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  1. #41

    Re: Ok so...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shivaen
    I'm hoping Druids will get new art for travel, tree and aquatic form.
    same here, but dont forget Moonkin, imo Horde Moonkin form looks so bad.

    Derailed the Cereal Thread

  2. #42

    Re: Class expectations

    My predictions-

    Paladin: Minor class revamp to make more of their support abilities spec-based rather than baseline - more tweaks to judgements/bubble/hand spells/buffs. Prot will need some restructuring so that they don't become too OP because of the changes to block - maybe they'll redesign holy shield and/or make it passive. Holy will get an AoE heal finally (j/k). The ret rotation will become less "faceroll".

    DK: More fleshed out differences in tanking and DPS styles between the 3 trees and perhaps a couple more raid buffs in some specs. Flashy new abilities that everyone will start to resent lol.

    Warrior: Arms will become more competitive (perhaps even overtake for a time) with fury dps and get a tad more flavor; Prot will probably get an AoE threat boost and some abilities trimmed/combined/redesigned to make it a little less bloated.

    Hunter: The basic "idea" of each tree will be tweaked to fit the focus mechanic. BM will likely have something that let's your pet attacks grant you bonus focus and vice versa, marks will have fewer cooldown-based attacks with steady focus regen, survival will still be the proccy spec - perhaps granting focus regen through them, perhaps also a bit more mobile.

    Shaman: More totems will be merged or redesigned into separate spells. Elemental be tweaked to become more mobile, but able to "throw" fire nova from range somehow. Enhance will probably get a little rotation change, with say lavalash or stormstrike becoming passive effects while being replaced with new spells. Their resources will get tweaked a bit perhaps. Resto will get a tweaked chain heal to make it more reliable as far as targeting, and atleast 1 more instant ability to make them more mobile.

    Rogue: Mute and combat will continue to get small tweaks in rotation based on gear, while subtlety will make another attempt at becoming raid-viable, hopefully becoming competitive with the others and establishing it's own niche.

    Druid: New updated and race specific models for tree and moonkin forms, including those for the new troll and worgen druids. More abilities will become castable in all forms. Resto will receive some changes to keep it from becoming too OP with the new style of healing, but in exchange may have the option to become more versatile - such as being able to contribute DPS without shifting or gain an on-command defensive cooldown like other healers have (but maybe shorter cd and must be managed). Bears will get their tanking tools brought more in line with other tanks, feral dps will get a little simplification ala 3.1 affliction lock, balance will get another main nuke to cast in their rotation (and tweaks to make them want to).

    Mage: Frost will become indisputably competitive dps with the others, and will be tweaked so that you have a reason to cast Ice Lance in your rotation (also making it more fun). Arcane's rotation will become more complex. The portal system will be tweaked to be more useful with the LFG tool and other recent improvements in transportation. Atleast 1 new shiny nuke.

    Warlock: All kinds of balance issues while adjusting with the new shard system - probably OP early on. Possible new demon skins. Rotations will ultimately become less about watching dots and more about combos/procs, especially in demo and destro.

    Priest: Holy will be a bit underpowered at first with the changes to healing strategies, but will be adjusted. Disc will receive additional tools for clutch healing. Shadow will receive a low cooldown instant nuke for increased mobility (or they will just redesign shadow word: death).

  3. #43

    Re: Class expectations

    Fury pvp makes a return and rips everyones dick/vagina off. arms has been our pvp spec since 1.12 and then in LK for 3 months we had fury, you think we could have something else besides arms.

    get rid of fear, stupid spell, not coz of its potential, but i dont think there should be a spell that makes you scared, i dont mean to be biased, but it makes more sense to be scared of a big motherfucker in plate gear with a 2 hander as big as the universe screaming at you rather than some puny guy in cloth throw some purple shit at you.

    make sub rogues more popular, i love vsing them on my warrior, i dueled one for an hour (not one big duel just little duels nonstop) and it was the funnest thing ever, i won some i lost some, but it was so fun, they are really fast and they jump all over the place and do this super stuff.

    give back old ret (i mean ret from BC, i miss seal of the crusader :[ ) old ret was the funnest class to play ever beats anything else.

    tweak the dmg : hp ratio so one ability cant take 1/3 of your hp away

    and generally make the game less retarded.

  4. #44

    Re: Class expectations

    Quote Originally Posted by Vojka
    give back old ret (i mean ret from BC, i miss seal of the crusader :[ ) old ret was the funnest class to play ever beats anything else.

    *Seal*, crusader strike, judge, *seal*...autoattack...

    That was super fun how? lol ><

  5. #45

    Re: Class expectations

    Quote Originally Posted by twrule

    *Seal*, crusader strike, judge, *seal*...autoattack...

    That was super fun how? lol ><
    there was more to it

    you also needed to use wisdom to prevent losing your mana, justice to prevent druids or shammys pussy off and rogues to sprint off. seal of vengeance to prevent stealthing or bandaging, also needed to use different blessings for dmg/healing and support your team mates, old ret wasnt just dmg dealer, as they did a lot of burst but at the same time you would support your team mates. sometimes to save mana you woul duse seal of command rank 1, tho as it was retarded, i liked old ret being very resourceful and using everything they had to stay alive and deal dmg and maintain mana and hold off bubble for as long as you can, now ret is all just numbers and a small amount of support.

  6. #46

    Re: Class expectations

    Warriors get a couple updates in tooltips and a statement that blizz wanted to look into the crap stance system but it being too complicated to mess with.

    \o/ yaay
    "Hey, you know what's even cooler than triceratops? Every other dinosaur that ever existed."

  7. #47

    Re: Class expectations

    Well I am hoping my mage will get a huge buff to her--

    wait, pancakes?

  8. #48

    Re: Ok so...

    Quote Originally Posted by PopCorn
    I expect new Paladin abilities will be overpowered as hell at first, and then nerfed to the ground. It happened every time before, it will happen again.
    Yeah because protadins didn't make every other tank stand in the shadows for maintanking for the whole expansion, holydins aren't severly overpowered at the moment and retridins aren't still up there in the top of the damage meters right?

    Oh wait...

  9. #49

    Re: Class expectations

    Quote Originally Posted by Vojka
    get rid of fear, stupid spell, not coz of its potential, but i dont think there should be a spell that makes you scared, i dont mean to be biased, but it makes more sense to be scared of a big motherfucker in plate gear with a 2 hander as big as the universe screaming at you rather than some puny guy in cloth throw some purple shit at you.
    You do realize that lorewise, a warlock is much more powerfull and way scarier than some puny warrior?
    Left unchecked, he could eventually get the burning legion back to Azeroth. Try topping that as a warrior.

    Besides, Fear is a spell that affects your mind. While the warrior has to be intimidating, the warlock can simply put some scary imagery in you head. What i would like to see is a somewhat more reliable way of telling where a feared unit runs off to. Always seems rather odd to see them run off into the middle of their enemies.

    For Druids i'd like to see a new nuke, perhaps spellstorm(arcane/nature) based, new graphics for all forms that do not yet have race specific ones and moonkin, and maybe replace wrath with something more nature related than a green ball of hurt. Doesn't have to change the effect, just a more appropriate grafic, like flinging thorns or something.

  10. #50

    Re: Class expectations

    Quote Originally Posted by huth
    You do realize that lorewise, a warlock is much more powerfull and way scarier than some puny warrior?
    Left unchecked, he could eventually get the burning legion back to Azeroth. Try topping that as a warrior.
    That's debatable. There are very few beings in the lore strong enough to summon a greater demon or being of similar power. Archimonde is the most powerful burning legion demon that has ever been been successfully summoned, I believe, and it took Kel'thuzad (that guy that you needed atleast 9 friends to beat) with the spellbook of the last guardian to do so. I suppose a playable lock would be able to summon a single lesser demon at a time, then set it loose and run before they were killed, repeating that process a thousand times - but they still could never dream of summoning anything strong enough to really matter unless there were a whole lot of them working together.

    There was also that warrior named Broxigar who was the only one to ever wound Sargeras himself, the most powerful known evil entity in the universe and creator of the burning legion. But eh, he was just a puny warrior .

  11. #51

    Re: Class expectations

    Quote Originally Posted by kabshiel
    Hopefully shamans will get Earthquake as a channeled AOE.
    I hope not =< I really enjoy how AoE is done for enhancement atm. I think elemental just needs to be able to get there firetotem at the target without having to move
    or maybe make Earthquake like DnD so you cast it once and its does it itself.

    Would we have to stack em?
    Blizzard is against raid stacking, so you will probablu only get a few waffles per raid >

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