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  1. #1

    How do you kill resto druid?

    Sireously, those mofos are so op :-\ I'm playing 2v2 with resto shaman(feral\resto shamy) and if we meet resto druid in opposing team its auto lose (only if resto druid\his partner is complete retard). We were trying to do everything with them, but they just wont die at all. Resto druids are the only healers i cant hurt, they just wont go below 50% of their hp. Can anyone explain me how the hell should i down those op mofos?

  2. #2

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    reroll warlock and then banish.

  3. #3

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    umm....weird, i always find resto druids easy...granted im on a mage or shaman and i can dispel/steal their hots...but they're also easy on my balance druid, just proc eclipse BOOM 3 17k crits in under 5 seconds

  4. #4

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Break one of their branches so they get upset, and while they're distracted get a mage to set them on fire.

    Apologies, I don't PvP, so I don't know.

  5. #5

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Start on the druids partner, put on enough pressure for the druid to be concentrating all his hots on them, but dont blow any cooldowns. When the druids got no hots on switch to him and try and force a barkskin and other CD's without blowing cooldowns. Back to his partner and repeat. Next time you switch to the druid you should have all your cooldowns and he should hopefully have none.

    This is our tactic for warr/druid as rogue/priest.

    Edit: Make sure your shammys putting lava burst/lightning bolt into him as well, that's like 10k damage right there?

  6. #6

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Complaining about resto druids when you play one of the most op specs in the game? Do Disc priest/faceroll feral and let him MB the druid while you put pressure on the dps.

  7. #7

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Just oom them...
    Attack the partner, let the druid hot him up to max, let your shammy friend purge the rejus and regowths, not the lifeblooms though. If hes fully hotted, switch target, pointless doing dmg to a fully hotted target. Keep on doing it and he will oom pretty quick

  8. #8

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    what you don't want to happen is have a frost mage as a partner and you and the resto druid's partner die, leaving the druid and the mage. Because then it's like scooby doo for 20 minutes while the druid runs away and the mage chases.

    spoiler: mage wins at the end of the episode.

  9. #9

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Have your Shaman constantly purging the Druid's HoTs as well, if his mana can take it. Also, purging Innervates is GOLD.

  10. #10

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Quote Originally Posted by MushroomBomb
    Have your Shaman constantly purging the Druid's HoTs as well, if his mana can take it. Also, purging Innervates is GOLD.
    true, but if the druid is smark he'll barkskin and then innervate to prevent the immediate purge. So be careful of that. You can still prevent a good mount of mana gain, but look for the barkskin to wear off first.

  11. #11

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Get axes, 1 handers or 1 2 hander, and stack haste.

    Recommended classes: Rogue (1h-1h) and then mutilate or fury warr (2h-2h). You can't bloodthirst as a warrior though treesapthirst doesn't exist

    Stat priority is haste and then strength, even as rogue.

    Search wowwiki for lumberjack builds. So far this is the only way to kill trees. However, you are screwed when they don't shift.

  12. #12

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Lazy down a [Basic Campfire] and hope they walk over it. :-*

    'And you give the plague to your healers. Who are standing waiting for it. Because they love you. Love also being a kind of plague.' - Raid Leader describing the tacts for PP 25 HC.

  13. #13

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    You shove a firecracker up thier arse and watch the show!

    But really, best way ive found as a DK is just to get diseases up, hit pestilence, and after s/hes fully hotted himself swap to his team mate, keep repeating untill hes completely oom.

  14. #14

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    i actually rolled resto shaman/feral druid, and i absolutely loved playing agasint resto duids. Here was our strategy... I was the resto shaman

    My partner would pop on the resto while i purge all of his hots off, they still heal him, but not for near as much as he would hope. I also hex whatever dps'er is on me to make him blow his trinket, and then my feral partner would insta-cyclone him and he would have to eat it for 8 seconds or whatever. In that time my partner would have a full rack of combo points, im still purging, i bloodlust, he savage rorars, berserks, does whatever else ferals do to deal a shit ton of damege, i interrupt healing touch or whatever else, throw out earthbind totem so the resto isnt going anywhere, and then he dies.

    Of course thats the ideal match, variables need to be taken into consideration, but thats more or less how every match against a resto druid would go
    merely-a-setback protodrake

  15. #15
    Bloodsail Admiral huangzhong9's Avatar
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    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Quote Originally Posted by MushroomBomb
    Have your Shaman constantly purging the Druid's HoTs as well, if his mana can take it. Also, purging Innervates is GOLD.
    screw that, spellsteal all of it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Larry_David
    "from injustise comes justise"

    hero member

  16. #16

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cosineoftheta
    true, but if the druid is smark he'll barkskin and then innervate to prevent the immediate purge. So be careful of that. You can still prevent a good mount of mana gain, but look for the barkskin to wear off first.
    they nerfed that, bs doesnt give resistance against dispel mechanics anymore ;<

  17. #17

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Purge is a dangerous tool and vs druids can be really bad if you just spam it mindlessly. My hint? Cyclone him to prevent hot or to made hot fade off him, cc druid partner and then have your shaman bloodlust/hero and spam purge plus some damage on the druid so that he can't full himself back, just throw berse+big cd at that point and hope for a kill if not, just try for a switch back or wait to have your cd up again.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hollow_Sorrow
    sugoi monogatari, onii-chan!~

  18. #18

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Quote Originally Posted by Krazen
    Purge is a dangerous tool and vs druids can be really bad if you just spam it mindlessly. My hint? Cyclone him to prevent hot or to made hot fade off him, cc druid partner and then have your shaman bloodlust/hero and spam purge plus some damage on the druid so that he can't full himself back, just throw berse+big cd at that point and hope for a kill if not, just try for a switch back or wait to have your cd up again.
    oh man, we tried everything. It's just not working on them cuz of insta NS
    I'm really frustrated, cuz resto druids are the only problem we have. it seems you just cant kill them at all, they are just too strong.

  19. #19

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Quote Originally Posted by feanix712
    umm....weird, i always find resto druids easy...granted im on a mage or shaman and i can dispel/steal their hots...but they're also easy on my balance druid, just proc eclipse BOOM 3 17k crits in under 5 seconds
    I find it hard to believe you are critting for 17k self buffed, especially in pvp gear. Hell even in pve gear there is no way you are going to do that to an opposing person with any bit of resil. Maybe 9-10k starfires but thats it. Sorry to call you out on it but its true.

  20. #20

    Re: How do you kill resto druid?

    Get your shammy to CC him while you kill hes teamate, them just dps him, hes just gonna heal till oom xD
    More Pewpew less QQ

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