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  1. #1

    Turning Saronite into profit

    I just found myself with ridiculous amounts of saronite ore, which I don't know what to do with.

    I've been farming titanium for the past week or so, and ended up with all this saronite along the way. Usually I would just sell it but 1 stack of ore goes for 16-17g on my server, so that would seem like pretty terrible profit.

    So I thought I would ask here; what is the best way to turn saronite into profit? I got access to most highlevel professions across my chars so I could maybe

    - Prospect and sell the blue gems (now with epic gems out, the prices of blues has dropped quite bit. Dunno if this would be better than just selling raw ore)
    - Prospect and make the green enchanting necklace/rings and disenchant them to get dust/essence and sell that
    - Make Eternal Belt Buckles and sell those
    - Other?

    What do you all do with your saronite


  2. #2

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    the most money is easily belt buckles seeing as you mine the eternals also

  3. #3

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew

    - Prospect and sell the blue gems (now with epic gems out, the prices of blues has dropped quite bit. Dunno if this would be better than just selling raw ore)
    - Prospect and make the green enchanting necklace/rings and disenchant them to get dust/essence and sell that

    I've earned several thousands of gold with this method during the past few weeks. I've often even doubled my invested gold that I used to buy saronite and eternal earth. Just don't sell any of the mats when the prices are not quite high and you'll most likely earn a lot.

  4. #4

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    what i would do is prospect the ores to get the blue quality gems and green ones as well
    get a transmutation master and make the gems into epic quality gems then sell and with the green quality gems you can make ice prism and have a chance to get more of the new gems

    all this might take a while cause of the cooldown on transmutions but you could make some good money

  5. #5

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by Mew
    - Prospect and sell the blue gems (now with epic gems out, the prices of blues has dropped quite bit. Dunno if this would be better than just selling raw ore)
    I am on a high pop server, and am as far as I can tell the JC with the third highest number of new epic cut recipes, but most of my money since the patch has come from cutting and selling rare gems on the AH. On my server (and many others from what I have read), rare gems actually went UP in price post patch because so many JCers assumed no one cared anymore and left the market meaning less competition keeping prices low...

  6. #6

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by Frunhilda
    16-17g? That's a lot lol.

    On Zenedar - EU, you have LOADS of saronite ore @13g in AH
    Not a bad profit for something you didn't pay for in the first place. Me, I'd sell it, as ore, in stacks of 5 or 10 at just under the current price get rid of it and enjoy all the lovely gold.

  7. #7

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by Infernalis
    Not a bad profit for something you didn't pay for in the first place. Me, I'd sell it, as ore, in stacks of 5 or 10 at just under the current price get rid of it and enjoy all the lovely gold.
    exactly, i think of saronite as a side effect of farming titanium. with the absurd amount of gold I make off of titanium the saronite is just the gravy.

    between the saronite, eternals, and gems I mine it makes me about 45% of my profit after a good farming session with the other 55% coming from titanium ore.

    average 1 hour of mining
    40 Titanium = ~700g
    300 Saronite = 225g
    30 various eternals = 200g
    gems = 150g

    That is a rough estimate of course but seems about right. It can vary obviously based on which gems I get and which eternals I get.

    I don't have a high JC yet and my friends are too lazy to prospect that much saronite and make greens for me. I am sure I could make more from the saronite and eternals but when I am making 1500g an hour it doesn't really matter to me. It would probably take me 30 minutes to turn all that into dust for an extra 500g or I could mine for another 30 minutes and make 750g. Maybe once the market gets flooded with epic gems I will start churning out enchanting mats again but for now I will ride the Titanium craze as far as it will take me.
    What do you think about the season 7 shaman set?
    It looks like what would happen if one of those big rock giants from Outlands mated with Spiderman.


  8. #8

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by moode

    average 1 hour of mining
    40 Titanium = ~700g
    300 Saronite = 225g
    30 various eternals = 200g
    How the hell do you make that??? in 1h mining early in the morning during the weekends (and no i dont get up early in the weekends in order to mine :P ) im lucky if i get 1/4 of that - meant as ore quantity and im on medium/low pop server
    A good sleep not only makes the life longer but also reduces the time spent at work

  9. #9

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by moode
    exactly, i think of saronite as a side effect of farming titanium. with the absurd amount of gold I make off of titanium the saronite is just the gravy.

    between the saronite, eternals, and gems I mine it makes me about 45% of my profit after a good farming session with the other 55% coming from titanium ore.

    average 1 hour of mining
    40 Titanium = ~700g
    300 Saronite = 225g
    30 various eternals = 200g
    gems = 150g

    That is a rough estimate of course but seems about right. It can vary obviously based on which gems I get and which eternals I get.

    I don't have a high JC yet and my friends are too lazy to prospect that much saronite and make greens for me. I am sure I could make more from the saronite and eternals but when I am making 1500g an hour it doesn't really matter to me. It would probably take me 30 minutes to turn all that into dust for an extra 500g or I could mine for another 30 minutes and make 750g. Maybe once the market gets flooded with epic gems I will start churning out enchanting mats again but for now I will ride the Titanium craze as far as it will take me.
    I call Shenanigans
    I started the Book of Faces moving
    Was involved in the RP Invasion

    /Brofisting Vol'Jin

  10. #10

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by moode
    exactly, i think of saronite as a side effect of farming titanium. with the absurd amount of gold I make off of titanium the saronite is just the gravy.

    between the saronite, eternals, and gems I mine it makes me about 45% of my profit after a good farming session with the other 55% coming from titanium ore.

    average 1 hour of mining
    40 Titanium = ~700g
    300 Saronite = 225g
    30 various eternals = 200g
    gems = 150g

    That is a rough estimate of course but seems about right. It can vary obviously based on which gems I get and which eternals I get.

    I don't have a high JC yet and my friends are too lazy to prospect that much saronite and make greens for me. I am sure I could make more from the saronite and eternals but when I am making 1500g an hour it doesn't really matter to me. It would probably take me 30 minutes to turn all that into dust for an extra 500g or I could mine for another 30 minutes and make 750g. Maybe once the market gets flooded with epic gems I will start churning out enchanting mats again but for now I will ride the Titanium craze as far as it will take me.
    Apparently you mine on a private server consisting only of yourself and with increased spawn rates or something. I've played on several servers and I don't know of one where anyone could farm anywhere near that much in an hour.

  11. #11

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    I'm not even sure if I'm getting more then 15~ primals per hour, and that is with a 310 % mount + crusader aura and in the early morning.

    I find it hard to believe that you farm that much in one hour.

    Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

    Thanks bbr, great game!

  12. #12

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by motoucle
    How the hell do you make that??? in 1h mining early in the morning during the weekends (and no i dont get up early in the weekends in order to mine :P ) im lucky if i get 1/4 of that - meant as ore quantity and im on medium/low pop server
    maybe my numbers were a little high on average but not far fetched. I have had times where I farmed up a stack of titanium in 20 minutes waiting on WG to start. apparently everyone is scared to mine in WG. It also helps that I have engineering so I get extra crystals.

    I have a route that takes me about 6 minutes to cover every node in WG. On each pass I get roughly a stack of saronite 20 various crystals who knows how many green/blue gems and 0-2 nodes of titanium. Every 2nd pass 2 fire clouds spawn in the fire elemental area so I get from 4-8 fire crystals. With 10 passes an hour it equals

    200-300 saronite
    30-50 titanium (depending on whether I get more 2s than 4s)
    maybe 1 eternal water
    1-2 eternal air
    2-4 eternal fire
    6-7 eternal shadow
    6-7 eternal earth
    and various gems

    farming in sholazar is garbage because it is all normal saronite nodes
    farming in icecrown is garbage because it would take 20 minutes to cover all the spawn points
    farming in WG is where it's at.

    and I usually play around 10-1pm server time so there is very little competition for the nodes.

    What do you think about the season 7 shaman set?
    It looks like what would happen if one of those big rock giants from Outlands mated with Spiderman.


  13. #13

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by moode
    average 1 hour of mining
    40 Titanium = ~700g
    300 Saronite = 225g
    30 various eternals = 200g
    gems = 150g

    That is a rough estimate of course but seems about right. It can vary obviously based on which gems I get and which eternals I get.
    Yeah this does seem pretty high. 40 titanium in 1 hour? I've seen maybe 25+ in an hour and that was the luckiest hour of my farming career. I'm not sure what to say about the 300 saronite, I know it sounds kind of high but I know I usually fill up on saronite pretty quick.. I just don't think it's as many as 300 ore though. LOL @ the eternals unless you are on an engineer with your mote extractor, but then you wouldn't have as much time to farm the amount of titanium and saronite as you are saying you do. I don't know man, maybe cut all those numbers in half and it would sound more reasonable but even then 20 titanium an hour sometimes feels lucky. I sometimes go an hour or two without a single titanium node and then I get two in a row, lol.
    Ok I just read your reply and that would make a bit more sense. I have noticed that it seems like there is a higher drop rate in WG for rich saronite and titanium although that may just be the lucky instances that I'm remembering. I normally do a mix of both Sholazar and WG.. I normally end up with a lot more eternal fire than anything else due to the clouds in Sholazar.
    And now back to the original topic, I do a mix of everything with my ore. I have at least 1 of every crafting profession. For the most part I will use JC + Enchanting to receive Infinite dust since that normally gives me the most profit and sells extremely fast.

  14. #14

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by dinobatbird

    I have noticed that it seems like there is a higher drop rate in WG for rich saronite and titanium although that may just be the lucky instances that I'm remembering.
    I couldn't tell you the actual percentages but I farmed Sholazar for about a week after I hit 80 and I saw 1 titanium node. I moved to WG and I have actually hit 3 Titanium nodes in a row twice. If I had to guess I would say

    50% regular saronite nodes
    35% rich saronite nodes
    15% Titanium nodes

    I get about 5-6 nodes per time around WG.
    3 regular nodes = 6-12 ore
    1-2 rich = 5-14 ore
    1 titaium node = 2-4 ore

    I have been at this for 2 weeks now and I can assure you WG has the absolute best rich saronite and titanium farming in the game. Of course this is assuming your server is not flooded with people farming that zone.

    and to try and stay on topic as well. I am leveling a JC/Enchanter right now to try out the ore => enchanting mats flow.

    What do you think about the season 7 shaman set?
    It looks like what would happen if one of those big rock giants from Outlands mated with Spiderman.


  15. #15

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by moode
    I couldn't tell you the actual percentages but I farmed Sholazar for about a week after I hit 80 and I saw 1 titanium node. I moved to WG and I have actually hit 3 Titanium nodes in a row twice.
    I love both zones but I've actually seen numerous two in a row's and a three in a row within Sholazar. It's not as bad as you think but I would agree that WG is better especially if the majority of farmers are not in WG. I normally try to fly over WG now (I love that change) even if I'm not farming just to make sure someone isn't taking my titanium and there have been times where all I've seen is regular saronite. It's actually disapointing since I normally always see a titanium node in WG. I've also noticed that the farthest places you can go in WG seem to always have a titanium node, like up in the mountains near Icecrown and then to the far south where you are still on the elevated WG cliffs but the zone text for Dragonblight pops up. Like 90% of the time I find titanium there. I think I'm really in love with Sholazar for the feeling of actually being in a rain forest, just something about it. It's also not much fun to be ganked while starring at a titanium vein. There are times when I really want to pvp but not while trying to farm, well at least that's how I feel.

  16. #16

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by moode

    I have a route that takes me about 6 minutes to cover every node in WG.
    As most likely we all arent playing on the same server could you share with us that magnificent route? I m not saying i dont believe you from the start, but let s say im the kind of person that doesnt take things for granted...
    A good sleep not only makes the life longer but also reduces the time spent at work

  17. #17

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Sell it on AH imo. On my server it's not even worth prospecting / making jewelry -> DE anymore. The amount of time that takes could have been better spent (in your case farming). It's like people who buy cloth off the AH to turn into bandages to vendor. Sure it makes a profit, but you could make 5-10x faster doing something else.

  18. #18

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Quote Originally Posted by motoucle
    As most likely we all arent playing on the same server could you share with us that magnificent route? I m not saying i dont believe you from the start, but let s say im the kind of person that doesnt take things for granted...
    Here is the best I can do with my awesome paint skills. The red route is my normal route. The blue is a side path I take every few rounds to check on the 7-8 nodes over there. There are only about 4-5 random nodes throughout the map that are not covered with this route.

    What do you think about the season 7 shaman set?
    It looks like what would happen if one of those big rock giants from Outlands mated with Spiderman.


  19. #19

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    Cool paint skills bro!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chronalis
    Rule #84 of WoW: Saying "Rotation" doesn't automatically make you a good player... or even a competent one.

  20. #20

    Re: Turning Saronite into profit

    I've found the market for blue gems to be BETTER on my server since epic gems have been released. Average prices may have gone down, but there is significantly less competition as the majority of jc's are now focusing their attention on epic gems/cuts.

    Scarlet rubies: I cut 2:1 into runed and split the rest up into bold, fractured, delicate, or precise depending on whats selling the best. I cut more runed's simply because they sell faster and regardless of price its important to have fast turn around.
    Autumn Glows: Mystics (after new content is farmable) Rigid, and Smoothe tend to consistently sell for 30-35g durring progression phases.
    Twilight Opals: Soverign, Glowing, and Pussiant all tend to sell fairly well as well often fetching 30-35g
    Monarch Topaz: Sometimes these sell incredibly well sometimes they dont. I havnt really been able to figure out the pattern as I cannot seem to get any of single cut to sell consistently. Some freinds of mine have experienced the same issue and reccomend selling the uncut gems but I prefer to cut a very small ammount at the time and post only 2-3 of what are selling well and undercut the competition more than normal to get them sto sell. Again turn around time is key and if they drop lower than 20g and your on your 3rd listing your just wasting money and time, at which point ill just vendor them.
    Forest Emeralds: I can never get any cuts to sell consistently and I have an Cut->Auto-Vendor policy on them. If im feeling charitable i'll often give them away.
    Sky Sapphires: Always cut solids' and provided you under cut they have always sold incredibly well for me. Im willing to take a super small profit margin as Ive never had one returned and I can always make a reasonable profit off them.

    IF youre a miner turn youre green quality blue, yellow, red, and orange gems into low level jc's and vendor them for ~3g a pop. If you're not a miner just cut and vendor them. You can also look into chanter sharks who are willin to buy any ammount of stock of those for 1g per.

    Using these methods ive always had no problem turning a great profit on the ah even buying ore, when its all your ore its great money. Its not as fast as simply selling it in bulk to a jc but it will yield far more profit. Spending a few hours working ~2k gold worth of ore will yield more than 6k if processed properly @ 16g per stack.

    Hope this has been some help.
    I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money; but what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I've acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now that will be the end of it. I will not look for you, i will not pursue you but if you don't; I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

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