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  1. #21

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    the drakes have 3! spells...
    Time waits for no one.
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a tatol mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.

  2. #22

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    HOC and HCOS would be better if there was blood and dancing bears with hats.
    QQ is the passive for every elitist.

  3. #23

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Quote Originally Posted by glow AU

    You have managed to show exactly how the community in this game has changed, for the worse. You want everything handed to you in 10m or you'll complain and throw the toys from your cot.

    You say it's ironic that Stratholme is the best 5 man they've ever made. Care to explain why? Take those rose tinted goggles off!

    You complain about the length of CoT, 'its absurdly long' you prefer things 'quick & easy'. The only irony I see is that Stratholme in original at level 60 was actually longer to run than CoT Stratholme by a massive margin. Not to mention all 5 players had to all run/fly there.

    Oh the irony!

    The problem with CoT is not the length. While it is a bit longer than the usual instance you do, the actual concern most people have with it is that you spend half of that time standing around. First, you have to zap some boxes. Ok, why not. Gets boring after some time, but you have to ride that way anyway. But then Arthas starts talking. And talking. And talking. I do not exactly remember how long he takes, but it is about 8 minutes until you start doing anything. While the lore might be interesting the first two times, the fun stops after the fifth time.

    The whole instance basically consist of the two elements : Waiting for Arthas to stop talking, and running around like an headless chicken. And there is no way to speed it up. On the contrary, with improving gear and dps, you really just reduce the interesting bits, so that there is on average even more talking arthas and running around.

    And Oculus was never "hard". It was annoying. I hate flying around on stupid dragons. However, i always did oculus when it came up as a random heroic, simply because flying around on dragons for 15 minutes is better than standing in IF for 15 minutes. That does not mean that i like that place. But if i have the choice between flying aroung on dragons, and killing stuff the usual way, the usual way will always win. The only exception from this is the quest in Stompikes where you jump from dragon to dragon and kill the riders. That was fun. But maybe only because you do it one time, and not every few days.

    A good instance, in my opinion, has some trash, which is not so far apart so that you can pull 3 groups together if it is too boring otherwise, and some bosses. No talking idiot princes, no flying dragons. I even accepted that every instance must be stupidly easy since wotlk. Though a "Very, very heroic" mode which would be actually so challenging that you would be forced to use CC again would be fun, too.

  4. #24

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganoes
    Back when Stratholme was current content, all instances were epic in length. This was standard. Stratholme wasn't the longest. And Stratholme was constant action. You didn't sit there for 6 minutes or so watching some lollore bullshit that everyone hates. You were fighting for your life the whole time in an absolutely epic instance loaded with challenge.

    Also, Baron runs weren't much longer than your current AOE and nuke 'em craze.

    And finally, CoS is the longest current heroic by a factor of 2. It takes about 30 minutes whereas the rest takes 15 or under. And there is no greater reward for running it.
    Strat was not constant action. It was not epic at all. It was boring, annoying and sometimes really frustrating. Baron runs were challenging and required a lot of strategy. I highly doubt you played the monotony that was vanilla.

  5. #25

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    worst thing about oculus, and EoE. is this shit.
    "Oh, you liked that class enough to play it ALL the way to 80? well, i have an idea.. Lets just take away ALL your skills and have you fly around with 12 year old's who WONT be able to adapt to such a big change."

    And then the 4 other 12 year olds in your group get to fly in circles dying to the random blue dragons all over the place, god help you if they actually get to one of the bosses. -_-

  6. #26

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ganoes
    Who cares if you don't like the vehicle system or not? Which heroic is actually fun these days? I've done them all many times. I really hope in Cataclysm there is no heroic daily. They are all boring. None are fun.

    Also, I think it's getting ridiculous. The first nerf was okay, but this bribe now? Silly. So people don't want to do Oculus and would rather accept the 15 minute debuff? Why, let them.

    Personally, I'm not a big fan of them vehicle combat mini-games, if I want mini-games, I play Mario Party or RRR on my Wii. If I have a complex class, and I spend many hours gathering the right gear, and studying specs, abilities and rotations, installing addons and practicing to play the class, then I want to play that class and not some stupid flying drake. I still do Oculus when I get it as random because who cares about 5-mans anyway.

  7. #27

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    I have yet to actually get Oculus in the randoms, at all...
    I'm just waiting for Blizzard to add an option to the random dungeon tool to say "Make mine Oculus for 2 extra Frost and a class-tier token"

  8. #28

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Last time i had oculus i actually completed my glory of the hero after month of only needing one oculus achievement. Seriously i hated Oculus so much i did not even want to run it for another Mount, thats how much i hated it.

    So i asked these nice randoms whether we could do i think amber void, they said yes, we facerolled the instance, i got my mount, ???, profit.

    Its cheap ass easy after all these nerfs and yes they actually want to bribe you for not leaving ocu. Just do it, its not hard.
    Awesome since 1986 - Armory

  9. #29

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    My biggest problem with Ocu is the dragonlings at the start.. So annoying to round up with DPS as triggerhappy as we have these days =/

    Second biggest problem is the players themselves.. People seem to just jump on the whinetrain and moan about the instance because everyone else do, even if late on the achievement gets unlocked on that char which have never run the place.
    Oh and the quitters ofc -.-

    Tbh mechanic wise HoL caused me much more grief than Ocu ever did with that darn dispersing boss that they finally fixed recently.
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  10. #30

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Quote Originally Posted by KandyCane
    If you really don't want to run Oculus, fine. Don't do it. The mount most likely won't drop either(see Skadi).

    I feel the same about Violet Hold on my Protection Paladin, but that's mainly because I can't keep Divine Plea up constantly and that means low, low mana(just like good ol' Black Morass!). The only thing I dislike about Oculus is the first trash, with all those darn whelps.

    Also, it's spelled Oculus. Not Occulus. One 'c', not two. It's all over these days and yet people fail to realise the correct spelling.
    Okay good I was hoping I wasnt the only person to hate VH. I too am a prot pally and I too cant keep plea up :l But seriously the only thing I hate about Oc, other than the fail people who (after how long now) STILL don't know how to do this instance, are the whelps at the beginning. Just a bitch to tank is all.

    Seriously Oc has been around since the start of Wrath and it seems like me and my friends are the only people who did it pre-nerfs. Even then it wasn't that hard, you just need to know what you're doing. Green drakes need to heal, red drakes need to keep #3 up and for the love of the almighty WoW God bronze drakes need to learn when to freeze and they need to realize that spammin 3 does jack shit if you dont use your #1 to consume your charges. Got Oc today and 2 of the 3 bronze drakes just sat there channeling their rift attack while the one bronze with a braincell got 10 stacks then hit 1. Ugh I hate ppl

  11. #31

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Maybe just put a chest at the start of the instance with all loots, frost emblems and 5 mounts because this place is too hard?
    Or do something like that in all instances... you will complete them anyway, even if it will take you 10 min or 2h so why wasting time when you can have everything in chest at the start?

    why people whine when there is something "harder" (if you can really call Oculus hard :F ... ) or not harder but different than everything else. Who cares if you like something or you dont its your life not our. When lots of people complain about something and whine Blizz is nerfing that things and that sux... from faceroll to even bigger faceroll.

  12. #32

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Occ is still way to hard. The drakes and the boss takes too long to kill and I always die from the orbs he makes and sometimes the whelps kill me because there are too much. The worst part is how long it takes, the animation for the dragon coming to you takes too long and dismounting should be easier. Also make your dragons have an AoE aura that would make it easy enough to actually ever win.

    (That wasn't serious. Occ is beyond easy now, I just want to see blizzard nerf it more, these constant nerfs make me laugh. It's like blizzards saying "IF YOU WANT TO SEE ALL CONTENT BY HELL YOULL SEE ALL OF IT!" rofl)

  13. #33

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Oc probably feels pretty damn difficulty to the drool swinging 1500 dps club of retards and halfwitted downbreeds that clog up the random system. These people lose to my holy priest when I'm healing. On dps. The drakes are probably a challenge no amount of free stuff will ever help them with.

    And VH is worse than Oc; it's longer and it has long horrible periods of doing absolutely nothing. I'd rather do Stratholme. The real one. If that place dropped badges for each boss it would be ... 14. Maybe 15 if we count the postmaster.

    God strat sucked.

  14. #34

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    I think it's funny how so many people always comes out shouting with foam coming out from their mouths "omg dont whine, Oculus is not hard, it's faceroll".

    Well imo, Oculus was never hard, the only time it was even remotely "challenging" was when I did it for the very first time because handling the drakes was a new thing, after that, it's more or less just plain annoinyg.

    The reason I find it annoying is because of the constant jumping in and out of the drake and flying around to some platform for 10 seconds and then jump back again and fly to the next one again, it wouldn't be so bad if you could just be on the drake most of the time without the constant dismounting.

    And no, I don't bail out myself if I get Oculus from the random, I treat it as any other heroic, it's just the most annoying one in wotlk.

    I think the way Blizz is going with the bribing is a poor solution, those people who hate Oculus enough to jump out right away are not most likely going to stay just for 1 extra emblem and a small chance for yet another recolored dragon mount, imo they should add something like extended dungeon cooldown if you leave so early on from the instance.

  15. #35

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    "occy" as its commonly term'ed is very easy, if you are unable to complete it or think "its too hard" then you are refered to as a "bad"


    have a nice day

  16. #36

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Then I'm a bad player succesfully raiding Icecrown, thanks.

    What I mean is, I probably could do Occulus, but yes, it is hard in clueless pugs, so I'm not ever trying pugging it - if I get it as random HC, /leave. And that's not even counting the dislike for the stupid dragon vehicles. I wanted to play a shaman, not a dragon. :P

  17. #37

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    I totally agree about nerfing oculus even more! If we are gonna use the drakes to fight the mobs, then at least add the ability to shoot lasers out of their eyes and shit nukes, or better yet - make an 23458927568902756holy dmg/sec aura that covers the whole instance to kill all the mobs and the bosses, becouse god forbid someone actually having to do something to get loot/badges.

    Please QQ about this a bit more.

    If you still find oculus too hard, dotn do it, be 50% of the poeple that auto-quit as soon as the loadscreen is over, i dont mind. I find the replacement in max 30 seconds and clear the place in 10mins.

  18. #38

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Man, I totally hate doing a 10 minute instance where none of the mobs are threatening, the bosses can be killed without moving them, and you can basically solo everything up to Eregos.

    Then getting 8 badges from it.

    It's a tough life. :P
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  19. #39

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Occ is not hard it is just boring as hell.

  20. #40

    Re: Are you trying to bribe me blizzard? (Occulus)

    Quote Originally Posted by john879
    Occ is not hard it is just boring as hell.
    Grab a green to start and tank 4 drakes at the same time without dying. Guarantee it won't be boring.
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