priests.

  9. #9

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    I'm a priest myself and it's true ... in dmg-meters it's quite easy to
    be top of the list when the druid does his job ... when the druid
    wants to heal more he could ... but that would mean a bad
    playstyle for the druid (wasting mana).

    So there is nothing wrong ... keep up your good work and when
    mana is short you will notice a change and find yourself at the
    same level with priests.
    The cataclysm broke the world ... and the pandas could not fix it!

  10. #10

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Its hard for anyone to say anything about a specific situation like that without more data. As some above have said, maybe you need gear, or to improve your playstyle, or maybe the priests are just really good. Its hard to say.

    One thing about 4 healer to 5 healer is that typically, the more pressure you put on someone, the better they perform. There are other factors of course, but looking at it simply being 'more damage means priest heals are better' might not be best. They may just be feeling the pressure and adjusting their performance to match, while you arent.

    Healing meters are invaluable, but rarely for the 'total healing done' least among average to above average players. That figure clearly shows people who know what they are doing and have the gear to back it up, but at the same time, spell breakdowns, hot uptimes, etc, are all extremely useful in determining who is doing it right and who is doing it wrong. Try to get another skilled druid in there and compare him to them, and to you. That or observe quality WWS reports and analyze what other druids are doing, and when, that you arent.

  11. #11

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Priests can probably win on certain bossfights, but overall I think I've never been beaten since the CoH/WG nerf by priest. We usually go with me, 2 priests and 2 shamans. Or a pala instead of someone else.
    Nowadays I usually beat the holy by 5-6%... The disc is obviously a lot lower, but if included absorbs he's just a couple of % below me. Last raid as example, though then we were actually 6 healers...

    I do belive that with 4 healers, the priests would climb a little higher thou...

  12. #12

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Quote Originally Posted by Dascia
    In our raids druids/ priests are about equal, sometimes the 1st is higher, other times the other.

    I'm playing a holy priest myself btw. I did notice on thaddius last night that druids were almost oom while I was still nearly full mp, but I guess that could have been slacking on my side. :P
    Druids I expect will be DPSing on thadius and wild growthing off him, hardly any healing needed on thadius, healers should all be spending mana on dps instead of sitting on thumbs.

    Fights with raid damage 2 CoH and 1 chain heal are all selective heals topping up multiple lowest raid members close enough, you'll be stomping them in tank heals and if there's less unselective your wild growths will have time to have effect in raid, if you direct heal raid heal it's not efficient most fights compared to shaman and priest.
    Saph you should roflsomp them all by a country mile.

  13. #13

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    the reason why you cant keep up with priests, is your play style. You need to fix your healing rotation. the person at the top of the healing meter is the best healer in your guild, if he was a shammy, druid, or priest he will be on the top, as long as he has the time to learn the spells. My guild runs 6-7 healers in Naxx, going for the immortal since the patch is coming out soon, 2 druids, 2-3 priests, 2 shamy, 1 pally. The same priest is on the top of the healing chart every run and I am next(druid). After that its a toss up between the rest, but I am usually 3-5% above the 3rd and our Hpriest is 5-7%, after the 4 hours were we clear everything. Also, I am always the lowest on the overhealing chart and our best healer the Hpriest is 2nd lowest.

    So, IMO, its on your ability not your class. Maybe if we have all the crappy druids complain like the priests did after the first nerf we will get buffs like the priests are in 3.1.

  14. #14

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Quote Originally Posted by Cocoe
    Priests can probably win on certain bossfights, but overall I think I've never been beaten since the CoH/WG nerf by priest. We usually go with me, 2 priests and 2 shamans. Or a pala instead of someone else.
    Nowadays I usually beat the holy by 5-6%... The disc is obviously a lot lower, but if included absorbs he's just a couple of % below me. Last raid as example, though then we were actually 6 healers...

    I do belive that with 4 healers, the priests would climb a little higher thou...
    Bit OT, but looking at your Patchwerk fight, your pally needs some help there (assuming he is mostly 25 geared). I have never had any priest or druid come close to my healing output on Patchwerk. I noticed that he is using FoL+Beacon. He would benefit greatly by switching to a Holy Light Spam with Beacon instead--think like ~10k more HPS on that particular fight.

  15. #15

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Check their overhealing done, maybe they're just overhealing too much, which is almost as bad as underhealing IMO.

  16. #16

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Quote Originally Posted by Kanuku
    An equally geared or skilled priest should be beating the druid on the majority of boss fights but not by a margin of 5%.

    And whoever said that the priests overheal more than a druid.. well duh. Hots don't overheal and thats all a druid really brings to the table tbh.
    The fact you care about the meter numbers astounds me. You can't base your opinions off what the meters say, unless someone died then you blame that chav that wasn't doing anything.

    Quitting the fail that WoW has become when Aion comes out. No point to play hardcore when any idiot can have the same gear as you.

  17. #17

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    I don't see how a priest can possibly beat a Druid on the meters in any situation other than 8 healers sniping everything... Priests, simply put, can't match a Resto Druid for efficiency, number of targets hit, or the amount of decent healing spells that actually show up on the meter.

    Of course, if you're saying the Priest is tank healing while the Resto Druid is religiously raid healing, it depends on the fight entirely. But there hasn't been a fight yet where I can't afford to toss HoTs on tanks even while assigned to raid heals, and since my Holy Pally on sarth 3d ten has a lag problem, I pretty much have to keep something on the sarth tank or he'll die during a 2-3 second lag spike

  18. #18

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Exactly. A priest shouldn't beat anyone on the meters, especially if there's a resto shaman in the raid.

    In my raids, druids do top the meters. It isn't because I am bad or because they're good, but it's because of the content itself, and the small amount of raid damage that goes on.

    As previously stated, keeping hots on all the members that you know will take damage will boost your hps, but that doesn't mean that without your hots, they will die.

    In general the meters don't 'really' matter unless you're having issues, since healing doesn't work the same way as dps does. And if you think priests are healing a lot now (Which they aren't), just wait until 3.1 when holy priests can compete with raid healing again.

    Quitting the fail that WoW has become when Aion comes out. No point to play hardcore when any idiot can have the same gear as you.

  19. #19

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Quote Originally Posted by Kanuku
    A druid should never be able to perform any task as well as a real tank, dps or healer imho.
    What's the point of bring a druid to raid then Jackass

  20. #20

    Re: Resto druids vs priests

    Quote Originally Posted by Kanuku
    A druid should never be able to perform any task as well as a real tank, dps or healer imho.
    What you fail to understand here is that every single class that can tank or heal is a hybrid class, not just druids.
    Playing: Cleddryk (80 Druid) || Artemaar (70 Hunter) || Cleddryn (37 Paladin)

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