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  1. #1

    Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    I've just started to level a hunter and I've bought some heirloom items for speed up the process of leveling. My question is...does that make me a twink? If I want to enter a BG will I face twink opponents or regular ones?

  2. #2

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    The concept of twinking is making yourself as overpowered as possible, giving you an unfair advantage that is not to be overcome by your oponents. Just the BoA gear will only do so little, so technically you are far from a twink.

  3. #3

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by v-ice
    If I want to enter a BG will I face twink opponents or regular ones?
    Short answer: no

    long answer: You will only face twinks if you have bought the "no-xp" for 10g in stormwind or undercity.

  4. #4

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    the gear you were wont determine the opponent that you face. you should only face off against none twinks since twinks can now turn off the exp that is now earned in BG's, doing this puts them into totally seperate BG's.

  5. #5

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by Somnio
    Just the BoA gear will only do so little, so technically you are far from a twink.
    The amount of gear available to a hunter (2*melee weapons (possibly both enchanted) and ranged) mean that hunters can be twinked in the 10-19 bracket due solely to BoA gear - there was a hunter in the BG exp-earning bracket that ended up being practically unkillable and got something like a 60 killing blows - 0 death ratio. They one- to two-shot my priest : p

  6. #6

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by v-ice
    I've just started to level a hunter and I've bought some heirloom items for speed up the process of leveling. My question is...does that make me a twink? If I want to enter a BG will I face twink opponents or regular ones?

    Also, hierlooms are considered to be level 1, so if anything you'll face easier opponents.

  7. #7

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    If you have several BoA items, you'll practically have the same power as a twink (though with less health), but you'll be in the regular BGs since you have to turn off your XP gains to join the twink BGs.

  8. #8

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by Somnio
    The concept of twinking is making yourself as overpowered as possible, giving you an unfair advantage that is not to be overcome by your oponents. Just the BoA gear will only do so little, so technically you are far from a twink.
    This is far from the truth buddy. Lemme ask you something. If you have the ability to go out into the real world after high school, go through college, get a good job, buy a house, a nice car, start a family, go on vacations yearly, live your life without debt, save up for your kid's college, retire and live without having to get a job, and die a happy person, does that mean your life was over powered?

    Non twinks choose to be underpowered. They choose to ignore the way the game was designed to be. They somehow think that they are doing something wrong by twinking and then think that gives them the right to criticize other people who do twink.

    Twink = a person who is in optimal gear and enchants. Nothing more. It isn't a matter of being over powered. It is a matter of eliminating the handicap that this game possesses when you first start. That is right, it is a handicap. Players who are in low quality gear and enchants are handicapped and in order to over come said handicap they need to get the best gear/enchants available.

    So no, twinking is not about becoming as overpowered as possible. Just like being successful IRL isn't about becoming as overpowered as possible.

    But to answer the OP's question: By taking BoA gear to level at a faster rate, you are practicing the philosophy of what twinks do. Does this make you a twink? Somewhat, yes. Does this mean that you are an optimal twink? Not in the least.

  9. #9

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eroginous
    This is far from the truth buddy. Lemme ask you something. If you have the ability to go out into the real world after high school, go through college, get a good job, buy a house, a nice car, start a family, go on vacations yearly, live your life without debt, save up for your kid's college, retire and live without having to get a job, and die a happy person, does that mean your life was over powered?
    No. I refrain from using the term "overpowered", "nerf" and alike other than when discussing games. I mean, do you walk to the baker and ask if he can nerf the price of a sliced white bread? Do you go to the barbershop and ask for a buff in hairstyle to make you more leet?

    If anything, your comparison would be that I go to college, get a good job and when I am 40, I go back to school, just so I can be the "best of the class", using my experience and knowledge.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eroginous
    Non twinks choose to be underpowered. They choose to ignore the way the game was designed to be. They somehow think that they are doing something wrong by twinking and then think that gives them the right to criticize other people who do twink.
    Right. Because normal players who generally level trough PvE content and are no PvP superheroes should absolutely buy a weapon for 300 gold. They should start beig boosted trough lvl20 instances at lvl3 so they have a good chance at getting a nice chestpiece they can use at lvl19. And normal players who like to play this game should absolutely pay 200 gold on some enchant.

    Your logic is failing as much as a normal lvl14 player fails at even breathing at a lvl19 with 600% more health and 2000% more damage output.

  10. #10

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    So no, twinking is not about becoming as overpowered as possible.
    Haha yeah right.

    Explain to me why all the twinks are up in arms that they can't get any more games? Maybe because they don't want to play where they're not overpowered?

    Your analogy to real life is terrible as well. It would be like a Cuban amateur boxer fighting an average boxing club amateur.

  11. #11

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by Somnio
    The concept of twinking is making yourself as overpowered as possible, giving you an unfair advantage that is not to be overcome by your oponents.

    Nop BoA items aren't twinking. At least if they aren't overenchanted.

  12. #12

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    I know this has probably been answered elsewhere but seeing as you raised the topic of enchanting these items, do they have some weird item level? I seem to recall trying to stick an enchant on an item and it giving a message about the item not being the correct level.
    Twilight Rising

  13. #13

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xaal
    I know this has probably been answered elsewhere but seeing as you raised the topic of enchanting these items, do they have some weird item level? I seem to recall trying to stick an enchant on an item and it giving a message about the item not being the correct level.
    scroll up a few posts

  14. #14

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by Somnio

    If anything, your comparison would be that I go to college, get a good job and when I am 40, I go back to school, just so I can be the "best of the class", using my experience and knowledge.
    Id rather call it the student who's studying and researching more than the others from his class, and thus being better than the others.

    You choose yourself if you wanna queue to a BG if youre low-lvl, and non-twinks who at the normal lvl will gank you as well as the twinks.

    People crying about twinks confuses me as well, because, I have done some bg's on my lvl 29 non-twinked priest now, and guess what? Now the team who's winning is the one who doesent end up with 50% below lvl 24. Some People dont realise that the twinks were on both sides of the factions, and some of the best bg's there were was with bg's with twinks evenly split out between the teams, not the ones where the fact that youre a hunter, are lvl 29 and accompanied by 4 others who's like you turns the tide of the battle.

    Bg's sucks without twinks now.

  15. #15

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by Somnio
    No. I refrain from using the term "overpowered", "nerf" and alike other than when discussing games. I mean, do you walk to the baker and ask if he can nerf the price of a sliced white bread? Do you go to the barbershop and ask for a buff in hairstyle to make you more leet?

    If anything, your comparison would be that I go to college, get a good job and when I am 40, I go back to school, just so I can be the "best of the class", using my experience and knowledge.
    It wasn't an analogy in the literal sense. It was a comparison of people who have opportunities and don't pursue them. You don't expect to have the same success in life as someone who invests more time in his success, so why would you expect to have the same success in a video game as someone who invests more time than you?

    I know I know, 'it isn't real life,' but what you fail to understand, is that world of warcraft is designed after a lot of real world social systems. Those who spend more time customizing their toons, are more successful when they play them. That is inherent in the design. At this point you are simply arguing with the game design as if you can change it.

    Right. Because normal players who generally level trough PvE content and are no PvP superheroes should absolutely buy a weapon for 300 gold. They should start beig boosted trough lvl20 instances at lvl3 so they have a good chance at getting a nice chestpiece they can use at lvl19. And normal players who like to play this game should absolutely pay 200 gold on some enchant.
    Never mind the fact that there is a minimum level requirement to get into a level 20 instance, which I am pretty sure is a lot higher than level 3. If you are buying weapons off the AH for 300g ea to use as a twink, you are doing something wrong. If you are spending 200g on a single enchant, again you are doing something wrong.

    I am not going to validate your arguments. You are obviously not knowledgeable of the twinking process, so your ideas and opinions are once again tragically skewed. Even if it were a matter of spending gold, it doesn't take much to level a profession and get some gold.

    Your logic is failing as much as a normal lvl14 player fails at even breathing at a lvl19 with 600% more health and 2000% more damage output.
    My logic is fail? I am not the one who thinks that 'twinks must spend hundreds if not thousands of gold' just to twink out. I am not the one who thinks that 'twinks must grind level 20 instances at level 3 in order to get that one piece of gear they want.'

    Want me to show you where your logic fails?

    Here's my 29 twink shaman. I spent approx 2 weeks making him, including leveling his professions and getting arena grandmaster. I did EVERYTHING solo. No dungeon runs by 80s. No cash from a main. This character is on a vanilla account with no expansions. No BoAs. Nadda.

    1654 hp
    1986 mana
    116 sp

    Seems pretty twinked to me.

    Spellpower goggles extreme. I spent 300g on these. (actually I created them myself for like 7g)

    Crystal Starfire Medallion. I spent 300g on these. (actually I bought this for 2g on the AH)

    Death Speaker Mantle. I ran RFK 34985 times between level 3 and 29 to get this. (actually I got this in a group run with 4 other characters in their 20s. I rolled and won fair and square.)

    Battlehealer's Cloak. I had a level 80 run me through BGs for this. (actually I got it myself)

    Zealot's Robe. I had a full raid group of level 80s help me do the quest to get this. It took 16 times. It was that difficult. (actually I did this quest with 2 other players my level who also wanted the robes.) Oh yeah, the enchant cost me 9001g. (more like 10g)

    Gallan Cuffs. I had another full raid group of level 80s help me do the quest to get this too. It only took 12 times though, wasn't quite as hard. (actually I soloed the quest, took maybe 10 mins.) The enchant cost me 9002g. (more like 30g)

    Advisor's Gnarled Staff. I had a level 80 run me through some BGs for this too. (actually I got it myself) The enchant cost me 18, 637g 50s 78c (more like 45g)

    Nightsky Gloves. I bought these on AH for 422g. (Actually more like 4g) The enchant was 3200g, cheaper than the rest. (actually only cost me about 35g.)

    Defiler's Padded Girdle. I had a level 80 run me through some BGs for this too. (actually I got it myself)

    Gaze Dreamer Pants. I ran through BFD 3908 times between level 3 and 29 to get these. (actually I soloed it at 29, one of the last times I got.)

    Defiler's Chain Greaves. I had a level 80 run me through some BGs for these as well. (actually I got them myself) The enchant was the most expensive of all, costing me 22kg (actually was about 10g)

    Advisor's ring. I had a level 80 run me through some BGs for these as well. (actually I got them myself)

    Plains ring. I paid 600g for this. (actually was only 30g on AH)

    Arena Grandmaster. I had another full raid group of level 80s help me do the quest to get this too. Did it first try, wasn't quite as hard. (actually I just camped the chest at 12 am 3 am and 6 am for a week and got it.)

    So you see, ANYONE, even a new player can make a twink. It isn't some mystic process which involves hacking the matrix for rare and priceless items. If you are spending hundreds of gold on AH for gear, hundreds of gold on enchants, you are doing it wrong.

    I spent the first week leveling both mining and herbs while I was leveling to 28. I took all the stuff I got from herbing and sold it on AH, as well as wool cloth I gathered and anything else that was valuable. I kept enough ores to level engineering to 225, and sold the rest. After 2 weeks I made about 1k gold, and used that gold to buy all the mats for the enchants I needed, as well as get the various cheap pieces of gear you see.

    Granted, some things weren't easy to do, some things were definitely VERY easy to do. Regardless, stop spreading disinformation about twinking. You obviously just don't know what you're talking about.

  16. #16
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    You know, Eroginous, when you put that much sarcasm into your post, you really look like an ass. Not only that, but you make the entire twinking world look bad, too. Good job, genius.

    And besides, your gear isn't even that good. Certainly not BiS for that level. You aren't officially a "twink" yet, you're just "somewhat there".

  17. #17

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by Warspite
    You know, Eroginous, when you put that much sarcasm into your post, you really look like an ass. Not only that, but you make the entire twinking world look bad, too. Good job, genius.

    And besides, your gear isn't even that good. Certainly not BiS for that level. You aren't officially a "twink" yet, you're just "somewhat there".
    So link to me what would be better than what I have. List it. Cmon. As someone who has many twinks I KNOW what is best in slot. You need to keep in mind that this account has no xpansions installed, so BoA's aren't available to me on that toon. What I have, is pretty much the best available.

    Also, the main point is that twink gear is nothing more than what is available to everyone. You aren't going to find some uber special 'twink only' gear that comes from some special place and requires some secret code or membership to get. And sarcasm is there to get my point across, I don't really care what you think of me personally.

  18. #18

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eroginous
    So link to me what would be better than what I have. List it. Cmon. As someone who has many twinks I KNOW what is best in slot. You need to keep in mind that this account has no xpansions installed, so BoA's aren't available to me on that toon. What I have, is pretty much the best available.

    Also, the main point is that twink gear is nothing more than what is available to everyone. You aren't going to find some uber special 'twink only' gear that comes from some special place and requires some secret code or membership to get. And sarcasm is there to get my point across, I don't really care what you think of me personally.

    just use the resto gear set up its all the same at that level now anyways, just because you dont have the new expansion doesnt mean you cant get the new enchants. also you call that a geared twink yet you dont even have a pvp trinket. there only like 1800 honor now.

  19. #19

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Quote Originally Posted by Draenox
    Id rather call it the student who's studying and researching more than the others from his class, and thus being better than the others.

    You choose yourself if you wanna queue to a BG if youre low-lvl, and non-twinks who at the normal lvl will gank you as well as the twinks.

    People crying about twinks confuses me as well, because, I have done some bg's on my lvl 29 non-twinked priest now, and guess what? Now the team who's winning is the one who doesent end up with 50% below lvl 24. Some People dont realise that the twinks were on both sides of the factions, and some of the best bg's there were was with bg's with twinks evenly split out between the teams, not the ones where the fact that youre a hunter, are lvl 29 and accompanied by 4 others who's like you turns the tide of the battle.

    Bg's sucks without twinks now.
    I disagree. My mage who've i've been leveling has been able to go into BG's without worry about the team being 50% melee twinks. (lets face it, most twinks are melee, they scale the best with enchants that arent meant for their levels, mongoose, crusader?) I did face one 49 twink rogue in the bracket, when I was around 46. I had 1700 health, he ambush crit me for 1400. Yeah, thats REAL fun. White auto-attacks killed me before i could respond.

    He didnt make the game more fun, (or even try to do the game, he sat midfield) he DID however end up with 35kb's and 1 death, because he could 1 shot most clothies. Thankfully i had a few pieces of BOA and relatively decent gear with stamina on it.

    Either way, theres no way everyone will like the change. I've found lots more BG's running that end in a quick fashion, mostly with balanced teams. I'm all for the new system. I dont care if twinks were on my team.

  20. #20

    Re: Are heirloom items making me a twink?

    Im leveling an undead rogue for pvp hes currently 24 but when I was level 18, I had(have) wintergrasp daggers with +15 agility on each of them, and BoA shoulders. Some asshat level 20 warrior comes up to me and duels me. Well he ends up not laying a hand on me, and after its over he says "oh your a twink".....people that say that kind of shit piss me off lol. No you just dont know how to duel or pvp.

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