Poll: Should there be an attunement to Icecrown Citadel?

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  1. #1

    Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    Should the Raid in Icecrown have a lore related attunement to be able to enter?
    As he is a major lore based character, the chain would allow for his demise. Almost like finding a way past a guard or into his citadel but 100x more awsome.

  2. #2

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas


  3. #3

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    Just make all bosses in IC so easy that every moron can kill them and get their epics, but please let Arthas be really really hard without any hardmode. He is only boss i really care about in WoTLK and if they will make him lolmode and every scrub can kill him...

  4. #4

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    Yes there SHOULD be an attunement, just like there should have been an attunement to every raid in WotLK, but sadly there wont be as it defeats blizzards plan to allow every one who pays a subscription to get into any raid they want no matter how potentially awful they are
    I have loved to the point of madness; That which is called madness, That which to me, is the only sensible way to love.


  5. #5

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    Give us a BT sized attunement please.
    I miss attunement chains, they're actually really fun.

  6. #6

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    It should have one; completing the Kara one made Kara itself feel more satisfying and worthwhile to be in but stepping in Naxx/Malygos/OS/VoA without needing an attunement simply made the raids themselves feel...I dunno...not satisfying to step in.

    If Icecrown required an attunement, a long one, then stepping in Icecrown itself will be a better experience than just stepping in there and starting on the first boss. Also surely there needs to be a quest that gets you to push into Icecrown, the Lich King wouldn't just whack open the gates would he?

  7. #7

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    YES - definitely there should be an attunement. (And this coming from the leader of a casual guild).

    I pointed this out in another thread, but here we go here...

    - You don't have to put the attunements at the "Final Bosses" in the various other raids. in this case however, I think Naxx 10 is easy enough where Kel'Thuzud's essence or something like that is one of the necessary requirements.

    - Ulduar - maybe not the final boss, but one mid-way through is needed?
    - A few of the key-heroics should be a necessity too.

    All this not so much to weed people out due to skill level, but more because you want to weed people out who don't want to make the commitement to do it, to see the content. Unfortunately, too many noobs would cry out in protest at once... "but i don't have time between coming home from school and goin to bed to do all that AND play my twink hunter wwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah".

    Pax Aeterna - Area 52

  8. #8

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    actually no, I wanna raid him with my green twink and get my epics. If you want lore, read a book. This is all about looting, not lore.

  9. #9

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    yes, a small attunement with lore involved, but not so long like the TK/SSC attunement. The ones with the naaru trials and whatnot

  10. #10

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    Yes, I am hoping that there will be some epic attunement quest/event, as someone already said I guess it's not just like Lich King suddenly just opens the gates

  11. #11

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    No, attunements are annoying.

    They are there simply to limit the number of players who can enter the raid and is ultimately against the interest of Blizzard.

    You don't like it? Too bad. Attunements are gone for good and players are happy.
    Yeah? Well, too bad. I did it anyway.

  12. #12

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    Good enough gear should be the only attunement.

  13. #13

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    Quote Originally Posted by Heretushi
    No, attunements are annoying.

    They are there simply to limit the number of players who can enter the raid and is ultimately against the interest of Blizzard.

    You don't like it? Too bad. Attunements are gone for good and players are happy.
    QQ, someone could never clear SCC/TK LR2P

  14. #14

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    ähm if you hear the Sound the NPC Says if you defeat the Coloseum you can Fight VS Arthas so if you dont you wouldn`t do it.

    Only Argentaw Crusade can enter Citadel

  15. #15

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    Quote Originally Posted by Heretushi
    No, attunements are annoying.

    They are there simply to limit the number of players who can enter the raid and is ultimately against the interest of Blizzard.

    You don't like it? Too bad. Attunements are gone for good and players are happy.
    This is some what true. Attuns probably are gone. SOME people like it, but they are gone for one reason. More people will be able and willing to see the new content if there is no attun. Sad but true

  16. #16

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    Quote Originally Posted by Heretushi
    No, attunements are annoying.

    They are there simply to limit the number of players who can enter the raid and is ultimately against the interest of Blizzard.

    You don't like it? Too bad. Attunements are gone for good and players are happy.
    The poll says otherwise.

  17. #17

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    who cares about other players who will get the gear that YOU will never raid with....

  18. #18

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    in really dont like attunments but i did like the dragonsblight thingy "wrathgate"

    i say no to attunemnts but yes to optional quest line that gives some stuff in the end something cool but still it should be an option.

    isnt attunements against alts aswell? maby there is a reason for them to not be in the game several players have more then two 80s several brings more then just thier main to a raid, being forced to do attunments on alts feels like a massive turn off imo and so i think they got removed!

    why i mention this is couse my friend was in the top guild on the realm i was currently playing on and he thought it was awesome for the attunes to get removed so they could easier pull thier alts in to scc tk etc mh etc etc etc.

    in tbc kz attunement were placed in the 5man dungeons the further in the expantion the lesser intresting those dungeons became and so it gets less motivated to do them. if i wanted to bring my alt to kz i had to whine my ass of for friends and guilds to run me throu those shitty places and specialy boring black moras.

    i can see why they are gone and i say thx for that.

  19. #19

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    attunements might be annoying to some especially new players and alts, but they can carry a great story line which is something that interests me ...

    i honestly would like to see some kind of an attunement, maybe not as hardcore as some in the past have been, but somethinga long the lines of the SSC attunement would be nice. kill some boss that is somewhat significant to the story line, gather a little bit of something ... yeah, could be nice.

  20. #20

    Re: Icecrown Citadel: Arthas

    Quote Originally Posted by nemesisevil
    It should have one; completing the Kara one made Kara itself feel more satisfying and worthwhile to be in but stepping in Naxx/Malygos/OS/VoA without needing an attunement simply made the raids themselves feel...I dunno...not satisfying to step in.
    This is very true. Because its like once any random person hit 80 you could invite them to a 25 Sarth group and without them knowing what they're doing, they already have a nice trinket and tier 7.5 hands. I know this probably wouldn't happen, but it shows the difference between then and now. You worked yourself up to raids, maybe picking up some gear on the way, and when you got there, you were excited because you had spent time getting there. I really hope there is an attunement,
    Quote Originally Posted by Zenarius
    You sir, is a retard.

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