1. #1

    Why I choose to sit out of raids (semi-QQ)

    So I took a month off from WoW, and have come back to play for ICC. Naturally, I didn't expect to do well on dps, but I didn't expect to be dead last.

    Did they gut ele dps, buff everyone else, or is it just my imagination playing tricks on me?

    As it is, I've decided to sit myself out of raids. There are too many players/classes that can outdps me, it's just a detriment for me to be there. Is there anyone else in this situation?

  2. #2

    Re: Why I choose to sit out of raids (semi-QQ)

    An armory link would help. Also, practice and run ToC/ToGC to get both gear and experience if you need to. Everyone pugs ICC 10 so start off there, especially now that 2 wings are open, and use that as diving board. Elemental DPS is still pretty solid. Had a Shammy pulling 6k last night in ICC 10.

  3. #3
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Planet Reach.

    Re: Why I choose to sit out of raids (semi-QQ)

    Yea, armory link would be nice.

    Our second resto shaman went ele for Saurfang 25 and pulled ~6k in resto gear.

    Dunnot if you are talking 10 or 25 either, and what fight. Marrowgar is not a good measurement, due to movement.

    "Fate has made us enemies...But this ring will make us brothers." -Gravemind to the Master Chief and the Arbiter, (Halo 2)
    "Were it so easy" -The Arbiter (Halo 2,3)
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    <3 Caboose

  4. #4

    Re: Why I choose to sit out of raids (semi-QQ)

    Not in your situation but yes, Elemental is currently the worst DPS in a raid, and our buffs are no longer needed at all.
    Our set bonuses are horrible in comparison to other classes, our BiS items still contain cloth and we still do not scale with anything at all.

  5. #5

    Re: Why I choose to sit out of raids (semi-QQ)

    Yea, it's pretty much so. In a perfect equally skilled/geared/lagfree/no getting massively lucky with rng situation elemental is one the lowest dps specs at the moment. The set bonuses are horrible and to add insult to injury the 2-piece bonus bugs in random heroics so that you get a 7 day cooldown on your elemental mastery.

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