1. #1

    Disc Priest partner concerns

    My Priest has 24k HP, 3/5 Hateful and 2/5 Deadly with alittle over 900 resilience. I cannot leave him alone against a Warrior, DK, occasionally another Rogue. Usually I have to keep people off of him otherwise he eventually caves in before I can work on the other healer long enough to kill them, OOM them, or force CDs ( depending on setup ). I've done arena with since S2 but I'm just not sure what to do or to tell him. Hoping for some advice. While I understand I'm sure it's a l2p issue, I'm trying to work with him. I could go on with his flaws, but I'm looking for some constructive feedback. Maybe even help compose a FAQ or something...I dunno, something!

  2. #2

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns


    Any team with a Warrior basically counters you unless you can kill the Warrior in the opening CC chain (not going to happen if it knows what Shield Wall is).
    Any team with a DK just plain counters you, have fun being Chain spammed every time you look at it's partner.

    The only exceptions are when the Warrior/DK are completely horrible, in which case you might have some chance to outplay them in the long run. But in general, any team containing either is an extremely uphill, if at all possible, battle.

    Disc Priests need to be babysat, constantly. I can tank a fully PvP geared Warrior or Death Knight for a while, but my Rogue needs to come peel every 30~ seconds, or when they pop cool downs. If they're wearing PvE gear, my Rogue has no choice but to sit on them for the whole match, which results in an automatic loss.

    If your Priest is being sat on, you have absolutely no chance of OOMing the other healer before your Priest goes OOM, don't bother.

  3. #3

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns

    Quote Originally Posted by zsuper

    Any team with a Warrior basically counters you unless you can kill the Warrior in the opening CC chain (not going to happen if it knows what Shield Wall is).
    Any team with a DK just plain counters you, have fun being Chain spammed every time you look at it's partner.

    The only exceptions are when the Warrior/DK are completely horrible, in which case you might have some chance to outplay them in the long run. But in general, any team containing either is an extremely uphill, if at all possible, battle.

    Disc Priests need to be babysat, constantly. I can tank a fully PvP geared Warrior or Death Knight for a while, but my Rogue needs to come peel every 30~ seconds, or when they pop cool downs. If they're wearing PvE gear, my Rogue has no choice but to sit on them for the whole match, which results in an automatic loss.

    If your Priest is being sat on, you have absolutely no chance of OOMing the other healer before your Priest goes OOM, don't bother.
    So you're telling me that there's absolutely nothing that can be done outside of luck? Well that's wonderful considering 90% of the current match ups consist of these. Because with him I have had a hard time breaking 1500 rating and that just can't be right.

    Edit: Is there a comp that a Rogue can excel with against these plate comps?

  4. #4

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns

    Quote Originally Posted by Disgracintehbasin
    So you're telling me that there's absolutely nothing that can be done outside of luck? Well that's wonderful considering 90% of the current match ups consist of these. Because with him I have had a hard time breaking 1500 rating and that just can't be right.

    Edit: Is there a comp that a Rogue can excel with against these plate comps?
    Wait till you get to 2k rating + all you face is DK's warriors druids and pallys
    all counter rouge and preist i know because im palying pally/DK 2300 rating
    and my DK just owns the rogue while i stand at max range avoiding the priest.
    warriors are an ever bigger for rouges i've heared because most warriors are wearing
    PVE gear and only using about 400 resi so they rip through your rouge

    you may beat some warriors if they do somthing wrong or suck

  5. #5

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns

    Okey, posts so far have been clueless, Warrior + Healer teams are in general a good match for a rogue priest where druid warrior might be the exception because it might be though if you don't have sufficient gear to put out enough pressure.

    DK teams however is a bitch, Priest + DK and Shaman + DK is not a problem, but DK + rdruid and Paladin DK is a bitch, assuming equally skilled and geared, you won't win.

    Mind sending me your armory link and I will probably be able to help you futher.

  6. #6

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns

    Quote Originally Posted by Sneakybastard
    Okey, posts so far have been clueless, Warrior + Healer teams are in general a good match for a rogue priest where druid warrior might be the exception because it might be though if you don't have sufficient gear to put out enough pressure.
    Warrior + Paladin is a complete loss if you don't win before the Warrior reaches a second Bladestorm. I haven't met a single Warrior who doesn't run with a Protadin.
    HoJ -> Bladestorm -> Shield Silence = Congratulations, your Priest just ate a full Bladestorm for ~22k damage, with no heals and no shield, and you probably weren't topped off. It's also silenced for another second after Bladestorm ends, lots of time for the Warrior to Execute it if it's not dead.

    It doesn't matter how much pressure you put out, the Druid will completely destroy the Priest in terms of mana, and rolling HoTs will prevent you from getting a kill on the Warrior no matter how much PvE gear your Rogue is wearing. And that's assuming it doesn't bother to Intervene back to it's Druid when it's in danger. The Priest will also have to heal itself/it's Rogue, depending on who the Warrior hits, harder than the Druid will have to heal it's Warrior. Due to the whole Abolish letting some HoTs tick while Wounding is down, where as the Warrior's target has 100% MS uptime.

  7. #7

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns

    Make sure your partner does damage as well in burst phases (holy fire, mind blast, smite, dots). If he doesn't, you won't be building up enough pressure, and a priest will almost always lose the "mana battle" against paladins or druids.

    His stats seem a bit off, 24k life without a single piece of furious gear is too much. Don't neglect spell power, shields and healing scale with it after all. His resilience is ok, but the more the better.

    Never rely on being able to "leave your priest alone". A good disc priest may be able to "tank" a DK or retadin, but a good rogue or warrior will shred him to pieces due to MS + snare + insane melee damage. Try timing shields against warriors; most of the bonus damage from warrior bleed effects will be weakened if the shield comes up at the right time. Keep up abolish poison against DKs. etc etc etc

    There's a lot of priest info on the net. Get your partner to read arenajunkies.com, excellent site. Most rogue/disc priests that hopped on the fotm-wagon encounter difficulties because the priest doesn't play offensively enough, which is a must regardless of setup and enemies.

  8. #8

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns

    Quote Originally Posted by Shockk
    Make sure your partner does damage as well in burst phases (holy fire, mind blast, smite, dots). If he doesn't, you won't be building up enough pressure, and a priest will almost always lose the "mana battle" against paladins or druids.

    His stats seem a bit off, 24k life without a single piece of furious gear is too much. Don't neglect spell power, shields and healing scale with it after all. His resilience is ok, but the more the better.

    Never rely on being able to "leave your priest alone". A good disc priest may be able to "tank" a DK or retadin, but a good rogue or warrior will shred him to pieces due to MS + snare + insane melee damage. Try timing shields against warriors; most of the bonus damage from warrior bleed effects will be weakened if the shield comes up at the right time. Keep up abolish poison against DKs. etc etc etc

    There's a lot of priest info on the net. Get your partner to read arenajunkies.com, excellent site. Most rogue/disc priests that hopped on the fotm-wagon encounter difficulties because the priest doesn't play offensively enough, which is a must regardless of setup and enemies.
    I've been trying to get him to help me burst, but he never seems to or is too busy attempting to mana burn, while I know when and who to mana burn and how to focus down other players, but let me remind you, we're not talking about me. I'm trying to figure out a way to help my partner in ways that I haven't thought of or maybe you guys have something you could share. But while I don't have his armory for his gear I couldn't tell you what he has. For the record, I got him to spec into Divine Fury for helpful burst but because someone is usually -always- on him he's really busy healing except for moments when a player isn't going down.

    He has 24k HP because he gems for stam. I tried looking at Disc gemming but couldn't find anything. He does some weird gems like spirit and something, 24 stam, I think maybe some int. He sits around 15k mana.

    But for my armory I'll give you this:

    Stalk Skin Belt - 16 agility, Favor of the Dragon Queen - 8 agility 12 stam, Hammerhead Sharskin Cloak - 22 agility enchant, Deadly Bracers - 144 AP, Dawnwalkers - Icewalker, Hateful/Deadly rings, 190 AP trinket, and Mirror of Truth and my tier piece enchants are

    50 AP 20 Crit, 30 stam 15 Resilience, +10 stats, 75 AP and 22 Crit,

    and I have 369 resilience but me getting focused never usually getting killed unless it's double DPS. Also, it shows I have 1 expertise, ignore that, that's gone.

    Also, I'm not showing my armory for a few reasons, but this should be more than enough info on me to help.

  9. #9

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns

    FYI, your character name and realm still shows up on the URL bar, might wanna black that out too if your concerned.

  10. #10

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns

    Sadly, your priest partner logged out in PVE gear. At least I could check his spec. Quite solid, but if he's having survival issues, he should consider dropping Imp. Flash Heal and Divine Aegis (you don't have that many crits in PVP gear anyway) and instead get Martyrdom and one point in Blessed Recovery (everything helps).

    2 or 3 points in Absolution should be mandatory. Dispelling is a great tool, and since he should be doing it very often, mana cost reduction is very helpful.

    Im currently running this spec. There's a lot of adjustments possible for a discipline spec concerning team size, partner, style of playing and problems encountered.

    Concerning mana burn: It's a powerful tool. But healing should always come first.

    By the way - show this thread to your partner. He plays the priest after all. Tell him your concerns, talk about what you think he could do better, ask for his opinion. Getting advice "behind his back" isn't too nice, even if your intentions are good.

  11. #11

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns

    I think your priest should resecc from his 60/11 to the defensive specc with blessed resilence and the rest in disc. Cba making the specc now and linking it, but it should be easy enough to get it right yourself.
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  12. #12

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns

    as a warrior I can safely say that I can kill any disc priest no matter how well equipped he is in about 30-40 seconds, unless I'm being peeled off him. so basically, ppl are right about warrior teams countering. you can only win if you train the warrior and bring him down before your CDs run out (except when the warrior also has a priest mate).
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  13. #13

    Re: Disc Priest partner concerns

    Playing as a priest with a partner (Wlock) with poor to no peeling for a warrior we have found that kiteing the warrior out of LoS from his healer and bursting the warrior works best. It forces him to run back to his healer and I can heal up again.

    Another thing your priest should try out is to try to time the heals when the Overpower effect is over. It´s very hard to do and waiting too long means its over. But a little control of when he uses his heals is always good. Get afflicted or something so he can get a timer on Overpower. (I think you need to add Overpower to the list in afflicted).

    Lastly, since you are playing rogue // priest you got way better peeling possibilities than we do and you should use them as much as you can. If it takes all your time to peel the warrior, peel the warrior. But try to be a bit strategic about it and make sure the warrior is out of LoS from his healer as much as possible.
    and for the guys who didnt read the latest hmm about 5? retpaladin changes, they arent fotm anymore since long, fotm right now is warlock and priest obviously...

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