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  1. #1

    Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    Wow im sorry guys but i think i truly understand arena now. unless your one of the most common setups in arena as the snk boards claim you really can't get anywhere. why u ask? basiclly i do ret + ele in 2's. i've got to 1500 real fast but than i start to play holy and unholy teams. i can handle priest rogue we can take druid war but not unholy holy. why would any1 be a warrior over a unholy dk? the fact is that every time i get to 1500 i get knocked back more and more with almost anything UNHOLY. i can take frost and blood but not them. fact is they put an 8 second silence on me then they put my shyt on cooldowns so for 10 seconds im completely doing nothing. nothing i can do can get out of that and bubble from pally can eaten through by the unholy's second pet. soooo i think im going to give up. im on dunemaul and have never seen an ele shaman with a high rating in 2's actually there is 1 on the server ONLY 1. and its horde cuz somebody gets thunderstomp and i get.... 1% hit wtf?

    fact is arena is more about the setup than skill. unholy holy teams regardless of skill get higher easier than ele ret why? BECUASE DK's ARE OP. if ele sham were OP then they would be most common setups and thats ALL arena is. if you can get by u are that 1% that masters arena with ur class but my teamate nor I have the patience to bring the game to the level. so all in all im leaving my ele sham and waiting till we get a buff that can help us.

    please don't say noob or QQ. ret pallies can't 1v1 unholy either. actually who can really? i can kill frost and blood but im sorry unholy has WAY more abilities.

    whats better anti magic shield that can turn my 9k crit hit for 1k? or a ele sham 4k bubble?
    whats better hex on a 45 second cooldown? or silence for 9 seconds?
    whats better a fire elemental totem? or a gargoyale?
    whats better thunderstorm? or a pull from 45 yards away?
    whats better 5 second root? or chains of ice?
    whats better plate? or mail?
    whats better anti melee shield? or 4k bubble oh wait i used that 1
    whats better 20k hp or 30k?
    whats better multiple curses? or 1 shock?
    whats better a pet? or no pet?
    whats better dk forced cooldowns? ele sham can't do anything

    do you see my point? sure we CAN win anything its possible buuuuut who the hell wants to try SO HARD and get frustrated while unholy is enjoyable and sometimes competitive? i love fighting clsses in arena like war/druids cuz a war has like 4 things it can do. while a unholy has WAYYYYY more. i people think ret is stupid. ret is becoming a very balanced class and even i can THE WEAKEST PVP CLASS IN THE GAME can take1.

    remember this isn't QQ becuase Blizzard JUST SAID SHAMANS ARE THE HARDEST CLASS TO PLAY in Q/A.

    marketing strategy 101. make an expansion release a new class make it OP every1 wants to play sells more copies every1 FEELS great about there NEW CLASS sells more more more more. it the new class was UP u think woltk wud sell as much? NO....

  2. #2

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    Shamans need some work right now but there are so many wrong statements in this post I dont even know where
    to begin with...

    I guess you could use a hug cause if I wanted to give up arena I wouldnt share my twisted reasons with everyone...

  3. #3

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    looks like we have someone with some opinions. why don't u clarify with me and everyone what wrong statements i said. please understand that you may be interpreting them WRONG

  4. #4

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena


    No matter what specc you play, no matter what setup you play, you can get far higher then 1500... So maybe you're not as skilled as you think.
    Ele isn't really top notch in 2v2, and there's not really anyone that would argue against that. But you're good in 3v3, and almost mandatory in 5v5.

    My 3v3 is priest/ele/dk, and should work fine with a ret too. We play at 2100 and I expect us to easily move higher.
    Try to work around your weaknesses instead of focusing on them.
    Quote Originally Posted by grimmjaw
    whats better anti magic shield that can turn my 9k crit hit for 1k? or a ele sham 4k bubble?
    whats better hex on a 45 second cooldown? or silence for 9 seconds?
    whats better a fire elemental totem? or a gargoyale?
    whats better thunderstorm? or a pull from 45 yards away?
    whats better 5 second root? or chains of ice?
    whats better plate? or mail?
    whats better anti melee shield? or 4k bubble oh wait i used that 1
    whats better 20k hp or 30k?
    whats better multiple curses? or 1 shock?
    whats better a pet? or no pet?
    whats better dk forced cooldowns? ele sham can't do anything
    Comparing classes like this is bullshit really... Classes are different, live with it. I like the fact that we're running a rather less common setup then most in 3v3, and I like overcoming the obstacles we face. And just so you know, if you cant break 1600 as ele/ret... You couldn't do much better as any of the easy setups either

    Did you bind your heals btw? Just intrigued

  5. #5

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    Well, Shamans are the worst class right now. Only resto is Decent, but doesn't compare to a priest or a druid. Elemental is a gimped version of gimped moonkins, and enchance is just a gimp altogether. Blue's long ass post basically stated all of the problems with shamans, so there is a bunch of work to be done.

    On top of Shamans being the worst class, arena is melee dominated. Melee has so much cc now and they crush casters. Line of sight also kills casters a lot of the time, unless you're a healer. Unfortunatly healers are very strong now(priest/druid) and its extremely hard to kill one with decent gear by yourself. A caster basically has to stand there and cast(shaman being a turret as blue says) to do any decend damage while the opponent can simply run being a box or pillar. Altogether arena is just not caster friendly, and it's probably the worst time to be a shaman right now on top of that.

  6. #6

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    everybody knows that 2on2 is just the setup so whats the point?
    do you realy think DKs are OP just because he kills you with a healer?
    but in my exp. sham can be very strong in arena with right totem use and insane burst
    played a retpala in vanilla
    played a shadow in tbc
    played a DK in Wrath
    always my classes got owned by blizz

  7. #7

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by wambocritter
    everybody knows that 2on2 is just the setup so whats the point?
    do you realy think DKs are OP just because he kills you with a healer?
    but in my exp. sham can be very strong in arena with right totem use and insane burst

    the point of ret/ele is to get the dps out of LoS of the heals hammer them and blow them up in 3 seconds, if it fails you try and stay back and support each other with necessary heals.

    when the DK is on you stick to instants. make the pally blow freedom on the DK with frost shock or earthbind totem purge it and then move off, all the while trying to outplay them and get him to move out of LoS at the wrong time


  8. #8

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    its hard to burst someone when the dk always go for you. silences and than put ur shyt on a cooldown. not too mention u can't trinkit that and then u are getting feared by priest. i don't think u know what your talking about becuase i can wipe the floor with war/druid becuase i can kite a warrior but how do u kite someone that can pull u 45 yards away? yes i know grounding but still they can slow u, yes i know hand of freedom but it doesn't last forever and if im hitting healer i need time to hit him. yea i now bop oh wait gargoyale hits through bop. yea the team can be beaten but it take PERFECTION. and simply said who the helll are you saying u can play the class and i can't? lets see ur armory or something mister ele + ret 1600 whoa thats soooooo much better. and knucklehead im talking about 2's not 3's. getting 2 people to arena is easier than 3 thats y people try it more. gosh its like talking to an idiot. 3's lol. less common setup lol YOU HAVE A DK ON UR TEAM.

  9. #9

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by balalaika

    Did you bind your heals btw? Just intrigued
    doubt it ,

    this comparison crap is such bs though btw its cuz elemental isn't a very popular spec in arenas i've personally faced one over 1800, but i faced about an equal amount of shaman healers as a did paladin healers and shaman+DK > paldin DK paladins are the worst healer now imo ( i play ret + disc )

  10. #10

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    omg healing myslef for 3k doesn't help WHEN IM SILENCED. and wow u fought 1 ele sham above 1800 lol. we aren't talking about healers we are talking about ELE SHAMAN. wow seriously are u people retarded.

  11. #11

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    have you guys tried ele+arc mage
    heroism, sheep, hex, purge, arcane power, pom and elemental mastery on a single target becomes quite hard to do anything about
    hots,shields and buffs are purged arcane does 6k dps on its own with a heroism not counting the shammy added to and any cast heal can be locked out by either class not to mention lava burst being pretty much an execute you can do every 8 secs...
    with the burst of these classes under heroism and the rather large amount of cc's and totem buffs and shields and off heals it really aint that easy to kill.
    yah pom sheep ya hex your prefered target, purge the hex target and blow it up doesnt matter how long it stays hexed a few seconds of hero burst damage with high crit chance and purges and its dead.

    OP reroll, you are dumb as a post though so quit anyway...
    if you really want death grip on your ele sham your a clown plenty of people will tell you how annoying thunder storm is.
    if you think ams beats a grounding totems and absorb sheilds I dunno what to tell ya, u can interupt for a few secs every 5 secs, what's better? plate or mail with a shield? mail with a shield you complete retard, multiple curses? ever read a curse tooltip? one curse per warlock per target?
    do any of these classes get to furious weapon rating by popping heroism then either being a purge bot or dying, no they actually have to kill shit themself.
    whats better? having to be in 5 yards of your target or 30-40?wtf silences for 9 seconds?all silences certainly have a longer cooldown then your earth or wind shock. your nova stuns,you have a travel form, your snares and slows dont limit your damage they dont fade off .
    right blizard will tell you anything at any time... shamans are just not played very much in arena probably because a lot of them think they can't perform, still i see them running around bgs with 13k health killing alot of ppl just using all the tools they have on their totems.

  12. #12

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    teams have counter-comps, deal with it.

  13. #13

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    I've played eleshammy/destrolock at 2k-ish. You'll always have anticomps and you'll always have anticlasses, you just need to play against those comps over and over untill you might find a way to expose their weaknesses.

    It's possible to get high as eleshammy in 2s,but not easy.

  14. #14

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    hots,shields and buffs are purged
    What? I guess you haven't seen much elementals lately, as WotLK came, purge more or less died for elemental, it's not as good as it used to be, for example enhancement can purge and melee at the same time so that's at least some pressure, healers can purge while not healing and elementals can purge while doing... no dps, purging a priest is a bit silly, especially trying to purge that pain suppression, purging druids bloom so they instantly heal? doesn't make much sense, purging a DK, ohh wait, I forgot all they have is something that's not magic, can't purge all types of armor anymore, purging retribution paladins... good luck with that, so the stuff that purge was good against are more or less not purgable, so one of the most powerful abilities shamans had got gimped to hell and shouldn't be in any argument about the "pro" abilities shamans have whatsoever!
    Man often meets his destiny, on the path he takes to avoid it.

  15. #15

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    ele shamans just suck cock in 2s.. thats something ull have to get over. THAT BEING SAID there r tons of specs that i havent seen in arena at ALL, so u shouldnt really complain. I would say ive seen twice as many elemental shamans above 2k in 2v2 than i have balance druids or shadow priests, but 2x0 = 0. Ele/ret can be done but u have to be more patient than u might think. Theres a very good video out there with a high rated ele/ret and some of their matches r even longer than my resto shaman/dk matches... and we only have 1 dps. And no its not because dk dps is ridiculous, its because they have to wait for los. And btw they never killed the healer when there was physical dps on the other team. You just have to play very well with ur partner, which is prollly gonna take hella games.

    and wtf is ur paladin doing while the dk is blowing cooldowns on u? nothing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gezza
    teams have counter-comps, deal with it.
    an easy comp for one person is hard for someone else and vice versa. always. u say resto druid/warrior is easy... be happy about that, because theyre hard for almost everyone else.

    I dont even know why im giving a constructive answer though, ur being a douche to everyone just because u need to l2play.

  16. #16

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    I must say, your QQ is so terrible I had to make an MMO account to explain why. Blizzard has never claimed that classes are balanced around 1v1, like the way you compared you and the DK, or 2v2 as you compared ele+ret and Unholy+DK. The top 5's teams have significantly more Elemental shaman than DK's for reasons you wouldn't understand. Telling people DK+Hpally is a strong comp is like you telling me there aren't AH in Shatt; everyone knows it but a few people, and those few decide to cry about it to the general community.

  17. #17

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by degobyan
    ele shamans just suck cock in 2s.. thats something ull have to get over. THAT BEING SAID there r tons of specs that i havent seen in arena at ALL, so u shouldnt really complain. I would say ive seen twice as many elemental shamans above 2k in 2v2 than i have balance druids or shadow priests, but 2x0 = 0. Ele/ret can be done but u have to be more patient than u might think. Theres a very good video out there with a high rated ele/ret and some of their matches r even longer than my resto shaman/dk matches... and we only have 1 dps. And no its not because dk dps is ridiculous, its because they have to wait for los. And btw they never killed the healer when there was physical dps on the other team. You just have to play very well with ur partner, which is prollly gonna take hella games.

    and wtf is ur paladin doing while the dk is blowing cooldowns on u? nothing?

    an easy comp for one person is hard for someone else and vice versa. always. u say resto druid/warrior is easy... be happy about that, because theyre hard for almost everyone else.

    I dont even know why im giving a constructive answer though, ur being a douche to everyone just because u need to l2play.
    what can the pally do? bop me dk's hit through that.... rep the dk? it will take 30 mins to walk away from the dk and then he will just pull me back 50 yards away.

    i need to learn to play? why can't people admit shamans need work. from your point of view ur like dude it can be done just do it. but u don't UNDERSTAND because u r a narrow minded dk. on my server there is ONE single ret/ele setup. WHY? BECUASE ITS REALLY REALLY hard., wtf? y bother

    so again instead of trying hard, eating and breathing a game i guess ill just roll and EASIER class like maybe a dk? than come back with my 2k+ rating and say hey told u so.

  18. #18

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Nømeansnø
    I must say, your QQ is so terrible I had to make an MMO account to explain why. Blizzard has never claimed that classes are balanced around 1v1, like the way you compared you and the DK, or 2v2 as you compared ele+ret and Unholy+DK. The top 5's teams have significantly more Elemental shaman than DK's for reasons you wouldn't understand. Telling people DK+Hpally is a strong comp is like you telling me there aren't AH in Shatt; everyone knows it but a few people, and those few decide to cry about it to the general community.
    good for 5's team but who has the time to get 5 people together and ARENA? maybe u can or maybe 5's is for people that play wow more than they play life. 2's and 3's are for casual players NOT wow people with 5 80's. cmon dude be smart if blizz thought that way shamans wud never get buffed. try rolling a shaman start questing and then get OWNED by everything becuae u can't stnad on two feet. 1v1 balance is more viable than 5's u tool bag

  19. #19

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    Quote Originally Posted by Fjdn
    I've played eleshammy/destrolock at 2k-ish. You'll always have anticomps and you'll always have anticlasses, you just need to play against those comps over and over untill you might find a way to expose their weaknesses.

    It's possible to get high as eleshammy in 2s,but not easy.
    Qft. I understand that shamans in general need some love, but if you can't break 1600, its not the class its you/your buddy.
    Quote Originally Posted by grimmjaw
    good for 5's team but who has the time to get 5 people together and ARENA? maybe u can or maybe 5's is for people that play wow more than they play life. 2's and 3's are for casual players NOT wow people with 5 80's. cmon dude be smart if blizz thought that way shamans wud never get buffed. try rolling a shaman start questing and then get OWNED by everything becuae u can't stnad on two feet. 1v1 balance is more viable than 5's u tool bag
    lol... fair point about 5s... But the rest of the point is just gibberish, and shammies are still good in 3s, so gl there... Other then that i give up. You're a perfect example of ppl that complain about small obstacles, instead of making the best out of it.

  20. #20

    Re: Ele Sham Giving Up In Arena

    okay okay okay. for all u people that think im QQing. ready for this?

    out of all the top setups here...... hows many ele enh shamans do u see? k ready? its fun

    how many dk's do u see? now lets get this straight if ele sham's are fine for pvp wouldn't u see more of them? hmmmmmm?
    and if dk's aren't OP wouldnt u see less of them?

    idk im prolly just wrong and don't know what im talking about. i'mm qqing and crying about nothing. shamans are fine.
    yea a 4k bubble and5 second root is soo strong. shamans are fine they are actually Op. see i agree with u guys

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