I seem to recall this idea but wanted to reincarnate it a little simpler.

We all know in Cata totems are going to completely change as the untility of shaman wont be completely from totems, which will rather cause effects than straight buffs, so the idea is about how to share these. 2 ideas:

Gift of the Elements - class wide: The shaman (and possibly party/raid members) receive an additional effect by being under the effect of four different elemental totem auras. Increases the chance to cover all enhancements done by totems in multiple shaman situations and guarantees shaman will want to utilize all 4 classes.

idea 2: an "echo" type aura effect, the shaman lays 4 totems which provide radial buffs, but the shaman that cast these totems also receives the same auras. This means a shaman will always be under the effect of their totems but will also act as a "4-buff-totem" to nearby members who may be within 40yds of the shaman but not the totems.