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  1. #1

    Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    So I want to run my friends new alt through herorics, however, I have the dodge for a raid boss and I don't get hit hardly at all in herorics.
    As we all know no rage=no aggro.

    My question is. How much of my cat gear (armor pen) is same to tank with without making it difficult to keep me up?

  2. #2

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    I'm pretty sure if you have 'top end raiding gear' you should be able to judge for yourself how much of your cat gear it's safe to wear in heroics.

  3. #3

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    Wear your normal armor, generate rage from dodges. You know the drill.

  4. #4

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    Just make sure to sit down (i think default button "X") from time to time, you'll get critted and generate some threat without getting a second "heroic gear".

  5. #5

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    I doubt any tank would be hard to heal in heroics if they are already raid geared... Might even say with nearly best tanking gear you could almost heal yourself in heroics.

  6. #6

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaudry
    Wear your normal armor, generate rage from dodges. You know the drill.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chronalis
    Rule #84 of WoW: Saying "Rotation" doesn't automatically make you a good player... or even a competent one.

  7. #7

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    It's not how hard he gets hit that's the issue. It's the fact that he doesn't get hit enough to generate the rage. Healing isn't the issue...

    But if you sit down, as Sugsugubus noted, you will get hit more often.

  8. #8

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    for an actual answer:

    The problem with heroics is that when mobs actually hit you, they don't hit hard enough to completely fill your rage bar (unlikely raid bosses). Most heroic bosses will keep your from being too rage starved but you may find yourself in a situation where you have no rage. In these situations just rely on faerie fire and don't use maul on every global cooldown.

    If you're hellbent on using cat gear, looking for gear with high crit rating. There's only 4 ways for druids to get rage: Being hit, dodging, critting, and being healed by special healers. Another option is to move fast enough to keep a few mobs on you so you'll have a steady supply of rage.

    Regardless, it's a problem with the rage mechanic. Blizz is workin on it so it'll get fixed "soon"...

  9. #9

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    Well ty for your input, kind forgot I had my bear attack macroed to que up maul, it's been so long, so I took that off, but still dodge to much even with sit.

    I can heal myself mostly through these tbh, i've carried healers before. It's just frustrating having zero rage and a dps that is terrible pull the mob cause I can't keep it due to rage issues.
    Makes me think i should have kept my 7.5 =/

  10. #10

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    As for holding threat against people progressing through heroics remember your probably going to do more dps than them lol.

  11. #11

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    Take off your pants, it's the raid tank's dungeon trick since Strat.
    That's just between you, me, and my pal Captain Winky.

  12. #12
    Warchief SoulPoetry's Avatar
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    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    i, personally, would either:

    -wear a lot of dps gear but retain enough tank gear for your healer to keep up
    -if that's not possible, wear full tank gear and pull two groups at a time or just pull at a quick pace and use enrage every CD.

  13. #13

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    No! Pants!
    That's just between you, me, and my pal Captain Winky.

  14. #14

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    I have a hard time believing you have BiS gear when you are asking questions like this. A certain level of expertise and intuition comes tags along when you finish raids of the upper level that require an understanding of your character's mechanics. Dodging too much?... Use cat gear if that helps.

  15. #15

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    I usually swap my trinkets and sometimes neck/rings/staff (if the healer is bored). Grimm Toll makes a great aggro trinket. But even in full tankgear i usually don't have aggro problems. Rage problems maybe but not aggro problems

  16. #16
    Stood in the Fire Syph's Avatar
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    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    Judging by your armory profile, I'd suggest a similar approach as I take: just grab larger packs at a time and spam swipe as your first and second move - should fill your rage to 75~100% since for each crit you gain 5 rage also, refrain from using lacerate, I doubt you'll need it for this specific situation

    in case it gets repetative, you could use the good ol' enrage+classic method whenever enrage is off its CD

    p.s. switch the valor medal trinket if you really think that dodging too much is the issue (or at least never activate their use abilities :P) but the problem is most likely that you're used to raid-tanking, which can be quite different from the average HC

  17. #17

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    Quote Originally Posted by mgp84
    I have a hard time believing you have BiS gear when you are asking questions like this. A certain level of expertise and intuition comes tags along when you finish raids of the upper level that require an understanding of your character's mechanics. Dodging too much?... Use cat gear if that helps.
    Mt basic question was about armor pen, I didn't need the insults about how I know nothing if I have BiS.
    though Arm Pen isn't new it is somewhat different and that's was I was inquiring about. Tanking with arm pen

  18. #18
    Pit Lord Alski's Avatar
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    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    Quote Originally Posted by *-Destiny-*
    Mt basic question was about armor pen, I didn't need the insults about how I know nothing if I have BiS.
    though Arm Pen isn't new it is somewhat different and that's was I was inquiring about. Tanking with arm pen
    As long as you have decent kitty gear and your healer isnt retarded just use full kitty gear 10k maul crits are great for threat
    In short ArP is better for bears than it is for cats in terms of a dps stat(which is basically threat) because over 90% of your damage is effected by it com paired with like 60% from cats.

  19. #19

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    1. Stay in your tank gear.
    2. Pull 10 mobs instead of 3.
    3. Finish a heroic in 10 mins instead of 30.
    4. WIN.

  20. #20

    Re: Top end raiding gear and herorics =/

    Oh please.... i play a holy priest. I helped some friend gar his pala "tonk" ... well it didn't really look like a tank when it was tanking HoL with 19k health and greens , non-def capped but meh...

    Heroics are distirbingly easy imo , a good geared healer is enough (unless the tank can't keep aggro and u have to heal like 2 DPS + non-def capped tank , which i think it's not the case). My suggestion is full cat gear (in some heroics i've had cat tanking with dps gear , bit hard on the healer but things were going down crazy ast) as bear and get a guildie to heal (someone you know who can heal through 1-2 unlucky crits , or an overpull gone bad :<).


    You can just start a naxx25 group and get your friend "raiding" gear in a matter of a few hours instead of heroic grinding. (<--- a lot easier and faster than doing heroics , just make sure u have 5-6 dpses u can that will be over 4k and u can afford having some "dks" or 1300 dps rogues).

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