Poll: Death Strike, should it be nerfed, and if so, how?

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  1. #1

    Death Strike - QQ and you!

    Deathstrike - is this a joke?

    The above is a typical QQ thread, but with a worrying blue post. With 16 pages of ignorant complaining in less than a day, I can see it being very likely that Death Strike will be nerfed in some way or another.

    The question is, how should it be nerfed if it is decided that it's needed?

    Personally, I would be perfectly happy with a large healing reduction (18k heals are pretty ridiculous, hell, I'd be happy with it only healing for half the damage it does), but keeping the damage as is. I mean, only extremely well geared Blood DK's that are glyphed, specced, fully raid buffed and blowing their trinkets/cooldowns will be getting crits like that, and it is comparable to the hard hitters of the other trees.

    Anyway, constructive posts are welcome. DK haters, option 5 is there for your convenience, please click it and GTFO!

    Thank you. ;D

  2. #2

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    To almost everyone involved it as as clear as daylight what needs to be done - the healing component should be vastly reduced and the damage left untouched.

    DS is the counterpart to OB and SS. If it doesn't do the damage it does now Blood will never be a pve dps option and its already limited pvp viability will drop.

    The healing is mainly for pvp and it should never have been more than a small amount that complements all the other blood healing sources.

    Having said all that however, some mouth breathing dev will likely just come along and nerf its damage or damage and healing killing blood pve at the same time as balancing pvp healing.

  3. #3

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    Or maybe let it as it is and put a small cooldown (5 seconds maybe?) on it? I haven`t tested it out yet but i dont see the problem. In pvp your bound to get a healing reduction on yourself from the 9 classes with a MS like debuff, so it wont heal for insane amounts there, and in pve the self heal is not usefull as dps, and as a tank you`r not going to crit for 18k heals for a long time, but the self heal is still a nice compromise for the lack of damage reducing/avoidance talents that frost and unholy have

  4. #4

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    OMG, first post is an intelligent one! Completely agree.

    On the voting sides of things, retarded DKs are making us all look bad again. A large percentage think it's fine as it is??? :

    As for the cooldown idea, it doesn't really need one as runes limit how often you can use it anyway. Blood can already only use it twice in 10 seconds (not counting using ERW).

  5. #5

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Insan
    Or maybe let it as it is and put a small cooldown (5 seconds maybe?) on it? I haven`t tested it out yet but i dont see the problem. In pvp your bound to get a healing reduction on yourself from the 9 classes with a MS like debuff, so it wont heal for insane amounts there, and in pve the self heal is not usefull as dps, and as a tank you`r not going to crit for 18k heals for a long time, but the self heal is still a nice compromise for the lack of damage reducing/avoidance talents that frost and unholy have
    I'm not here to complain about DK's as I never really had a problem with them. But No to this. NO NO. 9K heals, 18K for double doing it even with Mortal strike? I can't heal myself for that with my Holy Light (granted I am a tank ).

    As I said before, I don't mind DK's, I never really lost to one as a Prot Pally (since last patch we were basically un killable by Melee users), and while I don't care how much damage it does, healing for that much would be insane unless it's on more than a 5 sec CD >_>.
    Quote Originally Posted by Imnick View Post
    I [opinion] [cataclysm feature] and you should to. Anything who disagrees with me that [cataclysm feature] is [opinion] is a big [insult].
    I asked all of my friends and they all agreed with me that [cataclysm feature] is as [opinion] as it is possible to be.
    Blizzard are so [opinion], what [compliment/insult]s they all are!

    There, now we can stop posting new topics in the Cataclysm forum altogether.
    And if you disagree with me you're an [insult].

  6. #6

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Copain
    As I said before, I don't mind DK's, I never really lost to one as a Prot Pally (since last patch we were basically un killable by Melee users), and while I don't care how much damage it does, healing for that much would be insane unless it's on more than a 5 sec CD >_>.
    So you're basically "unkillable" by melee but you will complain about ds being op...
    Yes you are still the worst moderator on these forums.
    Quote Originally Posted by mistuhbull View Post
    So unless you have a source besides your rectum, we'd appreciate if you didn't spread misinformation

  7. #7

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    in order to get a crit like you would have to be wearing BiS PvE gear against a low resilience target, but i guess its possible.

    anyways blood pvp is kind of tough to do right, though i applaud bliz for the attempt. blood is reasonably high damage, but the same gear that makes blood good, spec unholy, and your doing pretty much the same damage except now it is not mitigated by armor. and you have a pet. and summon gargoyle bends dancing rune blade over and rapes it mercilessly.

    so what does blood bring to the table? self healing. that's really it. a bloodknight is all about vampirism. you cant go to overboard, a DK that can heal himself to full every 10 seconds, is probably to much. but i would be surprised if they aimed any lower then 20 seconds. meaning each DS should be healing the DK for between 20-30% of his total health each hit
    all hail king frost strike

  8. #8

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    I can't quite understand how you can get more healing than damage other than using Vampiric Blood at the same time. And if the only way to get a heal for double your damage is using a cooldown on a 2 min timer, then why would you even consider adding an additional cooldown on top of the 2 min. But, I would certainly agree that 18k heals every time you get a DS crit is extreme and should be toned down.

    As a blood tank, the only time I see 11k death strikes crits is during the heart phase of deconstructor.

    Another question, is the heal from DS able to crit independently of the DS strike or does a DS damage crit trigger the bigger heals simply because a crit does double damage?

  9. #9

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    ds heals are only effected by the damage done, and cannot crit without a ds crit.

  10. #10

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    If they reduce the healing boost the damage. If not then its fine. The QQ'ers need to cry moar.

  11. #11

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rawfury
    If they reduce the healing boost the damage. If not then its fine. The QQ'ers need to cry moar.
    No you idiot, there does not need to be compensation when toning down a blatantly overpowered effect.

    Nerf the healing, leave the damage as is.

  12. #12

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaiton
    No you idiot, there does not need to be compensation when toning down a blatantly overpowered effect.

    Nerf the healing, leave the damage as is.

    What i was trying to say is that its fine. the healing whatever its fine. People cry over EVERYTHING and its really annoying. Why not cry about morbidity too while you guys are at it.

    That and the healing has already been nerfed already to where blizzard is comfortable with it so shut the hell up.

  13. #13

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    Wish I could respond in the WoW forums, but it's wow-us and I play on an EU server, so I'll post up some info here.


    Above is a link to a WWS report from Ulduar last night, specifically a blood DK. Information was gathered over a span of 4 hours, and in that time her average DS HEAL was 11.5k. Average, not max, average. The max heal from DS was 24,806. I don't think it's a huge stretch of the imagination to call that even slightly overpowered. Then again, the vast majority of the heals was overheal, and those kind of crit heals from DS are few and far between in pvp (as with average resilience the crit rate is dramatically reduced), so does it really matter?

  14. #14

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    The way Blizzard went about buffing Death Strike to be Blood's main FU attack must have been an odd time (GC sipping too much of that gin that he speaks of? ), because they had to realize that buffing the damage enough would just make the healing very potent. What they need to do is change the glyph to be a base +damage on DS but provide a -50% debuff to DS healing (or some other number). If a change like this occurs, I'd also like to see the RP component removed since that aspect of the glyph was the "negative" portion of it (restricted the amount of RP we could use).

  15. #15

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    Change imp DS to increase the damage at cost of healing effect. Overall result would be a harder hitting strike with the heal compnent more or less where it is.

    Of course this is only worth doing if blood fails behind the other dps specs.

  16. #16

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rawfury

    What i was trying to say is that its fine. the healing whatever its fine. People cry over EVERYTHING and its really annoying. Why not cry about morbidity too while you guys are at it.

    That and the healing has already been nerfed already to where blizzard is comfortable with it so shut the hell up.
    mr iamaheroclass it got hotfixed a few minutes ago so...........Death Strike - QQ and you???!!!!!

  17. #17

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    From Ghostcrawler:

    We hotfixed a change to the amount of healing provided by Death Strike.

    Originally, this ability was something you would use only situationally to heal yourself at a cost of damage. Since then we have redesigned the death knight class sufficiently to where Death Strike was a major rotational ability for Blood. Given how much the attack is hitting for, we think the amount of healing it provided was too much.

    Healing still scales based on diseases and the damage is unchanged. Blood retains its other tools to heal.

  18. #18

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    Confirmed, the healing has been reduced. Alot! Looks like about 20% of the damage done per disease. Damage is the same. I can live with that.

  19. #19

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    Well, this kind of makes Blood a top tier only tanking spec then, which irritates me a just a little bit. Couldn't they have done something less 'screw you if you aren't in top gear' to fix it up? I mean, even if they kept the total healing the same, but spread a portion of it out as a HoT or something, not just axe it down and call it a day.

    I'm sure the general response will be 'don't spec blood without uber gear' but I am tired of being forced into a particular spec because they can't come up with work arounds to avoid knocking the bottom out when they hammer down the top. Oh well.
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  20. #20

    Re: Death Strike - QQ and you!

    well speaking as a frost knight for whom, DS was a waste of my valuable runes, i am willing to take the long view on this particular nerf eh? 8)
    all hail king frost strike

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