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  1. #21

    Re: help with Dps please!

    Quote Originally Posted by gherkin
    quote from wowmb
    My doom hits for ~13k on average, 4-5 times a fight.

    13 x 5 x .06 = 3900 extra damage every 5 minutes. 3900 / (5 x 60) = 13 dps.

    Personally, I don't care.
    Oh- actually I am skeptical that Pyroclasm affects CoD and like you I don't really care (I personally do CoD<Immo<conflag<CB<incin). If you really feel the need to put something in between immo and conflag, frankly I don't think it matters much in the grand scheme. Casting CB without the benefit of pyroclasm on the other hand might be a mistake.

    Oh well, better debating these minutiae than answering someone asking for hand outs or bitching about PVP (See above thread ).
    Your comments are duly noted and ignored.
    I punch a hobo every time someone says 'it's not a rotation it's a priority list lol'.

  2. #22

    Re: help with Dps please!

    I always do Immolate, Incinerate, Conflagrate, Chaos Bolt, Incinerate til Conflagrate cooldown is back up, then cast conflagrate, followed by Immolate, Chaos Bolt, and Incinerate spam again til Conflagrate cd is up again. Rinse & repeat. Manage to do 4k dps on heroic dummy with it. Note that was 4k dps while not hitcapped(14% at that time), so should be more in raid. Have yet to test the maximum dps I can output with that rotation on a Patchwerk like encounter though with all raidbuffs. I have gear to get my hit to 17%, but at the cost of haste & crit and a minor amount of spellpower.
    I wish those t8.5 gloves would drop already -.-

  3. #23

    Re: help with Dps please!


    You are over alliance hit cap. You are sporting nearly 15% hit. Drop down to 13% (assuming you have the raid buffs covered).

    Use the following table when gemming / choosing gear.

    Stat Weight
    intellect 0..58
    spirit 0.74
    crit rating 1.04
    spell power 1.54
    haste rating 1.56

    So take for instance your T8 pants:
    9 sp = 13.86
    8 spirit = 5.92
    22 haste = 34.32
    = 54.1

    Instead of just two 19 sp gems:

    19 sp X 2 = 58.52

    Remember that you only need two blue gems to meet your meta requirements. Using them over a runed ruby or a reckless topaz probably isn't a good choice.

    Be sure you are using an addon such as DoTimer to track you cooldowns and spell uptimes. If you are unfamiliar with DoTimer configuration here is an excellent comment from WoWInterface that optimizes the addon for a deep Destro spec

    Is it possible to integrate cooldowns along side debuffs? I have created a new anchor and attempted to assign the specific cooldowns i want to that anchor but they always appear under the heading "Cooldowns".

    For instance:

    |??| Scary Ulduar Boss
    |==Chaos Bolt=====|
    |==Curse of Doom========|

    Instead of:

    |??| Scary Ulduar Boss
    |==Curse of Doom========|
    |==Chaos Bolt=====|

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks to Asheyla for a response.

    Yes, but there's a small sacrifice: you won't see the target's name / level anymore.

    For the following instructions, you need the latest version of DoTimer. I'm gonna assume that you want cooldowns integrated into your target's debuffs, and that you only want to move specific cooldowns.

    In DoTimer, select the anchor you want your target sent to (can be the default location, it doesn't matter). Then, in the 'move targets here' editbox, type "*target*" (no quotes). After hitting enter, open up the dropdown next to the editbox, mouseover "*target*", and in the submenu, select "Use Standard Name". In the "Standard Name" editbox, type "Target" or something.

    In Cooldowns, select the anchor you selected from DoTimer. In the "move timers here" editbox, type in all the cooldowns you want moved. After each one, do the same thing as above - dropdown menu, mouseover, submenu, select "Use Standard Name". When done adding, type "Target" or whatever into the "Standard Name" editbox. Note: this must match exactly the one you typed in DoTimer!

    In essence, what you are doing is telling DoTimer and Cooldowns that, for these targets and timers, you want to overwrite the timers' default target data with something you select - whatever you typed into the "Standard Name" editbox. The rest of the config was just moving the timers to the correct anchor. DoTimer's timer-managing system merges groups of timers that have the same group information, so the end result is a single group with both your target's timers and your cooldowns.
    If you have any questions you can find me on most days standing around Dalaran: "/who Grah"

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