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  1. #141

    Re: Jaina, eager to find a flicker of Arthas's soul

    Quote Originally Posted by Gooblar
    Jaina dies. We get Bolvar back.
    Yes please.

  2. #142

    Re: Jaina, eager to find a flicker of Arthas's soul

    Quote Originally Posted by Taurentony
    I doubt 2 (3 with Arthas) major lore characters will die in a simple 5-man dungeon!
    It's a three wing 5-man dungeon. And with a dozen+ lore characters all involved at Icecrown, a lot of their stories are going to have to wrap up BEFORE the raid.

    Right now, we have Darion Mograine, the missing Alexandros Mograine, Tirion Fordring, Muradin Bronzebeard, Jaina, Thrall, Garrosh, Varian, Saurfang Jr., Bolvar, Saurfang the Elder, Alexstrasa, Sylvanas -- all with plots that revolve around Icecrown. All will probably be there in some capacity. A couple of these are probably bosses but they're bosses who will have a lot of story development there. That's 13 characters and I know I'm missing some.

    It seems almost inconceivable to me that you won't have to write out two or more of them in a single encounter, if not killing them then ending their personal quest.

    I'd say Muradin, Sylvanas and Jaina all seem like likely candidates for 5 man content because they don't seem to be played up as people who will be involved in the final kill if you look at WotLK as its own story narrative. Though the Wrathgate did push the idea of "Surprise! Forsaken!" So I could see Sylvanas ambushing Arthas out of nowhere.

    Wacky prediction: Jaina tries to spare Arthas, looking for that small measure of good in him. Sylvanas kills Jaina. Thrall, mourning, just hands the Horde over to Garrosh.

  3. #143

    Re: Jaina, eager to find a flicker of Arthas's soul

    You are either very stupid TC or a master troll.

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