Hey all. Ive pretty much been mutilate spec for pve and pvp since wotlk came out and I have never really tried Sdance. I was considering trying it out this season but I dont know much about it. I'm looking for a little help figuring out a decent Sdance spec since there are a number of different ways you can go with it.

I know its key to have a slow MH for hemo, but right now I dont have CG or any slow main hand for that matter. I was planning on using SR for my main hand. Will not having a slow MH really make this spec gimp? Or is there some other way I can go (like without hemo)? I was considering the following:


I took imp gouge so I had more chances for a free re-stealth if necessary. I also took vigor for the +20 energy during Sdance (im also a blood elf so i could get another 15 energy during Sdance, so a combo of those might be able to let me throw in another ambush). Also, is there any situation in an Sdance spec where one would use backstab?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.