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  1. #1

    Arms still decent with top gear?

    I'm currently Fury, i have very very very good gear. I am one of two dps warriors in my guild, and he just went fury. To maximise utility and debuffs on bosses and buffs on the raid, i'm considering switching back to arms (Haven't been arms since Naxx). My question is; is it still decent? Fury scales like crazy and once i made the switch i haven't looked back thinking it was the top dps spec. Is it?


  2. #2

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    I couldn't find you on the armory, please post a link so we can make a comparason.

  3. #3

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?ínox

    Didn't think my armory would be necessary. Anyways, i don't have equivalent arms gear so i wouldn't jump out of fury right now. But let's say i had similar gear with a 232 dps axe or something equal. Would i find arms to be quite similar?

  4. #4

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    I would assume so, i play arms right now. And do around 3k overall per any heroic with any group comp and 4.5-5k on 10 man raid bosse's (i know big numbers!!) I have seen fury warriors push higher numbers with close to (maybe a little above my own). I think arms is funner to play sure i could be doing 200-300 more dps. But i enjoy the arms play style. None the less i say you give it a try and see how ya like it, and how you do. at the most it cost ya new glyphs and 100g to respec. :-)

  5. #5

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    I say drop 100 hit rating and stay Fury, it should be superior, particually seeing how you have gemmed Strength instead of ArP (meaning Mjolnir Runestone would nearly ArP cap you already without the additional 10%, should you choose to get it in the near future) unless of course you want to switch to Arms for Mortal Strike debuff during the Faction Champions in ToC or if your missing some Feral Druids in your raid for the damage debuff, in which case you might want to.

  6. #6

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    Quote Originally Posted by Davantius
    I say drop 100 hit rating and stay Fury, it should be superior, particually seeing how you have gemmed Strength instead of ArP (meaning Mjolnir Runestone would nearly ArP cap you already without the additional 10%, should you choose to get it in the near future) unless of course you want to switch to Arms for Mortal Strike debuff during the Faction Champions in ToC or if your missing some Feral Druids in your raid for the damage debuff, in which case you might want to.
    Dropping 100 hit rating is difficult. Everything has hit. And being well over the hit cap as a fury warrior has a positive feedback and shouldn't be frowned upon anyway. The reason i'd switch to arms is for trauma and blood frenzy. Fury would be superior yes, i'm not asking if fury > arms in my current gear. Obviously i'd regem and get a new weapon.

    Ok forget all i said. Let's say you have two warriors, one is BiS Fury, the other is BiS Arms. Is the dps quite similar or does fury just blow arms out of the water?

  7. #7

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    I've found with arms that it just tops out with nowhere to scale into, I have good gear, heres my warrior

    after you cap in arp, expertise and the like.. it just feels like theres no room to improve and gear upgrades felt minor, I love the arms tree it is alot more interesting then fury.. but fury is just better at the end of the gear chain in my opinion :/

  8. #8

  9. #9

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    Ah! Real data! Thanks

  10. #10

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    BiS fury will destroy BiS arms, every time, but that's not saying arms isn't still viable. I recently switched to fury, as we have several other arms warriors in guild that attend raids. As arms with only edge of ruin I was still easily able to hit 6.k+ on nearly all boss fights, 9-10k on trash pull aoe mobs. I personally would say, go arms if you already have a fury warrior you raid with and are comfortable doing so, blood frenzy is nice for the entire raid.

  11. #11

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    It depends if you already have a combat rogue and feral druid there is no point in going arms. Continue to be fury imo.

  12. #12

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    I do fine as arms, they're both decent dps...go with which one benefits your guild the most, and ultimately which one you have more fun with.
    When you shoop da whoop, you feel powerful and don't want to lose it, and then a guy in plate armor comes and turns your woop against the shoop, hence, making you got laz0red.

    Guild No Quarter -

  13. #13

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    I do from 6k - 8.5k dps depends on fight. Tank and spank like the first boss in toc 25 i do around 6.5k 6.8k.
    I have been thinking about try arms with spears of the damned. So gonna try it next reset and see how it goes:P

  14. #14

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    I'd say spec fury if your guild is counting on you to be putting out top dps and not worrying about the rest of them. Otherwise the raid benefit of arms is better.

    You can say "we have a combat rouge" but hey, having two isn't a bad thing. People die from stupid things, d/c or "accidentally" forget to put poisons on..... I've seen it happen, fun times :P

    Then you say "we have a kitty!" - well, show me a feral dps that is going to complain about not having to squeeze mangle into his/her rotation. The one feral druid I raid with loves it, and his dps goes up by at least 400-500 or more depending on RNG and what type of fight it is. I mean, every other GCD is going to be and overpower crit anyways, free mangle w/out the waste of a gcd!

    But I agree w/ Battousai, both are decent dps, just that arms is a lot less forgiving if you screw up you rotation

  15. #15

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    Very nice.

    I'm returning to my warrior after an 8 month hiatus, and am planning on switching servers and going arms to raid with some friends. This is the kind of thing I'm aiming for eventually.

  16. #16

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    yes, arms can be compariable but ceteris paribus fury will still be ontop...what arms brings that fury does not, however, is a few nice boss debuffs which can really help a raid (trauma and blood frenzy)
    as a point of reference, i have compariable gear slightly more optimized for arms (more armor pen and Lotrafen) and can pull ~6k single target up to 10k on kologarn...once you have the rotation down youll be up there on the meters, just get an axe and some more pen, youll wanna have no more than but close to 100% armor pen with trinket in battle stance

  17. #17

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhinox
    Dropping 100 hit rating is difficult. Everything has hit. And being well over the hit cap as a fury warrior has a positive feedback and shouldn't be frowned upon anyway. The reason i'd switch to arms is for trauma and blood frenzy. Fury would be superior yes, i'm not asking if fury > arms in my current gear. Obviously i'd regem and get a new weapon.

    Ok forget all i said. Let's say you have two warriors, one is BiS Fury, the other is BiS Arms. Is the dps quite similar or does fury just blow arms out of the water?
    Lets assume they both know how to play, the arms shouldnt stay more than 1-2% behind.

  18. #18

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    Think like this:
    The dps you loose from going Fury to Arms is evened out by the feral druids not having to bother using Mangle in their rotation. Looking at it from that POV the loss is smaller, if not almost non-existant.

  19. #19

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    Quote Originally Posted by idunno
    yes, arms can be compariable but ceteris paribus fury will still be ontop...what arms brings that fury does not, however, is a few nice boss debuffs which can really help a raid (trauma and blood frenzy)
    as a point of reference, i have compariable gear slightly more optimized for arms (more armor pen and Lotrafen) and can pull ~6k single target up to 10k on kologarn...once you have the rotation down youll be up there on the meters, just get an axe and some more pen, youll wanna have no more than but close to 100% armor pen with trinket in battle stance
    10k is a honest or provide a WWS.
    When you shoop da whoop, you feel powerful and don't want to lose it, and then a guy in plate armor comes and turns your woop against the shoop, hence, making you got laz0red.

    Guild No Quarter -

  20. #20

    Re: Arms still decent with top gear?

    Cleave glyph + whirlwind a lot? I mean, it IS kologarn. Three targets that never move and all share the same hitbox. Plus there's a lot of free rage from the shockwave AoE.

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